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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by busymommy333, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    HELLO EVERYONE this is busymommy the one deciding on a maltipoo or shihpoo well i went in a different direction and bought a cockapoo. :eek:

    I pick her up on saturday, wish me luck! I am excited but sooooooooo nervous about everything like her health and the breeder i am getting her from.

    I did a lot of reserch and she was the most willing to answer all :!: of my questions she even e-mailed me pictures of the mom and dad and her kennels, but i am still nervous until i get her and have her checked over i am holding my breath.

    Any suggestions on bringing her home she will be small and concerns i should know about? You guys were awesome on advice and help before so dont stop now. :lol: :D
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Congrats an choosing your new puppy!!!! :eek: Talk about going in the other direction! :mrgreen:

    Will you be getting a health gaurantee from the breeder? How old is your new cockapoo? I ask only because you say she'll be small.. just wanted to make sure that didn't mean you were getting her when she was 4 weeks old or something :wink:

    As long as you are comfortable with the breeder you chose and she was helpful and is a reputable breeder, all should be well! I do understand the anxiousness though.. I was 100% confident in the breeder we chose but it's still nice when you get that confirmation from your vet that she/he is perfect!

    Are you picking her up at the kennel? You must be SO excited!!!! Just 3 months ago I was in your shoes! Wait till you hold your girl for the first time... :love_y_t_much:

    Have you named her yet? Do you know what she looks like? Can I possibly ask any more questions? :lol:

    Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about her when you get her home!
  3. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    Hey poogirl

    she has a one year health gurantee, she gave me two refrences one from her vet and another from someone who bought a toy poodle from her. the vet was not nice at all they were totally against paying for a mixed breed, and the other person said the experience was great thier puppy is healthy and happy. I am basically going by her words and hoping she is honest. The breeder mostly breeds purebred dogs like toy poodles and cockerspaniels and has been doing so for about 10 years this is her first liter of cockapoo, but she has the mom and dad both on site. :lol:

    i am picking her up from the kennel, she is about 7 weeks almost 8 weeks , she is black and shiny and curly. :kiss_heart:

    we are still thinking of names my kids and i are having trouble agreeing on just one :!:
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Excellent! I'm sure everything will be fine & your furbaby will be perfect :D

    She sounds very pretty, I can't wait to see pictures of her! Just 2 more days!!
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    CONGRATS on making the decision, and getting your cockapoo in just a couple of days!!! :eek:

    Looking forward to seeing your pics! :y_the_best:

  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Well congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures .... cockapoos are such cuties!! :) what color is she? do you have a name picked out?? (20 questions here! hehe)

    oh, and my vet gave me a "hard time" about paying money for a mixed breed too! LOL....that lasted about 15 seconds and now the staff are madly in love with him.
  7. MicroMuttMom

    MicroMuttMom New Member

    :eek: Good for you! This is pretty much how I was a few days before Easter when we got our little Stella - also a mixed breed. Looking forward to pics from you soon. BTW, don't let people get you down about the mixed breed thing. When we were still looking for our pup, I checked out every SPCA website in our province, and though there were many beautiful shelter dogs available, they were all large breed. We live in a downtown condo, so it had to be a little dog for us. At the end of the day, I know Stella didn't come from a puppy mill, so I have a clear conscience - and I love my little dog like crazy, as I'm sure you will your cockapoo. Keep us posted!
  8. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Looks like today will b one of the best days of your lifebecause your puppy is coming home!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Can't wait to hear about your puppy !! :eek: Post as soon as you can!! :) and hopefully, you'll even have a picture or two to share :lol:
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    One of the coolest dogs our family ever owned was a cockerpoo. I used to think he was called a cocapoo. LOL He was the best though.
  11. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Don't let the people against buying a mixed breed get you down.
    You got what you wanted, you know where it came from and how it was treated...and that is worth alot!
    I bought a mixed breed puppy also, I was on a wait list for 3 months. (Shih Tzu/Bichon mix).
    I've had her for 1 1/2 weeks now.

    Puppyhood can be hard, lots of chewing, housetraining, ect. But after all the hard work you end up with a dog that is a joy!

  12. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Well said MollysMom!!! :-k

  13. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    well she is home and already has had a trauma!!!

    :eek: Hello everyone well me and my girls went to get her and that went ok the dad and kids were friendly not so much to mom but we got to see the mom and dad of the puppy and i found out the mom has cherry eye :!: :x i was upset was not told about this but i took her anyway.

    She is very small she is 7 weeks and 1 pound 12 ounces. And please believe i have read all of the puppy books about how to make the transition easy. Well as you all know i have a 2year old golden retriver who recently has been acting aggressive toward a little baby i watch and we have been trying to work with him on this.

    He seemed fine all day with the puppy they were actually playing together as much as they could he is like a giant compared to her but yesterday i made the awful mistake of giving them a treat and i went in the other room for a second came back in and heard yelping and i saw blood i swooped her up and took her to the emergency vet they think he scratched her cornea because they did not see an open wound. but now she is not acting herself :cry: i am soooo upset with myself and i just keep praying that she is ok :cry: i don't know exactly how to handle this. I LOVE BOTH OF MY DOGS AND I WANT TO MAKE THIS WORK ANY ADVICE :?: :cry:
  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm sorry, but I don't have any advice since I haven't had to deal with this myself.....

    I just wanted to say hang in there.... and lesson learned about the treats/leaving them alone. I sure hope the puppy feels better. Looks like you may have to SLOWLYYYYYYYY socialize them together.
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well, she will be ok. With pups they have to be watched at all times. They are just babies. What did the vet say about her eye?
    Don't beat yourself up too much. You will be onto the next day and new things to come.
  16. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I've never heard of Cherry eye, what is that?

    Well, I agree with Monster & Puttin. Lesson learned. My girls are best friends but even I won't leave them alone with treats. Emma swallows her treat whole, I swear, and Molly is like me.. eats nice and slowly. Well, Emma of course is done and then wants Molly's treat! So, I keep little miss greedy away from her sister while she finishes :mrgreen:

    My guess is that they just need time to adjust to each other, more your older dog because he is used to being the only dog. If he had already started becoming a little aggressive before getting your new puppy than I certainly wouldn't leave them alone together... not until his aggression problem is fixed.

    Good luck, I'm sure things will work out just fine :D
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Instead of me trying to explain what cherry eye is, I'll just give you a web site that does a good job explaining it :wink: :


    I've only seen two dogs with it (a Poodle and Cocker), and it isn't pleasant! :?

    I tried to find a site that had good pics of what cherry eye looks like in a dog, and this site had some good up-close pics (in case you're interested in seeing what it looks like):


    Anyhow, just thought I'd share!!! :D
  18. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thanks MyBaby! I'll check it out... however, I think I'll wait till after my snack... :?
  19. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    I'm so sorry to hear that you had a less than stellar experience with your puppy so far! As far as the breeder, my gosh, there is no reason she shouldn't have let you know about the mother having cherry eye! :x Especially since cherry eye is believed to be genetic!

    Concerning your other dog and the new pup, don't get down on yourself! We all make mistakes, like the others said, just think of it as a lesson learned! As you may already know, I wouldn't leave them unsupervised together until you are confident that they will get along w/out any problems. Just keep things even/fair, and supervised between the two! Individual one-on-one time is also helpful (ESP. for your retriever)!

    I hope things get better for you, as I am sure they will! :D
  20. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You're welcome PooGirl...the pics really aren't all that bad, trust me!!! :wink:


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