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um..........weird question........

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by mamabear_34, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    :oops: Ok I have an embaressing question. Buddy and Buffy are getting along great but Buddy keeps trying to "mount" Buffy. Both dogs are desexed and I am wondering if this is normal and if it will stop??
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    It's very normal and not an embarassing question. They are not doing this as a sexual act. Their trying to determine "status" in the pack. Try to curb their attention away from it when you see them start. Usually one will mount the others head or side and assume the humping act. Females often do this to other females and males.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    There is alwasy a hierarchy in dogs and who will be the dominant dog and it sounds like this is waht Buddy is doing and because he is new, you only got him this morning, I would give it time and it should go away. Jake does this occasionly when he decides he wants to e the dominant dog

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    My female Pekingese tries to hump everything and everybody the other dogs and even the cat!
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    my poor kitten one day jasmine was trying to hump his head while sebastain was trying to hump his back side :oops: the poor little kitty just sat there like what heck is going on i said HEY and they stoped I gave sebastain his own stuffed bunnie that he "has fun" with whenever he wants it's in my room so no one can see him but you can totaly tell when he comes down the hall with a big grin on his face and panting lol
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OMG!! How funny!!! Poor kitty got raped!!! I bet she's got some serious emotional scaring going on...if only they could speak our language!

    As for the bunny! Oh lordy!!!!!
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie sometimes humps Nala, and the other day I caught Nala doing it for the first time! I guess she's growing up, LOL. I usually make a loud noise or distract them so they will do something else.

    Do watch Buffy and Buddy carefully for any signs of problems, however. I wouldn't leave them alone together unattended for the first week or two, just to make sure issues don't develop. Don't punish for the humping behavior, but if you can distract with a toy or a game, it wouldn't hurt!
  8. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    From what I understand, Buddy is new to your household? (Sorry if I missed something about it in a different post, I've been sort of busy this week and not reading quite as much!)
    But if he is, what I want to share with you is my experience on this with Rusty. When we first brought him home, he was humping everything! I started to think we'd brought a little freak home or something :shock: But, it gradually subsided, to where now he never does it.
    I think with him it's was partly what others are saying, that it had to do with finding his place in our "pack", and I also think it was a bit about anxiousness and insecurity with Rus. Us and everything around him were suddenly new, so it just made him a bit out of sorts for awhile about where he was going to fit in with everyone and everything in his surroundings.
    And the thing about the bunny.... Rusty has a stuffed Garfield the Cat that's bigger than him....he drags it around all over the place.... it used to be one of his favorite things to do that to.....Poor Garfield....he was always getting molested by Rus!
    ANyway, just wanted to share my experiences with this.....it does feel pretty embarrasing, especially when you have company and they're doing it! But I'll bet with buddy it will settle down with time.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    When Grace and Reese are playing and rough housing, they take turns humping each other. It's kind of like a "dance" they do. The Humpty Dance.

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