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My Parakeet's wing is bleeding. HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by kennedy, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. kennedy

    kennedy New Member

    When I got out of bed this morning, both of my parakeets were fighting with each other as usual. This happens on a daily basis and I was wondering if it is because maybe the two are the same sex, I don't really know. Anyways, I noticed some blood on the cage and then saw one of their wings was pulled slightly back and underneath it was bleeding. If anyone knows anything that could help PLEASE let me know. The birds are my nine year old sister's and we are all upset. Thanks for everyone's time and information.
  2. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    take the birds away from one another do you have an extra cage?
    take the ingered bird & gentily wash the wing that Is bloody
    If after you wash it It Is still bleeding you will need to stop the bleeding or the bird could die from blood loss
    Is It a cut or a bloodfeather that is bleeding? If It Is a blood feather you will need to pull it ou tor the bird could die cfrom blood loss
    blood feathers.....


    let me know how it goes
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i have to agree on this one these birds need to be seperated and the bleeding stopped.

    If this has been happening on a daily basis why have they been kept in the same cage its now breeding season for birds and this can cause birds to become very agressive especially if you have 2 of the same sex in the cage.

    Please keep us posted on how its doing.

  4. kennedy

    kennedy New Member

    Yes, I have an extra cage and earlier today we seperated them from each other. Since neither of the birds had ever inflicted an injury upon the other, we never thought about seperating them until now. And yes, it was just a cut and the bleeding had stopped almost right after we discovered what had happened. Also, my mom read on the net that cornstarch and flour mixed together would help, which is what we did. Thank both of you for your inputs, my family and I really appreciate it and we will keep you all posted on how things are going. Once again, thanks to everyone so much.

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