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RESCUE COCKAPOO ...Need to find home

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Hi all ,
    the other day I was at my bargain outlet and was doing payroll ,when in walked my brother and said "Do you want a dog "
    Well ,knowing my brother the way I do ,I was leary and was thinking he has something fishy up his sleeve ,but I looked at him and said .."okay ,but it better be a real one and not some stupid stuff you've come up with "
    He laughed and I thought 'Okay ...he is playing some kinda joke ...so brace yourself '
    A few minutes later he returned and with him was a little girl in tears holding a puppy .
    She handed me the puppy and said "Can you please take my puppy ,my Dad hates it and ...."
    Well ...I finished the line cause she couldn't ,I said "and he is mean to it " She nodded her head and i said okay ...
    Now I know the father of the little girl and knew it would be okay to take the dog well....like I said ...I know him ..His family owns the business next to mine .
    Any way .,..the puppy is about 4 months old ...a Cockapoo ...female ...cream with buff (light apricot ears ) very sweet and at first was scared to death of my husband ,it was late Saturday evening and my vet was not open so I gave the first shot (the littel girl said her dad would not get it it's shots ) ...
    Monday I will take her to the vet and we will have her checked ,she is comming around and loving on my husband .now ,altough we wondered if she was damaged for good on htat score ,but she isn't .
    need to find her a home ..
    Will have all shots required first and will only charge any fee to get her to you ...Please help a sweet little baby find a loving home .
    She is not one of mine ,I would never have let him have one ,well...anyway ...I do not know the parents or the breeder .Aparently a friend gave the puppy to the mother for the kids or something (they are divorced and the mother and dad take turns with the kids ) something like that anyway .if she is 4 months ,she will more than apt be about 15 to 18 lbs from her looks ,now that is a guess only ...
    Thanks ...
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    BUMP! :shock:
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Oh my gawshhh! sounds like that little girl was in the right place at the right time (hence Malti-the-angel to the rescuuuuuuue!!)

    Now we all know that I'm NOT getting a second dog right now.... so don't eveeeeeeeeeeeeen try it :)

    But would still love to see a picture of her :lol:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Now, I don't think that I'll be taking in another dog any time soon, but I too would love to see a pic if you have one! :D
  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Now ,you guys know I can't get a pictyure to work here and I have tried and tried .
    But I will put it on my site (rescue ) and five you the link as soon as my modem comes in and we get it in the computer .Lightning struck and killed my modem even though I had the saftey thingie ...2nd time ,so I am on a lap top that barely gets e-mail .Give me a day or so and we will be up and going with the computer ...She is cute and sleeps right on top of me ..She just needs a loving person to care ...so i am looking for one .
    Pass the word ..
    oh and Monster ...I ain't no Angel ...just ask the people that have been trying their best to cause all types confusion in our contest (not any of you so don't get the idea it is ) ..I am not so nice lately ..LOL !

    Talk to you all later ..
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh malti.. you're just fighting for what is right and fair. Don't let those people cheat! :)
  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Wanna know their latest ?
    Well the other day ,I came home and got on my computer and over one hundred e-mails from the minipoll defaming the site from one isp ,the only person that has ever voted from that isp and it matches her e-mail is a member of their group and a former winner of the contest .Clogged my e-mail so e-mail that day other than that bounced ,couldn't get through and
    I got so mad cause I know our sponsers won't sponser that winner and so I got on their sites and give them a hassle ,one evicted me ...like I care ...after I told her via e-mail I would have my attorney contact her next time she wrote me a threating e-mail ...then I wrote the owner and she won't write me back ,they are mad cause Barb's maltipoo and Gracie and Trixie was doing good and I have banned at least 3 of their people because of voting over and over ,jeezzzzzzzzzzz ....I wish they could just settle down and vote like people should and be nice ,anyway I have to present this to the sponsers of the Pet of the Year ,the littel baby may be dissqualified because of it and it is not fair to her cause they are all bitter cause they can't take over a contest .Did you know they have on hteir groups that I don't like schnoodles and that is the reason I have banned their isps...and one won our contest and the other has admitted in an e-mail her family was double voting and she took polls at churches and had over 700 votes for one pet ...now ,I could take a poll at mine and they would all say ...yeah ,put me down for your pet ...out of this world too silly for even thought ...I better shut up or I will not have a good night thinking about them .
    Oh well ....I do know this contest will be fair or I will die trying ...
    Back to this little girl ...pass the word !
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    My goodness Malti, how ridiculous is all that...sorry you're having to put up with all that!!! :?

    You'll have to let us know when you get the pic of the cockapoo on your site so we can take a look, it sounds like she is a real sweetheart!!! :wink:

    Good luck! :D
  9. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    It is silly isn't it ? because they can't come in and do a takeover I am being bombarded and accused I don't like this person or that person or this type dog or that ...
    Lord have mercy ...I LOVE ALL ANIMAlS (except snakes and bugs and rats ...uggggggggggggg) I like all people too until they are just out on the out mean spirited ,but some groups (run by certain people that only let their people have a say ) are people that get on my nerves and cause me no end to trouble ,cause I have a mouth on me like a gator and use it to let em know that what I say is what I mean .....LOL ! Am I back ? Oh well ...I think this place is addictive ....I gotta go to a 'group theraphy session to get out ! LOL !
    Oh Lord ....I hope none of them are in the theraphy group ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ?????? :roll: :shock: 8) :wink:
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LOL, tell me about it!!! :mrgreen:

    Hey, I don't blame you, if I were in that situation, I surely wouldn't keep quiet about it either!!! :m3:

  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Good Lawd, Malti..... those people are terrible. Not to mention STUPID to think they can even mess with you!!!

    And ummm...you don't like snails either, rememberrrrrrrr? :)
  12. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Ever heard that saying ,Don't mess with Texas ...well just put my name in and leave off the Texas and the meaning is still the same ! LOL !
    though Monster ,I have had a time with them .
    And would just love to come face to face with a couple and me in a good mood ... :0009:
    or even in a bad one :m26: or oh well me bad ! LOL !

    Oh And I like snails ...LOVE TO MELT EM ! :eek: :wink:
  13. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hey, don't feel bad Malti, it takes me about 3 days to figure out how to successfully post a pic here! :shock:

    I had goosebumps reading what that little girl said to you. She's a brave little girl.. I do know a couple that would love a dog but I know they can't have one right now since they live in an apartment :cry: I'll let you know if I find anyone!
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She is a very smart little girl. She must have loved that pup very much to save it from her father.
    Those voting persons know they are in the wrong. I am sure they think because its you running it, that you will fix it for them. Just keep doing the right thing and you'll have no reason in the workd to feel guilty about it.
    It is a darn good thing you have August and september sites different colors, becuase sometimes thats the only thing that reminds me I voted on that month. Being I go from one to the other. I never quite do them in order or anything. Being that I try to do it everyday, I have to stop sometimes and say to myself, Self did I vote for that pup today or not. LOL One day seems like the next sometimes. Dayshavue(sp) how do ya spell that.
  15. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Who are you shaving today June ? LOL !!!!!!
    de-ja-vu ...somehting like that anyway ...
    I know how to spell it but for the life of me I can't remember ! I have had that problem ever since the lymes ,have it in my head (and as you well know it always comes out my mouth ) but when I go to write it ...I can't remember ...Oh well ...more time with the tectracycline I guess ! LOL !
    Actually some of them on that board do know me ,most don't however cause i am not a member regular .I joined once a long time ago and then didn't continue ,went to another board cause they fussed alot then so I quit ,it has been a really long time ,I was only there a week or so ,think I posted once ,I was with aol hten ,the other I never joined until they started putting their pets in our contest .Heck ,i joined so I could get to know alot of them I didn't know ,but the only time I posted cause of me leaving for Maryland ,was after I returned and had more problems with them .I think some people just can't win or lose without being butts(hope that is allowed ) ...anyway ..
    I suppose they are all good people to a degree ,I think some however want to rule or everyone be d_ _ _ _ D !
    Problem is ,I have to rule that contest cause I answer to the sponsers ,like the Animal Clinic and others that want a fair contest as I can make it ...so ,we take one day at a time .
    Hey ,I am more than apt being called all types names on there .But I don't really care ...LOL ! I know the truth ..the ones causing the trouble on the contest are going to the board and whinning and "o pity me " ...I told one girl plain ..."the only pity I have is for animals and children that are abused ,your pity party ...well ..I ain't joinning " This was the owner of the board that wrote me private with a bunch of threats and other junk ,like someone on her board could not do the things I said they did ...Baloney ! OSCAR MAYER at that !
    The one with over 700 poll votes (polls she and her firends took now where only her pet had a vote ...now I know alot of people ,but you ain't gonna get 700 to vote for the same one .I told her she needed to get on that board and tell the poeple the truth instead of letting them believe a lie ..Oh well ......I have the proof and I really should just let it go ...For my sanity anyway !
    Yes ,that sweet little girl was very brave and the puppy is doing fine ..Well ...gotta go ...talk at you later .
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Um, I'm shaving Dave, Dave a vue. I think you got it right. LOL Actually
    Sasha will get the whole thing tomorrow. She just needs some touch ups. Nothing major. I think Rufus will like that blow drier too. He hates his baths but love the brushing part and does not seem to mind the drier.
    You know I really don't know how or why people get their panties in such a twist over winning or not. It is supposed to be fun. It did not bother me one bit that I had my dogs pictures in and they had lost. I happy sasha won in July, but I'm not going to make anybodys day go bad if she did not. Heck I am so focused on voting on a particluar dog that most of the time I forget to even see if rufus has any votes at all.
  17. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    :eek: Dave ....huh ? I am going to have to talk to your second half about this ,you know .
    That means I have to get on my out broom and fly all that way to meet DAVE !!!
    Is it Letterman ? If so ,then I ain't coming ! LOL ! LOL! :shock:
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ah, ya know I'm kidding. though I would like to run a clipper thru my hubbie hair. It's longer than mine. He will not let me tri it above the shoulders. He likes to tie it up when he works and have no shorter hair in his face. He's a mechanic. I once trimmed his hair just a bit too short and he looked like the dutch boy. I could not stop laughing. Then he had to deal with the guys at work. LOL
  19. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LMAO!!!!!!! :lol:
  20. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It was sooo hilarious. There was no way in the world I could have kept a straight face.

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