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I'm freaking out here!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Sorry, this is not cat-related....

    I'm home alone and there is a huge (huuuge) spider in the laundry tub. And Moe is completely ignoring my pleas for help. What do I do?? I'm seriously shaking here.... Freakin' spiders. I wish my husband would hurry up and get home.

    Do your cats take care of them for you? Or are they wimps like Moe (and me)?
  2. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member


    there there. it's ok. i dont blame u for being freaked out. Lex would eat it.

    But since Moe and u share a special hatered for 8 legged critters, di what i would do if Lex wasnt around.

    Get some hair spray and nail the bugger. If no hair stray, any sprayable cleaner.

    It will suffocate it and it will die. :D Problem solved.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Yeah, but then who disposes of the carcass? If it has 8 legs, I'm not going near it - even if it is dead. :m35:
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :lol: not even if it's dead?... try skooting it downt he drain once dead.. use the broom handle or something 8) :y_the_best:
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    the only advice i have for you is sit in a corner as far away from the spider until someone comes to the rescue! lol. if i see a spider thats either poisonous or bigger than a 10 cent piece i ring my mum up and wait for her to do the killing. im always scared spiders are going to jump at me the second before i splat them.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL halaroo. I feel for you..... I am also terrified of spiders, especially huuuge ones! :shock:
    I usually squirt the heck out of them with some kind of cleaner or sometimes I throw things at them in an attempt to crush them without getting too close. I have had Bean kill spiders for me before but then he would eat them afterwards and I worried he might get sick so I don't have him do that for me anymore.
  7. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Footsie won't kill spiders for me anymore either. He just corners them meows at them. Sometimes he'll bat at one, but never hard enough to hurt it.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    I cup everything that flies or crawls with a vase and a piece of cardboard. This includes flies, spiders, centipedes, mice and small rabbits. Then I let them out in my yard or the park. I don't have to worry about splats and cleaners! Now that Vene is gone, and Milo is banned from going out, I just cup flies and spiders before Rene gets them. Yuk, I hate spiders!!! :m3: =D>
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    halaroo....not a candidate for fear factor. :m3: ..thats for darn sure!! i hate spiders. one time there was something that scooted by me real fast, and went in the hall closet. i was totally freaked out :shock: i thought it was a big spider or a scorpion. so....i opened the door...and it scooted back behind the vacuum cleaner :-&

    so!! i got the bug spray...moved the sweeper...targeted in...and started spraying...and then 8-[ OMG!! i recognized what it was!!! it was a baby ghecko. :cry: i hurried and got the water sprayer...picked it up and doused it real good with water!! then put him outside my front door.

    i felt horrible all day :?

    no...id be screamin my head off everytime it moved. sorry...just be brave.... :roll:
  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOl Halaroo. Sorry to laugh, but it is kind of funny. I do what Vene does. I get a cup and an envelope and gently scoop them up and then put them outside. One reason I like spiders, is that a lot of them catch mosquitos.
  11. Starry

    Starry New Member

    I'm sure my two cats would catch the bugs for me, but I don't let them because I know they would eat them! Unless it is a particularly big spider I tend to leave them to wander around. There is one currently exploring my kitchen ceiling - about the size of a peanut M&M and very black against the white. One of these days I'll get some paper and help it out the door! Of course I'm very lucky living in the UK as we don't have any poisonous spiders here, if we did I would freak!

    I expect it's been removed for you by now Halaroo, hope you weren't shaking for too long!
  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Good news! My husband came home a couple of hours later and caught and released the thing. I don't normally kill them, I try to cup them like vene and Chessmind. Then I leave them on the floor safely under their cup until Kendrick gets home and releases them. But last night the spider stayed on the front side of the laundry tub and I couldn't see him without leaning over it. And I couldn't make myself lean over it for fear that it would jump out at me or something! I was seriously having a panic attack.

    I'm ashamed to admit, but a few years ago I found a big wolf spider in the same laundry tub. I actually called Kendrick at work and made him come home. :oops: (Our office is only 3 minutes down the road).

    I think I need professional help. :0010:
  13. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I'm glad that you were rescued! If I'm ever home alone and I find a spider, I tend to put a cup over it (if it's on the ground) and keep it there until someone is home to deal with the situation.

    If the spider isn't on the floor, I have been known to use the vacuum cleaner (you know... the hose attachment - suck that sucker right up). I know it's kind of cruel but I'm not rational when I fear for my life. (Okay, that's a little melodramatic, but oh well)
  14. vene

    vene New Member

  15. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    For most critters, I usually do what Vene does...usually using a clear plastic cup and an envelope or paper and the putting them outside.

    For spiders though I tend to squish them. If they are big, I run and grab the Raid and give them a spritz.

    We had trouble with wasps off and on coming into the laundry room, so I would have to spray Raid in the room and hurry and close the door. It is a small room.

    If a critter is crawling on the floor my kitties will sometimes paw at them and will occassionally eat them but not often.
  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    wow!!! that woman in the article has...what we call in the therapy world..."shoes" (translation: issues) :shock:

    lucidity. your signature is totally cute. have you ever seen that little cartoon where the cat is selecting an item out of the vending machine, and all the items are mice??? :lol: :0023:
  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol harloo i'm glad your husband came to your rescue i must say i also hate spiders but i'm a single mom so when i moved out on my own and only had my daughter (she was about 6 mos old) she was laying on the floor on a pillow i walked by and there was a HUGE thing on her face i freaked out grabed the pillow to smack the thing off and it jumped at me then i really freaked and called my mom who was at work and about 1 hour away screamming she couldnt do anything so i called my daughters father he was about 45 min away and he just laughed at me (i was crying) so i notice that it was a cricket and every time i made a noise on the floor it jumped so i opened my front door and took a phone book and slamed it on the ground and made it jump till it went out then i yelled and stay out looked around and my neighbors were cracking up at me :oops:

    I since learned if i dont get rid of it it will stay there and i figure it's them or me so i get them now my son is old enough (13) he gets them for me and puts them outside.
  18. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    LOL Rene! Must have been entertaining for your neighbours! It's only spiders I have a problem with. Other insects I can shoo out on my own. My husband and I have a deal: he's afraid of bees and wasps and I'm afraid of spiders. So when the wasps get in, it's my job, and the spiders are his.

    I don't know what I'll do when I become a stay-at-home mom. I don't want to react negatively to the spiders for fear of making my kids afraid.... but I still have a few years to get over my fear!
  19. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    lynnhaz, thanks for the compliment! :qm1:

    That cartoon seems vaguely familiar... I may have seen it a while back. My cats would looovvveee a vending machine like that! I think I would notice all the spare change around the house disappear! :lol:
  20. vene

    vene New Member

    For all you people and cats out there that are afraid of spiders and centipedes, go download the Atari Centipede game from the 80's. You can shoot them down for therapy and your kitties can swat at the screen. No messes, no cleanups, just pure fun! :mrgreen:

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