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Tank Mates for Guppies and Ghost Shrimp

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by LuvMyPets, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    I have a 10 gal tank for a female guppy (she's not a breeder, she kills males, but is fine with females) with a ghost shrimp in there too. What other fish could I put in there without fights? Can female bettas be with female guppies? I'll be getting more female guppies in there soon. Will pearl danios work?

    Also: where is the best place to buy fish? There aren't many fish breeders near me, so the only places I have that are close by, are WalMart, CountryMax, Petco, Petsmart, and a few other local pet stores. These don't need to be breeding quality, they are just for a companion and to liven up my tank.

    Does anyone have pics of their guppy tanks? Thanks
  2. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    You could put just about anything in there with her really. A female betta or even a male should be fine. Platties are also some fish to consider. Maybe some harlequin rasboras? Just throwing out ideas here.

    As to your store question I don't think there really is a definitive answer. Go to each store and look at the fish. Are there lots of dead fish in the tanks? Do the fish look sick? Are they active? Are the tanks cleaned? Are there employees in the fish section to answer questions? Basically, just buy from the store where the fish look healthiest.

    Here's some pics of one of my tanks chock full of guppies:

    My favorite fry guy and some of his brothers and sisters:


    Full tank shot (pay no attention to my reflection please :lol: )


    And one of their tankmates, a blue ram!

  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If you could find some pygmy cories, they would be really good for cleaning up any uneaten food and they stay small so a trio would be fine in a 10 gallon.

  4. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Tina ur ram is awesome :y_the_best: wat size tank do they need?
  5. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Wow that Ram is just B-E-utiful! :m26:
  6. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    Thanks guys, he is by far my favorite fishie! You can easily keep a pair (male + female) in a ten gallon tank but a 20 is better in case the male starts to pick on her like mine does a bit. They only get about 3 inches long and are peaceful towards other species unless spawning. They are also very interested in what is going on outside the tank and recognize me as the "one who provides food" by swimming up and down the glass every time I come near :D
  7. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    As for the store question Wal-mart would be probably the worst place to buy fish. I have only boughten one fish from that store and it is my Ropefish. I would never buy regular fish their (products are a different story since they are very cheap). There is just so many dead fish in the tanks and the tanks are very small. Petco is over priced. Petsmart is a very good place to get healthy fish.
  8. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    When i was in the states (Im From CAnAdA) I went to petco, petsmart and sone other one i forgot the name pet smart was by FAR the best there fish were all laive and well they even had a pair of Texas's breeding. Petco was another story...then had like 2 giant tin foil barbs almost dead that were being eating alive by the others, the SW fish are super cheap down there tho if i go there anythime soon i might try to smuggle some fish back :p :y_the_best:
  9. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Both of my bettas that i have had (one died due to fin rote) were both demons! :x one liked ot eat neons, this one i have now attacked and killed my male guppy and then tried to go after the females hense him being in this own tank now :m30: :0012:
  10. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    try aquarium services pet store
  11. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    With major chain stores like Walmart, PetCo, PetSmart, etc, it really depends on the individual store and the manager. I've seen good Walmarts and I've seen bad Walmarts. I've also seen the same Walmart go from really good, to really horrible, to really good again over the course of a few years.

    When there's literally hundreds of stores across the nation, you can't say the're all really horrible or really great just based on your experiences with the few near you.

    The best thing to do is to go to the store and look for yourself. See if there are dead/sick fish in the tank. Do the tanks look clean? Fish look healthy? Ask the people a few basic questions that you already know the answers to.

  12. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Me and my friend were at wal-mart and i tested the lady it was fun but i got made fun of it after :cry: IM NOT A FISH NERD :mrgreen:
  13. LuvMyPets

    LuvMyPets New Member

    Thanks everyone.

    My WalMart's fish tanks kind of vary, some of the tanks are healthy looking, but others have a few dead ones. I got that guppy from there, and has been doing fine. But I'll check out the other stores near me!
  14. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    Yeah Chelle is right all the stores vary across the nation (never thought of that one lol :wink: ). The fish that are easy to get and such like goldfish and guppys are all covered with ick and dead in the Wal-Mart tanks by me. At least they carry Ropefish which a BIG fish dealer near me doesn't even carry :) . It's just they have like 6 Oscars and 7 Tiger Barbs in the same tank and such. As for testing the workers it was funny because I was looking at the Ropefish for awhile and the worker goes you want that little Freshwater Eel? I'm like sure. lol.

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