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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by geenamabob, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. geenamabob

    geenamabob New Member

    I woke up this morning and i found Jenny dead. She has a doggy door and suring the night she went outside and when i came outside in the morning looking for her i found her dead on the street, my best guess was it was a hit and run. No one saw who did it and i really want justice for what happend. Does anyone have any ideas?
  2. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    OMG I''m SOOOOo sorry for your loss.
    You talked to all your neighbors? They didn't see or hear anything? Are you sure she was hit? Are there any other dogs that could have killed her? Again I'm terribly sorry for your loss. :cry:
  3. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I'm very sorry for your loss. It's very hard when you lose someone you love. My first question, how did she get in the road? Did she have free run or did she get out of the fence? Unfortunatly (this depends on the laws where you live) because she was in the road even if you could find who did this there wouldn't be any justice. It is the owners responsibility to ensure the dog is proparly contained. I would never leave myself if I hit a dog but some people just don't care. Good luck.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Isn't Jenny the same dog that was stolen from your yard last week? I didn't know that you had found her.

    I'm sorry about Jenny.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I smell something fishy too....sorry ifmy intuition is wrong her. But you just said that your dog was "lost" or "stolen" the other day. And in another post you were saying you made sure you took her out mulitple times per day and walked alot for exersize....When did you find her, and when did you get the doggie door??? Sorry if I'm mistaken here...but I would have figured you'dhave told us you found her.......

    If I'm wrong I'm terribly sorry, and sorry for your lost.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. As another poster mentioned maybe a neighbor heard or saw something?
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Maybe this is how she found her?
  8. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I'm really sorry for Jenny. And I'm sorry you have to experience losing your pet...but I also have to jump in here and ask....Why did you let her go out on her own during the night? Our dogs depend on us to keep them from harm, and most dogs just don't get the whole road and cars thing well enough to be let near them on their own. And as for seeking justice on the person that did it....if the dog was out at night and ran out in front of them before they could see it....and possibly they did stop, but didn't know where the dog lived, and it was too late to do anything...or if it was very late at night, some people are afraid of going around knocking on doors.....there ar a lot of possible scenarios. It's possible that this person did nothing wrong, and may be feeling horrible about what happened, but is not at fault because the dog should not have been out at night where it could wander intot he road. So, like I said, I am very sorry for Jenny...and I hope you will take something away from this experience about taking care of a pet. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh...but people have to take responsibility.
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM very sorry for your loss. But I have to say Jenny's death could have been prevented. With that said it's so IMPORTANT to learn from your mistakes. As far as the person who hit your dog indeed they should have stopped to let you or a neighbor know they had hit your dog. But it is also a possibility they did not know they had hit Jenny.
    Last winter my kids and I were traveling down a country highway and a dog ran out in front of us and rather then swerve and hit another car and risk my life as well as my kids life I had no choice but to hit the dog I was going to fast to stop. The dog died on impact I pulled to the side of the road and got out to move him to the side of the road and check for tags but he had none not even a collar. So I went from door to door looking for his owner finally after about the fifth house I found his owner but they were completely unconcerned the guy just said to me "Oh well that dog never would stay in his kennel he kept jumping it." And a "Thanks" was all he said. I felt terribly sad and I was very very pissed off nad of course my kids were crying their eyes out! So I asked the guy if he was going to come down to the road and get the dogs body and bury him? He wasn't going to his plans were to leave him and wait for the city to collect him! So I called my husband and had him drive with his truck to pick up the dog and bring it home so we could bury it. The dogs name was Frisco from what I gathered from his a**hole owner so he's now buried in our backyard.
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i find it really bizarre that someone would let their dog have free access to the neighbourhood as if it were a cat. even then, i dont let my cats outside. what is wrong with people??? :roll:
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    what's the problem? Dogs have instincts, they know don't get run over, don't get paint on themselves so it makes it easier to burn, Geez dogs aren't as smart as they used to be. I guess now I should start bringing my dog in at night and feeding my cat. What has this world come to!
    I am totally being sarcastic. People need to remember domesticated animals should be taken care of.

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