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eye drainage?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by BellaPoo, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. BellaPoo

    BellaPoo New Member

    Hi everyone!

    Have a question...do all Shihpoo's eyes drain...leak? Bell's eyes are continually draining...and her face is wet or looks wet all the time. Is this normal?

    Does anyone else have this problem with poos and if so, what do you use to clean their eyes? I did find some doggie eye wipes, but I'm not overly impressed with the brand. Any suggestions & help? THANK YOU!!

    Bella has a vet appt on the 28th & plan to discuss this eye drainage.
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I really don't think they should be draining continually. My shih-poos eyes tear up every so often but their face isn't wet or anything. I think it's normal that their eyes tear a little.

    Did you check with the vet, just to be sure nothing is irritating her eyes?
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree... Bailey's eye has the "usual" drainage... not much, but it's noticeable every once in awhile.....

    Is the stuff ooey-gooey? (thought I'd break out my "vet lingo" there)...? Is it thick, like perhaps from an infection? I'd also pull back the eyelids a little and see if the inside of the lids are pink (like their irritated).

    Also, it might not hurt to think back a little and see if you've changed her shampoo lately or something....?
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    All great suggestions/info above! :y_the_best:

    Your pup's eyes shouldn't be continually draining! If it's irregular in color (green, yellow, etc.), that's usually a sign or infection or other eye related problems. Other than that, have you cleared the hair around her eye's, been careful about what shampoos (and conditioners) you use on her, and so on?

    It's great that Bella has an appt. with her vet next week, perfect time to bring up this issue! Hope all is okay! :D

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