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Hiking in Malibu

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    The girls and I went hiking, the trail ended at a waterfall with a small pond infront of it, the water was nice and clear till my girls went in. :) I got some pictures I wanted to show.







  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    winnie: Those are really neat pictures!! Your doggies are having a blast. That is really a beautiful spot you're at. Do you live close by it? If I had such a neat place like that near me, I'd be in HEAVEN!!
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OOOOOOH that looked like heaven for those girls!!! The weather has been soooo gorgeous lately (I'm just up the road from ya... err.. so to speak), so I'm sure they needed that dip in the water to cool off!

    Thanks for sharing!!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Those are great pictures! Thanks for sharing. :D
    Is that light colored dog Sydney?
  5. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Nern...yeah the light yellow one is Sydney the terror. :)
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Malibu Barbie Babes. What fun their having. We drive up their once in awhile. We like to head up into the hills to a place called the rock store. It's a biker stop. I accidently call it the rock house sometimes, LOL Its nice up that way.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    She grew up nicely...what a pretty girl. I don't know why but I thought Sydney was brindle. LOL. Maybe I got her mixed up with Lana.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Lana is the brindle? Wasn't she a LOT smaller just recently? :)

    It looks like they are having a GREAT time!

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