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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by luisfreak, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. luisfreak

    luisfreak New Member

    Hi y'all. This is the first time I post in this forums.
    I need to know if anybody of you can help me with this...puzzle.
    I recently put a computer together, and near the area where I did my work (about 8 feet away) there was a cockatiel. I put all the parts in the case and turned it on, ran it for about two or three hours (I left it unattended for about 30 minutes while it installed the Operating system while I went and took a shower). It was pretty late at night so the bird's cage was covered and I did not notice anything strange. I finished what I was doing and I went to bed. When I got up the next day and uncovered the cage, the bird had died!
    Now, it is really strange because before now I hadn't noticed anything wrong with the bird (maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention). The only thing that I had done different that day was that I put that computer together and I ran it for 3 hours. So do you think maybe the fumes from the new componets killed my bird? I could not smell absolutely anything coming out of it though? maybe some kind of odorless fume? I know it wasn't Carbon Monoxide because we have detectors installed all over the house.
    I would really hate to think I killed my wife's bird so if anyone has any idea if this computer had anything to do with it, I would really appreciate your sharing your thoughts with me.
    Thanks and best regards,
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi no it was not the computer parts that killed the bird.
    My partner builds computers all the time and mine is running 24/7 and i have a cockatiel in the same room she is the only one i have indoors and it has done her no harm.

    Birds are very good at hiding any illness until it is too late to do anything about it so i would not blame yourself as its just one of those things even the common human cold can make a bird ill.

  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    i'm so sorry for the loss of your bird
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    while charmedagain could be right (that it wasnt the computer) i would not discount it.

    birds are very sensitive to fumes/ smells in general, same as drafts.
    it was a new computer, and i remember once when i had gotten a new mother board and stuff installed in mine it made quite a nasty smell while it was getting 'worked in'. i removed my birds from the room until it was clear again.

    every bird is different tho.

    if your're ever in question or dont trust something, move them just to be safe.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    There has only been one toxic fume vets and breeders know that kills birds is teflon fumes and computers are not made of this.

    If in doubt consult your avian vet.


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