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new addition to the family!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mamabear_34, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Hello again everyone!

    Well my husband and I have been bit by the "we want a dog bug" again!! I was trying to be strong and have a one dog household but then I saw Buddy. Check out this link to take a look at him.


    I have submitted my application for him and hope to hear back about him today!! He is about 3 months older than Buffy and I am hoping that she will like her new brother!! Any advice from anyone about introducing them to eachother?? I need some encouragement from all of you multiple pet owners that I am not crazy to do this (I would do it anyway!!) I want to go and see him and make sure that he is the right dog for us. Wish us luck with our new baby!!
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH how handsome!!!! I love that face!
  3. winnie

    winnie New Member

    He is such a cutie!!! I hope you adopt him. Having two dogs is so much easier then one!! They play with eachother and tire eachother out. They have a companion when no one is home so they dont get lonely. Its great! So great in fact I got 3!!! Even better :)

    When you introduce him to your other dog make sure it is on nuetral territory. The best thing would be if you could take your dog to where he is so they can meet there. Thats how my dogs got introduced. When you bring him home make sure to put all toys and bones away at first so that they dont fight over them. Feed them seperatly, and just make sure they are supervised for a while and maybe crate them seperatly when you leave? I hope this helps. Goodluck! :)
  4. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Oh my gosh. He is beautiful. Hope you adopt him. I just happen to love that mix. I have a Boxer/Lab mix myself. He is the best dog. How can you go wrong? After all your getting two wonderful breeds all wrapped up in one. I recently adopted my second dog. I knew that Parker really needed a playmate. It has been the best thing I ever did. I just have to be careful. I want to save every homeless dog out there. I am so happy for you. Good luck with your new baby.
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what a cutie! and ditto what Winnie said on introducing them. he looks just like I think mixed breed lovers dog! Right Mixed breed lover?

  6. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Yeah. They look somewhat alike. Parker is I believe a Fawn Boxer/Yellow Lab mix. Buddy looks like a Brindle Boxer/Yellow Lab mix. There faces and body type are similar. Like I said I just love that mix. I have never seen one that wasn't beautiful and they really do have the best temperments and intelligence.
  7. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member


    My next door neighbor has a boxer, and they are very cute, and ADORE kids!

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  8. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    Here is the reply I recieved today from the shelter. I called her and told her (to her voice mail) that Buffy hadnt gotten her heart worm prevention yet because my vet doesnt do it until the dog is a year old but that I would take care of everything with Buddy right away, so . . . unless his owners show up between now and Friday HE IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!

    We reviewed and processed your application. Everything went great, but I do have a concern with the vet check regarding heartworm preventative. Do you currently have Buffy on any type of heartworm preventative? It didn't show up when we did the vet check. Buddy will definately need a heartworm check and to be put on preventative ASAP. He will also need a current rabies vaccination.
    Because Buddy came to us as a stray, we do have to hold him until Friday. His adoption fee is only $30 because he is already neutered. If you would like to set up a time and day to adopt Buddy, please email me back or you may call me at 810-404-5043.

    Buddy is going to be very easy to train in my opinion. He is very attentive and responds well to corrections. He is very good at sitting and can even stay-but needs a little more work on that. He loves to play tug-o-war with his leash, so I have been trying to break him of that and he is better. I also think he is housebroke. He is an all around nice dog and I think he would be a great addition to your family!!

    Thanks!! :)

    Tina Vinokurow

    Thanks for all your support and advice! Yes he is beautiful and I know that he will make a great companion for us and for Buffy!! I will post pics of the two together after (being optimistic here) we get him!! :eek:
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Buddy is adorable! I hope you are able to adopt him! The reply from the shelter sounds very promising. Best Wishes. \:D/
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG... that letter from the lady sounded so sweet. Buddy sounds like such a sweetheart!!! Please, please keep us posted........I love hearing these stories!!!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Before you finalize things, I would take Buffy to meet him. (Buffy and Buddy....LOL.) Watch them play together and make sure they look like they will get along.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well congrats!!!! Wanna adopt another one! At this moment I'm about ready to pull my hair out and give away everyone!!
  13. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    We get to go take a look at and pick up Buddy in the morning (Friday morning)!!!!! He is about a 2 hour drive from our house so we will be leaving about 6:30 am so that we can make it back to our store to open by 11am. I CANT WAIT!!! I have been out shopping for him all day today..............food bowls, collars (yes more than one), toys, and all the other things I thought he would need. I even bought Buffy a couple of new things she wouldnt feel left out. I promise to get pics of the both of them together asap!! Thank you so much for all of your great responses and support!!
  14. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    :eek: WE GOT HIM!!!!!!!

    Well we got our new Buddy dog!! He is AWESOME!! And he and Buffy are having a ball!! The lady at the shelter told us this morning that the owner of Buddy called her yesterday to see if they had found him. Tina at the shelter told her that it had been 9 days since she found him and that we were interested in adopting him. The owner told her that Buddy was her sons dog and that he had dropped the dog off there and hadnt come back for him and she didnt want him. Tina had her sign a paper that said that the owner gave up ownership and and the owner gave her all of Buddy's medical records showing immunizations and the date of neutering and everything!! So we have our boy now and we are so very happy!! I will post pics of both of our babies soon.
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    glad to ehar they are gettng along! and you can get records of his history,, that will save yoo some $$

    cant wait to see the pics

  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well congrats!!!! photos photos photos!!!

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