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Familiar faces and stress

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here is an interesting article about sheep and studies on stress: http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/08/25/sheep/index.html

    They found that sheep were less stressed when shown pictures of familiar sheep. They hypothesize that any animal with face recognition capabilities could react in the same way - hence, why we carry photos of loved ones in our wallets, etc.

    Then there was this quote about dogs:

    So I guess we should all make posters of ourselves and hang them where the dogs can see them! :)
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that was interesting.
    Haha, I have a giant wall size poster of me on order! just kidding!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Hey miss modreator, way to go Jimiya!!

    Or you can do what I saw in a commercial this morning, a little boys dad is going out ot town, so he starts taking all of these pics of his dad with a digial camera, he goes to one of those kiosks and does all of this croppping and hten it shows him at home where he a made lifesize doll out of his pics of his dad
  4. Jas

    Jas New Member


    My dog saw a mural once, not the most attractive mural - a cartoon like figure of a boy that was bigger than life size (reminded me of a character from a box of brand name cookies). I was parking the car & couldn't figure out what on earth she was growling at (she is a dog who rarely growls/barks or gets upset). I look back at her and ALL her fur on her back was standing up. So I look in the direction of her fixed stare, and sure enough this BIG cartoon boy was smiling at her and she didn't like it one bit!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Pinky is an avid TV watcher and anytime she sees a dog or cat on TV she barks and growls it's so funny! And Fancy will stand at our glass patio doors and bark at her reflection until we close the blinds. Crazy dogs!
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    lol! that's pretty funny!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala looks behind the TV to try to see where the doggies are...
  8. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I took Bender for a walk down the street and he started freaking out and backing off from something, I finally realised it was an oversized person on an advertisement/billboard on the side of a bus stop shelter! Then I couldn't stop laughing at him! He also freaked out at one of those big air sock tube people that they put out the front of shops to get people's attention.
    Leela likes her reflection! If she see's stuff moving in a reflection on glass she'll growl at it!
    Bender whines and cries when dogs come on tv, even cartoon dogs!! I've often seen a movie at the video shop featuring dogs, and I'll think, we can't watch that! The dogs will go crazy through the whole thing! (I can't put them outside, it's my favourite passtime snuggling up to the dogs in blankets and watching movies!! Specially when it's all cold and rainy outside...)
  9. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    My dog is scared to death of horses. She won't go anywhere near them. Not even if my horse lowers hos nose for her.

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