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how can i tell if my min pin is pregnant

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Anita, Aug 22, 2004.

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  1. Anita

    Anita New Member


    I have a wonderful 4year old min pin. She is a big part of our family. My inlaws have a jap chin who we also adore. Each of our familys wanted another pup so we have just recently breed the two..both dogs are in great health and were okayed by vet to breed. We did not do this for money we did this because we both love our dogs so much and wanted another. Min pins do not have very big litters so we will proberly only get two dogs..if we get three thats okay...we have lots of room fro them.

    My question is how do i know if she is pregnant? They actually did the act 5x

    also does anyone know what a min pin crossed with a jap chin would look like...we dont really care..but being human we are very curious.
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i dont like crossbreeding but then again mostof the cross breeds out there are cute dogs.

    When did your female first come in heat and when did she first accept the male i will be able to tell you more if you know these dates.

    Some dogs go through what is called a phantom pregnancy and go on to show some or all of the signs of pregnancy right upto giving birth to the imaginary puppies.

    The best way to tell if she is pregnant is an ultrasound scan same as what a pregnant woman gets this should be done around 30days but 35days is better the vet will then be able to see if there is any whelps and if he/she is good at the scan can usually tell you how many whelps are in there but they can not tell you if these will make it full term...

    The first sign of pregnancy is usually indicated with the nipples becoming pink and swollen again this can also be seen in a dog having a phantom pregnancy.

    If you email me with the dates i can tell you roughly when she will whelp if she is indeed pregnant....

  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i know how to tell if a dog isnt pregnant. BY SPAYING IT!!!
  4. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    Try reading the WHOLE post.... :roll: instead of jumping to conclusions

    from the orignal posters post.....
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    maybe you should read it? i dont support the breedings of dogs so family and friends can have 'mini me's' of the parents. it just doesnt work out like that. people get bitterly disappointed when they find out it isnt just like their other dog. if you want to support mindless breeding thats ok.
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Yeah. What happens if the pups don't turn out like the parents? Or they don't turn out like you thought they would?
  7. goob

    goob New Member

    More importantly, what happens if pups inherit the large Jap Chin head, and the poor min pin can't pass them? :shock: Nice thing to put someone who's "part of the family" through, all for your own selfish wants :roll:
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh also, you say you arent doing it for money but you really are. you say both families want another dog, well, why not just buy one? oh wait, you can get 2 for free by doing some dodgy breeding eh?
  9. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    In my opinion, if someone does not know how to tell if their dog is pregnant, then they clearly are not of the proper knowledge to be breeding her! I have no idea how to tell if a dog is pregnant, but I never need to know because my dog is spayed!
  10. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    ok... I looked up on google what these two dogs look like...

    the min pin has very short hair with a longish nose. The other has long hair with a smooshed nose. Why oh why would you want to breed these together? I can't imagine what the pups would come out looking like! Maybe... a smooshed nose with short hair? ewwwww!!!! I hope she isn't pregnant and you really think about this some more. I really don't think this would be a "good" match at all. IMHO.

    I do understand that you want another dog... really I do. We have 3 dogs ourselves. But 2 of those are from the pound.
    There are rescues for both of those breeds I believe. They sometimes get pups if that is what you are looking for. I think that maybe you should check into that before breeding.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    First of all, if you don't know the answer to that question, you should have been even thinking about breeding.
    Secondly, no vet in their right mind would advocate breeding two un registered, unprooven, NOT THE SAME breed dogs!!!!

    If the same vet approved both dogs to be bred to one another, he made a HUGE mistake. That Jap pin is going to throw a HUGE head on those puppies. NOt to meantion, the puppies in a Jap pins litter are much bigger. Min pins have small puppies with frail little bodies. From what I've read up on. Jap pins are bulky an dborn with a number of health problems.

    Are you willing to spend the extra thousands of dollars it's inevidably going to cost you, and risk your "precious" dogs life? Cuz thats what your doing. She will probably have to have a c-section birth, not only that, she's going to go through some complications that no normal breeding to a min pin would incounter. Min pins are fragile little dogs.
    they only have one or two puppies because THATS ALL THEY CAN HANDLE!!! Jap Pins have more...bigger pups....see my point here????
  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    EEK! More unknowledgable "breeders" ey? I hope everything works out in the favor of the dogs, and the mama doesn't die or get sick from complications.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Jap chins have more puppies? Really? They are tiny dogs!

    I am not going to give my opinion on breeding two different breeds, etc. But I will say that I agree that if you don't know how to tell if she is pregnant, you don't know enough to be breeding her!!

    You'd better get reading NOW and talk to your vet and a knowledgeable breeder. There are MANY things that could go wrong and you need to know how to handle them BEFORE they happen.

    You should have done the education part before breeding them. Since you didn't - GET TO IT NOW!!
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Your pups will either come out sort of long muzzled like a min pin or short muzzled like the Jap chin. People mix the shituz and the poodle all the time and everyone seems to like what they get. I would not do it. But I'm just saying if you take a look at mixed dogs with similar body shapes you will have an idea of what they will look like. Coat wize you could get a mix or one or the other.
  15. Anita

    Anita New Member

    my lovely min pin

    ***Edited by moderator***
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