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Freckle's Rocks

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Freckles led the entire obedience class last night in "Wait", "Sit/Stay", and "Heeling". The trainer selected Freckles to lead off for each exercise. During the heeling exercise we had to negotiate a slalom course while keeping slack in the lead. Freckle's did so well that I heard a young girl say as we passed, "Boy Freckles Rocks". At the end of class he earned a Frisbee by sitting and staying until I had walked a leash length away then on command he laid down.
    The most interesting thing was watching Freckles intently observe the other dogs and handlers as they would go through the exercises. He seemed to be studying the performances. The other dogs in class couldn't care less and were content to lay down and gaze about the store or tend to their dog hygene.
    When we got home Freckles teased Duke with his new frisbee and Duke chased him around for fifteen minutes before Freckles settled down and started to eat the frisbee. I confiscated it after he devoured half a rim. Guess that'll show up tomorrow with the rest of that tennis ball. Red and green. It''ll be sort of decorated Christmas poop.
    Five classes down, three to go.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wow! Good boy, Freckles! :eek:

    How much are you working with him at home?
  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Not enough for his apparent intelligence. Duke makes it difficult to work with Freckles as he wants to be in the middle. Of course Duke is instantly obeying all the commands and looking for a reward. Both become jealous if the other is getting attention. Thank goodness I have two hands to pat heads.
    I have to find a way to work with Freckles alone without Duke feeling left out. I'll have to set up a schedule where Dukesmom can spend time entertaining and distracting Duke while I work with Freckles. If I can get him to sit/stay until I release him, and come when I call then I will definitely advance Freckles to agility.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A lot of times I put Nala in a stay on one side of the room and then work with Bonnie. I go over and reward Nala every once in a while and tell her to stay again. I figure it's reinforcing her stay and helping with the proofing.
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree...... FRECKLES ROCKS!
    I'd be proud too!!
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Pretty impressive Freckles! :eek:

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