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Help me please.. I'm a little worried..

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kcb, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. kcb

    kcb New Member

    Hey guys, i'm new.. Regretfully, the only reason why i'm here is because i'm desperate for some answers.. It's a weekend and there is no place to call right now.. You guys might be my only hope..

    We got a dog today (free) and he's the cutest thing.. He's a mix of lab and something else.. Anyway, we got him from someone who clearly wasn't really taking good care of him.. He was outside all the time and had fleas, and ticks really bad.. We took him by the groomer and they took the ticks off of him and we flea dipped him.. The thing that worries me is, the groomers said that it looks like he has hook worm or something, because he didn't have any blood in his gums or ears and wasn't very fat.. All he does is sleep, even when i put water and food right by him.. I know we're going to call a vet on monday but right now, there's nothing to do.. no place is open on sundays and we can't really afford to run him into emergency and pay $300 or more... Is there anything i can do? Is the puppy sleeping a lot normal? He's about 8 weeks.. He doesn't have any of his shots yet, either.. Thanks for any help..

    - K.C. Brawley
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Since he had ticks so bad there's a tick-borne desease called tick fever or (erlichiosis). He may also have autoimmune hemolytic anemia. That's where the body destroys its own red blood cells leading to severe anemia. Affected dogs may be feverish, lethargic, and have whitish gums.

    He can have hookworm. This is usually acquired before birth. He can be anemic, but you will notice a bloody, black, or tarry diarrhea.

    There isn't anything you can do until you're able to take him to the vet. Since he has not been vaccinated for the usual diseases, there's a chance he may be affected with something else.

    All of these are extremely serious and needs care of a Vet. Your only option would be take him to a 24hr Vet Emergency Clinic for now and then on Monday transfer him to your regular Vet. Sometimes even waiting a day can be too late.

    Good Luck on whatever you decide. Keep us updated on your little guy.
  3. kcb

    kcb New Member

    oh man, that stuff seems serious..
    i hate that he wont even eat or drink anything..
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That alone is very serious no matter what is ailing him. Food isn't as important as with him not drinking. If he's doing any vomitting or has diarrhea, he will become dehydrated really fast. His kidneys will quickly shut down. If he's not taking any fluids, he needs fluids administered through I.V.

    If money is an issue, go anyway and beg if you have to. Most of the time it's hard for them to turn away a sick puppy. I'd say, "Get in you car now and GO".

    Good Luck!
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I hate to say it, but it sounds more like Parvovirus to me. PLEASE take him to the EMS vet ASAP. beleive me. you'll end up paying a whole lot more in the long runif you don't. No vaccinations, plus fleas, ticks and worms has already lowered his immune system considerably. Parvo virus is probably your culpret.
  6. kcb

    kcb New Member

    yeah, we are.. we know we can't wait any longer..

    now his stomach is making weird sounds.. kinda like it's growling or something.. that might be just from hunger, though..
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Pale gums is very serious. Its a sign of anemia as another poster mentioned. I hope you can get him to the ER vet. Please keep us updated.

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