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Pitbull Mix found in trashcan

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by +OscarTheGrouch32+, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. +OscarTheGrouch32+

    +OscarTheGrouch32+ New Member

    hello, my name is Katie and i'm a fifteen year old girl in 9thgrade. Yesterday, 3/30/04, after my lacrosse game at my highschool there was a mixed pitbull found in a trashcan with the lid closed. the dog was brought inside and many people were petting it to make him feel safe. i was the first one for the dog to kiss and i got my mom to come look at him. we decided to adopt the puppy and he was taken to some vet to be checked out for shots and to be spaided. they have to keep him for 5days incase someone claims him.

    this dog is a mixed pitbull male, estimated to be 3-4months old and i am just curious how you think he will behave around small children in my neighborhood and household. i also have a black labrador-retriever female that is 3years old. her name is Nellie and she is very sweet, loyal, playful, snuggler, and most well behaved.

    i am making this post to ask any pitbull breeders, owners, or experts how they think this dog with react in its new surrounding's of my home (end of townhouse) and behave with the following members in my family besides my mom..brother 17 me 15 and little brother 7; and also with our family dog. please help. we have 5days till we can adopt the puppy.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Katie: You are so wonderful for considering any animal that has been thrown into the garbage. Everything you have done so far have been possitive, also your concerns. You sound like a person with a lot of love and compassion, so I feel possitive that your new pup, family, and other dog can live together without problems. I assume that the pup is a male and the lab is a female. That is a better combo than dogs of the same gender. Get him neutered and all his vaccinations as soon as you can. If you show each dog that they are equals as far as attention and socialize him with people, I feel that he will be fine. I just hope he has not suffered any physical abuse. Just keep an eye on him and how he acts around people and other dogs. I doubt if someone will claim him if they threw hom in a dumpster. Good luck!
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think its great you adopted him. If he is anything like the Pit Bull temperament he should adore the children in your neighborhood. With your siblings he should be fine as well, make sure you OB train him, Pit pups can also be very energetic and get really excited, this is great, but as he grows you want to have control of him otherwise he may jump on people out of excitement as with almost any dog. Its great that you got him at such a young age too, you will be able to mold and train him the way you want and he will bond closely with you. You want to socialize him to people, dogs, cats and new things. He should do fine with your female being older and already established and him being male, although Pit Bulls can be prone to dog aggression opposite sex it usually isn't and issue, even more so if you are raising him from puppyhood with her and he has been neutered. He may still become dog aggressive, I would say he will most liekly get along with her, he just may be aggressive to strange dogs. Hope everything goes well with him. Stick around the forum and you can pick up info and update us on him, be sure to share some pics as well in the future.
  4. +OscarTheGrouch32+

    +OscarTheGrouch32+ New Member

    thank you so much! i will keep you updated on him. i was just worried if he does become an agressive dog because Nellie is so sweet and would rather walk away then fight with another dog. (although she will wrestle with us but as soon as we want to stop we will kiss her or begin to pet her and she will immediately stop) she gets scared with little dogs so that would be the only thing that concerns me. Nellie sleeps in my bed with me and i think it would be nice if the two of them got along and would both be able to sleep with me. if not then thats fine also.

    but there is another issue that really worries me. i am in a divorced family and wonder if that will affect the dog. Nellie is fine with it and overjoyed when we come home but i'm scared that the pitbull will not think of me and my brothers as members of the house. also i have a very athletic family and me and my mom both go running during the week. would the dog be able to tag along?
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Tagging along with you guys while you run will be a really great and bonding time for your new pup. It will also socialize him with other people and dogs along the way. Divorce shouldn't be a problem. He will be over-joyed when you and your brother comes to visit. Pitbulls and all dogs love LOVE, and the more love you give them, the more they will give you. You sound like such a sweet person. Good luck to you.
  6. Meg04

    Meg04 New Member


    I adopted female pit bull mix from a sheltor about five months ago, her name is Zoe and she has been a joy since the day we brought her home. She was 1 yr olf when we adopted her and like your new dog she was abandoned (along with her baby puppy) in the middle of the night by her former owners. She made it but her puppy died. At first I was worried about aggressision considering all she had been through, but she has turned out great. I love her so much and she is spoiled rotten.

    I think its wonderful what you are doing and please keep us posted.

  7. +OscarTheGrouch32+

    +OscarTheGrouch32+ New Member

    I have another question. i've been reading around and checking out the site and have heard that pitbulls are not like labs ect. and im just curious what does that mean? i also have read that pitbulls should NOT be left alone with other dogs but what am i going to do about Nellie and the pit puppy when we get it? if this dog will cause problems with her then i will not get him because Nellie is incredible. we really got lucky with her. but when my mom goes to work and i to school the pitbull puppy will first be put into a crate i believe for a little while like we did when we first got nellie but then could we just put the pitbull in the basement? its a finished basement and Nellie doesnt like going down there anway. i just dont want either of them to get hurt and want it to be safe for both of them. but on the other hand im still concerned about the agression. this may sound horrible of me but i dont want me or my family, including nellie, to be killed by a dog we rescued.

    [Note: the pitbull has been named Oscar because of Oscar the Grouch who lived in the garbage can...the people at the vet called him that and my mom and i thought it was cute so we decided to keep the name]
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Each breed has distinctive characters, you'll hardly ever find 2 that are alike. I'm glad the APBT isn't like a lab or I wouldn't have one.

    They shouldn't be left alone with other dogs. You said he'd be in a crate and that should work fine. It would be very nice for him to be left in the basement to have all to himself. I wouldn't worry too much it is a MIX and they are oppposit sex and altered so you shouldn't worry about it. Know that it is a possibility for him to be dog aggressive (probably not with her though) and how to manage it. He may not like strange dogs once he grows up. But I'd say in this situation he will proabbly do fine in the family.
  9. Shady_Babygurl

    Shady_Babygurl New Member


    have heard that pitbulls are not like labs ect. and im just curious what does that mean? i also have read that pitbulls should NOT be left alone with other dogs

    That is true in the sense that no dog should be completely trusted unsupervised especially a Pit Bull. BUT I was not meaning that statement to scare anyone. I only want NEW Pit Owners to be aware that this breed in one of the loyalist, honest, obedient, funloving breeds out there but with their strength, they need supervision like most large breed, strong dogs. They are GREAT to own and to be a responsible pet owner shouldnt be a burden but a blessing. I have owned Pits ALL my life and I wouldnt trade them for any breed on the face of this earth. If I die and come back as a breed it WOULD be the Pit Bull. I hope the post I made about supervied Pit play earlier doesnt scare you into not adopting this puppy. You will be very happy with it, as long as you plan on being a responsible pet owner, which means neutering him, taking to vet for vaccinations etc, and ensuring he gets adequate love and attention. This breed is unlike any breed out there. If you have any douts still, research the standard for Pit Bulls and then decide. I think you will like what you read......GOOD LUCK! Kim
  10. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hi Katie, just wanted to welcome you to the Boards!

    You and your family have done a great thing by saving this dogs life! So glad to have you here.


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