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here we go again!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by juice1348, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    So my Amstaff, Avary, stays at my neighbors house during the day while I am at work. I live in an apartment, so she goes there for the day and plays with her 2 Jack Russells. Avary loves it there. Well today I go to drop her off (btw she is now 45lbs and 6 1/2 mos old) and the girl says "Im kind of nervous because my roommate said that Avary can just 'turn' on me at any time and lock her jaws on me."

    So needless to say I spent the next 10 minutes proving that those are myths.

    She is there again now so its ok, but thats soooooo annoying!
  2. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    That's too bad! People should judge her for the dog she is, not ONLY on her breed. The more I read the pit bull forum, the more it seems like doggy racism or something!! I admire the strength with which you have to defend your babies!
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Man that is terrible, after she's been watching the dog and everything? I'd say she needs to look at the dogs behavior and dog behavior in general and the breed she is. Then she can cleary see that dogs don't just turn on people and no dogs can lock their jaws.
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    hi board
    i am going to make this short because i cant type one handed.
    friday night, i was having a birthday party for my husband.
    my 8 year old yellow lab/golden retreiver was mingling with the crowd( i have owned him for 7 year)s everyone was having a nice time including my dogs.i went inside aroumd midnight to strat cleaning up. a few neighbors/friends were still outside. i was tired so decided to get ready for bed. i called my lab to come with me to my bedroom where he sleeps, he ignored me, i again called him and went to take him by the collar to go to my room with me, no reason at all no warning, he attackled my hand. he would not let go, it seemed lkike eternity when finally my son heard my screams for help. he ran and had to hit him on his head in order for him to release my hand. he had no remorse. i now am looking at surgery for nerve dammage. i am out of work. i am heartbroken and dissapointed in my dog for his behavior. i am very depressed and in tremendous pain. he tore apart my hand. i have always taken such good care of him. he has a wonderful life. i dont get it. he is not sick either. i believe it was a dominance issue.
    it just goes to show its not always the pits. i would trust any of my pits with my life!!!!!!!!!
    i saw a plastic surgeon yesters=day!!! if this were one of my pits, it would have made national television but because he is a lab, society will say "oh too bad, was he abused as a puppy"
    i am truely ill over this!! well just had to vent.........
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I am very sorry to hear that, dog bites are so terrible! Its usually not the Pits doing the attacking, but all dogs bites hurt no matter what breed and any breed can attack. This is something very interesting to me because because Labs seem to be biters (not all of them of course I'm not trying to stereotype) but they are so overbred and seem to bite more frequently and a friend had this same cross that turned on her and tore up her arms. Another family I know has one who's also very dominant (but has never bitten or shown aggression that I know up) he does want his way, chases the cats out of his space and humps people.
  6. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Susan, I am so sorry to hear about this. All I can do is wish you luck with your hand. I have to ask though - what do you plan to do with your dog?
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    susan, I am very sorry to hear about that. I wish you the best in the future.
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am so sorry to hear of your bad news. I to just recently had a bad incident with a dog. My neighbors dog in fact the same one who had previously came onto my back porch and mauled our cat to death in front of my children. Anyhow I sustained a broken bone in my hand several stitches and nerve damage as well as stitches in my side. It hurt like Hell so I can definitely say I know exactly how you feel. Hope you get well soon. Best Wishes.
  9. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    What is so sad, is that if your APBT had been with you and defended you, it would likely be PTS as a dangerous animal. Whereas if you had shot the dog everyone would agree it was self defense. I hate this dog discrimination and having to always worry about what someone will do to or say about my dogs. Especially when I have never, never talked to or known someone bitten/attacked by an APBT. But I have talked to several people bitten by other (usually smaller) breeds.
  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    My hand is getting better. I have been out of work since the fright bite night! I have been going to occupational therapy and so far, it does not look like I will need surgery. My hand is very stiff and still nowere near back to normal but I am trying to move on.
    Honestly, I believe I am going to have to euthanize him. Probably soon. The quarenteen is up and its time to make the decission.
    I have not been able to bring myself to do so. This was the first terrible thing he has done like this.
    I just don't trust him any longer. Thank God it was me he got and not someone other than family or a child. I don't have young children nor friends that have any young kids thankfully.
    He has been fine since but obviously our relationship has changed. I don't want to be around him when I am alone. My trainer believes it was a dominance issue. He can never be trusted again.
    Its too bad.
    I know I can try to use behavior modification and would love to try but I again just don't trust him. On the other hand, I have had him for almost 8 years and can't bring myself to bring him to the vet to be put down. I spoke with my vet and there is a vet that does behavior evals but he costs $250.00 for just an evaluation. She agreed that it would be justified if I put him to sleep. This whole thing has been extremily emotional for me. :cry:
  11. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I know this is an extremely difficult decision, but I think that if you cannot trust him, and that if it is believed to be a dominance issue, I would put him to sleep. Has he ever shown any signs of dominance issues? If not, it seems odd that he would do this at his age. If he hasn't even shown the least little signs of trouble with dominance before or after, you may want to have a thorough physical examination done before making your final decision. Then, at least if there is nothing wrong with him physically, you will probably feel a little more at ease with your decision (assuming you have him PTS). I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide.

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