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pictures of my baby

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by nakoma_star, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    Click to enlarge





    The last pic you can see the bump on her nose i have concluded it is from the flys and it is healing very well im very happy with sheeva she is a good dog
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Wow! She is a very gorgeous girl.
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    She is very cute. I hope the bump on her nose heals up fine for you.

    Did some one sell you her as a full blooded pit bull?
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I was thinking she looks a lot like a Rhodesian Ridgeback there are a lot of similarities. Here's a couple of puppy pictures of Rhodesian Ridgebacks.



  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Maybe a little, colors and build. Do Ridgebacks have dense hair like this pup, you can't tell from the pics that well.

    I was just wondering because of the people who sells pit mixes as pure and things like that, even some who have hung papers, or those who register them with shams from a pic. If it looks like it might have some pit in it then they will reg it. But sometimes people find stray dogs too who they think are pits but are not, just like when they get bit.
  6. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    My niece got her from the pound and they told her she was a full APBT but we think she has some boxer in her.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Her ears do make her look something like a Boxer they are cute, but Boxers dont have that coat type either. Its a mystery it usually is when you adopt but I'm glad to hear a life was saved, a number of breeds could attribute to a denser coat and the tail type. Its not really important I was just curious. It is always funny how I visit the shelters and they tell me that the full blooded pit bulls I see are "pit mixes" or "boxer mixes" like this will help them get adopted and at others pit mixes or mixes of completely different breeds no pit at all they tell you are full blood APBTs. I'll never be able to figure these people out. They work at the shelter for christ sake, but I guess they do what they have to for them to get homes or slap a label on them.
  8. goob

    goob New Member

    Even more sad is when shelters in BSL affected areas try to pass the dogs off as something else so they have a shot at getting adopted. One one hand, it's not exactly responsible to adopt an APBT out to someone who doesn't know what they're getting, but on the other, is it fair for nice dogs to die simply because of what they are?

    "Mastiff Mix"

    That's the only one I see on there right now, but in the past, they've been labeled as "Lab mixes", "GSD mixes", "hound mixes", and just about anything else you can imagine.
  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Could be, but other than color Ridgeback wouldn't be my first guess. RRs don't have that coat, usually have a longer muzzle and are not so stocky. One of the parents could have been part RR or boxer....

    Cutie though!
  10. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Oh my gosh, your pets are cute!

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