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What do you think about these dogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Lunchbox, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    I have been looking for info on my boy's ped for awhile now. It's just been hard because I cant read most of the info. lol Anyway I found these 2 pics of a "top Gun Kennel's " dog.



    Do these look like decent dogs? I know the pics suck, but thats all I can find. The only thing is my boy's sire is a huge dog, & these are smaller. But both his sire & my Lou both look just like the first dog. Just alot bigger.

    I have finally found an email address & sent them an email. It wasnt sent back so hopefully its still active.
  2. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    They are both cute and the black one reminds me of one of my old pits!
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Top Gun was supposedly a good kennel although I dont know much about them, which dogs are those? I remember you posted something about your dogs pedigree awhile back.
    I also read an interview with Top Gun kennels awhile back. (I think you may have read it).

    Do you have names to attach with those pics?
    Some of the prodominent ones that I made record of (found in the interview) were
    Terminator's Nigger
    CH Chocolate
    Klauser's Baby

    CH Chocolate was off GR CH Yellow ROM and 70% of his offspring were game.

    There was also a son of CH Chocolate mentioned, Trucker 1xgl Dead Game in 1:15

    This is some info I recorded from the interview, I found the interview online it shouldn't be too hard to find again. I also saved it to my favs somewhere I have 100s of favs and the ones I don't use I forget which folder I them in.

    Can you post that dogs ped again?

    I was able to find these peds if they can help you any.

    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... g_id=58733

    double bred CH Choclate
    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... g_id=65259

    a son from the 2 above.
    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=123439

    Also you say your dog is big, the two in the pics are average weight and look like bulldogs, how is big is big. Maybe your dogs papers are incorrect or perhaps outcrossed. How tight is the ped, how much consist of dogs from TGKs? What else is the dogs make up.
  4. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    Here is his Ped again.


    As you can see his sire's side ifs full of TGK's dogs. TG's Maverick is all through out his lines. Maybe Maverick was a larger dog & thats what they were trying to bring out.
    My Lou is 9 months old & 56 pounds. He has a 1/2 acre to run in so that isnt couch potato weight. He is simply much thicker than the dogs shown.

    This picture is a couple months old but you can still see he is going to be a bigger dog. I think he was around 42 to 44ish in this pic.

    I have not seen the interview that you have mentioned, but I will definately look into that.
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Ok I found the interview after searching my folders..lol http://www.angelfire.com/extreme3/heart ... rview.html

    I see he is outcrossed so that could have something to do with it, although his topside is Top Guns stuff. The only dog I recognize on the bottomside is CH Hickory Tee son of Frisco ROM, an average weight dog. Also if it is the same Copper's Gator he is bred to that dog is from hootens stock and a double bred daughter of Cool Hand Luke, probably is being the way she was bred. I'll find the pedigrees for you and post them. You cant count on the other dogs in the pedigree not being large or count out the whole bottomside out. It is possible Maverick could have been a larger dog, but I don't see them trying to bring that out, the larger the dog the harder it is to handle, find competition or even a partner to test, its not unheard of such as GR CH May Day and the few other big ones out there, its just not done on purpose. But it is a possibility, although inbreeding usually creates smaller dogs when you inbred. Maverick is out of Baby and I read in that interview Baby was a pure RedDevil bitch and some of the red devil/ironlines dogs do run a tad bigger in their 50s conditioned. Your dog also may not grow too much more weight wise even if he fills out. Sometimes mine seem a little big, I had one that was 30lbs at 6-7 months old and only ended up being 43lbs he actually weight more in adolescence about 46-48lbs then once he lost that baby fat and little tummy he stays at 43lbs he's now 3yrs. I'd look into some of those dogs on the bottomside just to find out more about them, its too bad you don't have a 6 generation for him. Regardless he's a very beautiful boy, gorgeous!! Try to find some info on those other dogs though too they could go back to staff blood or some larger dogs maybe? Thats why he has a thicker appearance, but it fits him well and he isn't some giant monster mutant he's well put together.
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Hehe, I'm back already. I found the pedigrees

    CH Hickory Tee
    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... ?dog_id=30

    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... g_id=25059

    I found this pedigree when searching for totally different dogs not in any relation to your pedigree, but then I noticed the name Muhammads had also appeared in your pedigrees.
    http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... g_id=62624
    There doesn't seem to be any of the same dogs but a little more searching could show them to be in relation.

    If your interested in finding more, you should try looking on some message boards and asking around. You might be able to find some on a Ironline or Reddevil/OFRN board. You can also try emailing Norrod and asking for info/ped on Baby.
  7. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    I can't help you with the pedigree research, but your boy reminds me so much of my dog Gauge, except with cropped ears. Gauge is a big boy too, but it is because his momma is a mostly Peterson/Camelot dog. Here's a link to a pic of him: http://www.spencerpits.com/gauge062004.jpg

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