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Bala Shark Question

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by GodsChld, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    I have 3 cat fish, 2 bala sharks, and an oscar in my 125 gallon tank
    I was looking at the fish closely, as i do about once every 3 or 4 days to see if there is anything unusual. I noticed two things.

    1. My bala sharks, 1 in particular are getting red/orange tints on their tales. Does this mean there is something wrong or is it possible that they are getting this from finishing up my oscars color enhance pelets??

    2. One of the bala sharks seems to have a large blue/purple (dark) spot on its body, and it almost looks like a bruise of some sort. You can only see it if he/she is at a certain angle.....is there something wrong or is this normal for bala's

    The balas are about 4" long.....thanks all!!!
  2. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Unfortunetly, I can answer your question but, I think your tank is a little on the small sidefor that many fish, cause you need 55 gallons for the oscar, and ur balas will get up to 14 inches each and would need a lot of space and I don't know what type of catfish you have.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Could you post a picture?

  4. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Sorry, I think I miscalculated it. I guess your tank size is o.k.
  5. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member


    Dont scare me with this i dont have enough room stuff!!! The tank takes up so much space already, and i dont have the money to upgrade again.....

    As for the types of fish to be exact

    1 Tiger Oscar (4-5")
    2 Bala Sharks (4-5")
    2 White tip catfish sharks (i called them catfish, but i guess they are one or the other) (3-4")
    1 Catfish that i am not sure of the breed. It is silver in color with black spots, about 2.5" long....really long wiskers compared to his body size....and he is ALWAYS moving and VERY fast......i worry for his life as my oscar (walt) is growing quite fast and he is my smallest fish

    As for a picture i will see if i can get a picture of it tonight, but those bala sharks can never just stay in one spot....wish you could teach fish how to sit!!!
  6. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    Hey godschld
    I would too like to see a pic of the balas
    Also is this the catfish you do not know the name of

    If so it is called a pictus catfish
    And it will reach a size of 10inchs
    Your white tips could reach a size of 16 inch

    So your total of adult size fish is
    1 Tiger Oscar (12"-16")
    2 Bala Sharks (10"- 14")
    2 White tip catfish sharks (12- 16)
    1 Pictus cat if this is the unknown catfish about 10
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I'm sorry, I made a mistake and I already posted that I apologize for my mistake.
  8. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    Nameless: I was just kidding around with the dont scare me comment so i hope you did not take offense. Thanks for the help and i will try to get pictures to everyone tonight. Everything is very much appreciated!!!

    Fish Addict that IS MY GUY!!!

    It seems these fish do not grow at all, but that may be because my ocsar (again named Big Walt) is growing so fast.

    I know they will all be big fish and realize that i may have to get rid of one or two......but we will see what happens.....
  9. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Lol! No prob.
  10. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    I dont think you will have to get rid of some thats is a very LARGE tank,
  11. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Those white tip catfish (aka columbian sharks) will be a problem when they get bigger because they become extremely brackish/saltwater. They can tollerate freshwater when young, but need more & more salt as they grow.

    Other than that, your stocking sounds okay. If it where me, I'd get rid of the white tip catfish and maybe get one more bala shark.

  12. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member


    I am going to take some pics tonight and post them under a new thread! thanks again all

    Also you said "get rid of" the white tips
    How do you suggest i do this and will they die in the fresh water??? If so i think this is something someone should have told me upon buying all these fish together........especially when i made it very clear i know NOTHING!!!
  13. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    no prob if have anymore question we will do our best to anwser them
  14. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    See my other thread for pics!!!
  15. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    See if your LFS will take them. And if it's the LFS you bought them from, make a point of telling them they sold you fish that where very inappropriate for your set up (but try not to be rude about it).


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