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BRAND new PIT Owner

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Rhoxy217, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member

    We just purchased a pit bull I have read for months on the breed and talked too many people BUT I am still getting awful feedback from family members and I am getting frustrated please help. I sent an email with some great links for my family to read and stated PLEASE get educated and quit being IGNORANT they all assume cause its a Pit he will attack their kids! I have three kids of my own15 years 14 years and an 11 year old and I have educated them for the past 6 months about us getting a pit bull mainly cause my daughter (15) was afraid of that breed for no reason but what she has heard from other UNEDUCATED people.Anyhow I am so excited he is PURE white with one marking above his eye that looks like an eyebrow we decided to name him LUGNUT!! ! I would also love any tips on housebreaking and training advice anyone has to offer PLEASE!
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Congratulations on your new Pit Pal. I think we have another Diesel on here as well.

    When we first got our Pit Bulls our families and friends thought we were totally NUTS. Our neighbors were horrified. Now that everyone has got to know them, they don't even think of them as "THE PIT BULLS". They just think they're a couple of goofy spoiled dogs that LOVES everyone.

    Everyone is totally amazed how our Pits and our cats just lounge around together. They share everything, beds, food, toys. We're just one big happy family.

    So the best thing you can do is just introduce your family to your new Pit Pal and I bet they'll be scatching their heads and wondering what all the hype was about.

    Good luck and have fun!
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Congratulations on your new addition! I currently have three of my own and two fosters and they are all absolute joys! I also have three children a small dog and three cats and we all live happily together most of the time. Punkin the youngest is our problem child/doggie she tends to be the trouble maker and also the occasional cat chaser so she keeps everyone on their toes. I know exactly how you feel as far as the negative feelings towards Pit bulls from family goes. MY mother in-law believes I am Satan reborn for having Pit Bulls around my children. She never fails to report any bad news she may hear about Pit Bulls. So I always make sure I am armed with plenty of facts and positive Pit Bull press. It just eats her up to come to my house and see how well behaved and loving my dogs are....LOL...I love it! Kill em with kindness! Good Luck and Best Wishes.
    ~You can see pictures of my girls by clicking on my www tab below my post~
  4. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member


    I looked at your website and your dogs are BEAUTIFUL so is your family pinky looks like ours JUST bigger!!
  5. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    Congrats on your new companion. Get used to defending you & your dog especially if you plan on cropping. People are just really mis-informed when it comes to our babies.
    You might want to think about crate training your boy. Trust me you'll thank me when the chewing stage hits. :lol: As for how to do it, I'm not to sure. My breeder already crate trained my boy when I got him.
  6. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member

    I agree

    Thanks lunchbox I been reading on here and of course everywhere for months and I think crate training is a good way to go because the kids will be in school and my husband and I work (I work from home so he can visit me all the time BUT I wont be able to take him out every few hours) this way he will NOT DESTROY everything we own!!!
  7. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Congratulations on your new family member! There are many links on this board to websites with positive articles and information about our dogs. One of my favorites is:
    Just try to keep a positive attitude whenever you are talking to someone about your baby - invite people to spend some time with your puppy and judge for themselves. Good luck.

    Piper's Mom
  8. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member

    Thanks all

    Thank you all for the website links I have saved many into my favorites already and badrap is definetly in there!! He is getting used to his new home and his new name of LUGNUT!! Still like diesel better he has finally barked and started to play and is getting used to going OUTSIDE to the POTTY!!!!!!!
  9. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    How old is Lugnut? Are you crate training?
  10. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member


    He is 12 weeks and no we have not started crate training yet we just got him 2 days ago.. I can already tell he is going to be easy to train UNLESS he is fooling me! He has already learned to sit and give paw already.
  11. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    I've found that training goes pretty smoothly with these guys. They are real eager to please you. My Lou knows most of the basics. I'm trying to teach him speak, but he just wonders why I'm barking at him. :shock:
  12. Rhoxy217

    Rhoxy217 New Member

    another question

    is it ok to let him play with a lot of kids at one time? Will it bother him to have 7-8 kids petting and playing with him? I want to be a responsible PIT owner and am doing everything I can think of to make sure I have a good companion and not what the media belives all pits are!
  13. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    It shouldn't bother him, just make sure he doesn't get overwhelmed he's still very young. Although socialization is important and Pits love kids you don't want him to be overwhelmed or have bad experiences. Make sure the kids know how to respect dogs. Most of them do but sometimes you have to watch out, I had to 3 month olds at a get together and everyone enjoyed them and the kids loved them but their was one boy there who liked to tease animals and mistreat them so I didn't allow him to play with mine.

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