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Budgie Gender?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by lilest Budgie, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    I haven't posted in awhile but I have a budgie named Angel. Anyway it is my first bird ever and I tried to train it but I failed and now all it does is bite my finger. But we love it cause all he/she does is play and play and play and chirp.. But I'm wondering a few things. First of all when we got Angel we saw that his/her cere was blue. It got to be more blue as time went on but only light blue. Now he/she has no more bars ontop of its head and it's cere suddenly turned brown! It's a dark brown with a bit of white at the top. So is it a girl or a boy? Also he/she seems to be losing feathers all the time, not pulling them out but just losing them. He/She has lost 3 longer flight feathers so far, we've had Angel for 5 months. But he/she loses a tiny feather every day. So is Angel molting or just normal or is there something wrong? I also notice that sometimes her/his feet are soft and all the "scales" I'll call them are laying down and other times they seem to be shedding them. Is this normal? And what does it mean when a bird opens it's wing only a centimetre off it body, not extended at all? Does it mean the bird is too hot?

    Thanks for Replying
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi if the cere has turned brown then you have a female.
    Males ceres dont turn brown only the females when they are in breeding condition..

    Sounds like your bird is molting the molt process can be over quickly or it can take upto 6months to complete.

    When female birds are in breeding mode the raise there wings a little this is to attract the male to say she is ready for mating.

  3. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    I know that you had an on line albulm do you have any up dated pictures of your bird???
  4. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member


    Thank you for all your help! Yes she has been going a bit crazy lately, by chirping and doing that odd thing with her wings. Yes I do have an album but I'll be updating it very soon. I will get new pictures up there in the next four days. I'll post the link here when I'm done.

    Thanks! Jenna

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