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Henry Morgan Arrives.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by JT, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. JT

    JT New Member

    Henry Morgan arrived today. He's six weeks old...black with white paws, a white chest and a white spot on one side of his nose. Henry was one of five kittens. I think he will turn out to be a nice pal. I wasn't sure I was ready to get another kitty cat. My Harry died two months ago at the age of 15 but....Henry and I just seemed to click. Now i need to get educated about kittens again....It's been a long time. I'd like to wait to take him to the Vet until he's old enough to have his shots etc. And at what age does one have a cat neutered? Would appreciate any and all advice.
    Thanks to everyone for being so kind about my loss of Harry. Now perhaps Henry and i will hav a long and happy life together too.

    Best Regards to all Cat Lovers.

  2. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :eek: i remember you!!! and your harry cat.... :cry: so glad that you are back to the forum with your henry cat :m10:

    or kitten, i should say. well...kittens have shots at about this age...or vaccines actually. my vet did the eye and nose drops. they have two....one and then a follow up four weeks later.

    if i were you...i would take him in just for a check up. he needs his stool checked for parasites...make sure he doesnt have worms. the vet can give you worming medicine. they have a vaccine series when they are kittens to build their immune system. it is basically for upper respiratory and panleukopenia. i think its called "three in one".

    there are many posts about kittens on the forum in the past, i would also look through those. kitten proof your house...take all strings, poisonous plants, etc out of reach. premium kitten food that does not have "byproducts" as the first ingredient.

    wellness, chicken soup for the cat lovers soul, innova, felidae are all good. i am sure other people will post their preferences and advice.

    :wink: welcome back! :wink:
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats on your new kitten! :eek:

    Ditto on everything lynnhaz said. Age to neuter will depend on your vet...some vets won't do it earlier than 6 months of age while others will do it sooner. My last 2 kittens were fixed at 16 wks of age.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Welcome back. That's wonderful that you have a new kitten. As it's already been mentioned, you should take your kitty to the vet as soon as possible. Bring in a stool sample (the fresher the better, but up to 12 hours old, is okay). The reason for this is that a lot of kittens are born with worms. These worms can cause a lot of problems, so it's best to make sure your kitty either doesn't have them, or be treated for them if he does. This is not an expensive vet visit. Do you have any pics of him? He sure sounds cute. :mrgreen:
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    =P~ Hi JT. Welcome back! So good to see you again and congrats on getting Henry Morgan! :0018:
    Sorry no advice except have fun, I know you will and we want to see lots and lots of pics!!!
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    JT, how did you come up with the name Henry Morgan?
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Congratulations on the new addition, JT! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with him - I always seem to miss out on the kitten stage.
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i like the name henry morgan!!! :eek:
  9. JT

    JT New Member

    Thanks everybody. Henry Morgan and I made the first trip to the Vet this morning. He had roundworms....an upper respiratory infection and some discharge from his eyes. The vet gave him a Kitten Dist/ Up Resp Vac. shot and I'm giving him oral antibiotics and putting drops in his eyes three times a day. He eats like a horse...probably because of the worms I suspect. He goes back in two weeks for a check up and another shot. Sure hope he makes it. I had figured something was wrong because he sneezed a lot. Meantime I've gotten busy in the workshop building a sisal rope scratching post. Got the rope for about 8 bucks ....2 x 4's were here on the farm....sure beats spending upwards of 40 bucks for a prebuilt scratching post. As for the name, I had decided before Harry died that if I got another cat i was going to name it Henry Morgan. I'm old enough to remember the real Henry Morgan when he was on WNBC Radio in New York. Loved his dry wit. When the nurse at the Vet Office asked me my kitten's name everyone in the waiting room cracked up when I said Henry Morgan.
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Glad to hear you took him to the vet. I'm sure he'll pull through fine with the medication! Do you have any pictures yet?
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank goodness you caught his problems early. Luv to see his pic with the scratching post you're making! I thought the name Henry Morgan was like Stanley Morgan, you know, like investments or something and I live in NY. :oops:
  12. JT

    JT New Member

    Vene....now there's an ideal name for a fat cat....J.P. Morgan.
  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm so glad you took him to the vet. :eek: Especially considering all the medical issues he had. I can't wait to see pics of him.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    p.s. make sure you wash your hands before and after placing the ointment in his eyes. If he has conjunctivitis it's very contagious and you could end up getting it. As for washing your hands before, it's just so that you don't introduce anymore bacteria than necessary into his already infected eyes.
  15. JT

    JT New Member

    Hello everybody. Seems as though Henry Morgan has rebounded very nicely. The anti-biotics seem to have cleared up his infection and the eye drops the vet gave me sure cleared up his eyes. He's a happy kitty cat. He's developed a slight case of diarrhea though. I think I've been feeding him too much....ie, too large a portion at each meal. I've been feeding him at 7AM, Noon, Six PM and again at llPM. So as of this evening I've cut the portion in half to see if that helps clear up the lose stools. Would love to hear from any of you whose kitten has experienced diarrhea and what to do about it. By the way, he has been dewormed.
  16. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Diarrhea can be caused by a lot of things. I don't know what antibiotic your vet prescribed for him, but certain antibiotics may cause diarrhea. What kind of food are you feeding him? Are you feeding him hard and soft food? Growing kittens need a lot of food. In my opinion cutting down his food intake by 50% is a bit too much. You can feed him soft food 3X a day and have hard food left out for him at all times. Once he's done eating his soft food, remove any left overs, as soft food can spoil. I'm not sure if you let him have people food or treats, but if you do that may also cause diarrhea. I hope he feels better soon. :D
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Contact Lynnhaz. She's the queen of kitten diarrhea.
  18. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    my gosh everytime i hear that i gotta laugh. what a thing to be queen of eh? ;) just teasin ya Lynn.

    JT> Razberry has super bad diarrhea, but i had been adding some water to his hard food so he could chew it better. Soon as i stopped adding so much water his stool hardened back up to about normal...

    Still havent got to the vet yet tho... :oops: :roll: but i WILL i swear! *runs away*
  19. JT

    JT New Member

    Hi everybody. I have an update on Henry Morgan. I stopped adding water to his food and by this morning his stool had hardened up. All seems to be normal with this little guy now. We left him alone in the great room for several hours today and the place is still in one piece. He plays hard and has really taken to his sisal rope scratching pad I made for him. So much so, my sister in law has now brought over a coil of rope so I can make her cat one.

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