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sebastains new fun thing to do

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    he is getting on my dinning room table :shock: i couldnt beleive it we were sitting down to dinner and i got up to get something and the little sh** got on my chair and on the table and tried to get my food :? what a brat i couldnt beleive it. I yelled NO GET DOWN and he just looked at me like :roll: what did i do i went to grab him to take him off and he growled at me little brat gave him a little smack on the rump and a firm GET DOWN he did and then wanted me to act like nothing happened i swear if does this when i have company i would just die. i'm going to try to make a new rule if you get up from the table push in your chair (that should have always been a rule i know) but little things like that i look past and just do it most of the time after i get to sit and eat dinner (i dont usually eat just cook) i'm to tired to tell people what to do and if they talk back watch out so it is just better for me to take an extra second to do it my self although they have been getting better at it.

    Not sure why sebastain did that i hope it's not really his new thing any advice??

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    My Sebastian used to get on the kitchen table in his previous home....one time he even helped himself to dinner when nobody was looking. They always had to keep the chairs pushed in to prevent him from getting up there. I have'nt noticed him ever trying to get on my tables though.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh rene... excuse me for a moment while I laugh out loud! :) hehe... (sorry, couldn't help it). now I bet your kids were laughin too, right?
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    hi monster the kids and I were in shock at first and they waited till they saw my reaction before they laughed i did also but wow what a shock hope he doesnt continue to do this i can us sit down for christmas dinner and him on the table lord help me if that happens. Maybe i should set a place for him lol. Little brat.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Make sure if he does it again, you don't laugh! Dogs are like kids - they love to clown around if they get rewarded with laughter and smiles. :)

    If he starts getting up there when no one is around, you could try something like a Scat Mat. Or a remote controlled citronella spray collar and hide around the corner to activate it without him seeing you.
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    my family would have a holy conniption if Bailey jumped on the table during christmas dinner! LOL.... for the sake of Sebastian's well-being, I hope he doesn't do it anymore either..... ;) hehe

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