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My girls ate Alieve!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Lastnight was just the worst night ever. I went out with a friend to run an errand for 20 minutes. I get back and I find the bottle of Alieve on the floor chewed up and no pills in site! I started freaking out, so I called the emergancy Vets office and got the number for animal poision control. They told me to give them1-2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide so they will throw up. (I had to give it to all 3 since I didnt know who ate what) So I take them outside and I give them the peroxide, and Syd and Winnie throw up, twice in fact. But Lana doesnt, so I gave her more hydrogen peroxide and she still didnt throw up, so I had to end up taking her the the emergancy vet! They took their time there and I was so pissed waiting in that room. 10 minutes later the doctor comes in and takes her to make her throw up. So they give me Lana back and we go home. I put the girls outside while I tidy up inside and Sydney starts throwing up more, not as much as the first two times. So I clean it up and go back in and I come back out 5 minutes later and she starts throwing up agian! Geesh poor Syd. So I sit outside with them and when it looks like everything okay I bring them in. (Syd is acting normal except for the throwing up) Syd goes into my bedroom and throws up even more! So I clean it up and then she starts playing around on the bed like normal and the amount of throw up is less and less each time. So I'm finally drifting off to sleep when Syd throws up yet agian on my bed! Ewwww....well after that we made it threw the night with no more throwing up, but let me tell you, I have never seen so much throw up before . All 3 of them just throwing up all around me, gross!
    I almost lost it myself. But thank goodness they are all fine. I'm taking them to my regular vet today to get some blood panels done, etc. Thanks for listening, just had to share my story, hide those asprin bottles! :)
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    ugghhh how terrible! glad everyone is ok
  3. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I'm glad to hear everyone is ok - even if they were really messy!!! I learned the hard way @ 10 years ago that ibuprofen is toxic to animals. I had a 4 month old Shih Tzu and an older cat. The cat slapped an Iboprofen bottle off of the counter while we were gone and both ate some because of the sweet coating. When I got home, my puppy was stumbling around as if he were drunk. When we figured out what had happened, we took both the the Emergency Vet. My cat had to be put down, but my puppy was saved after a week on IV's. Unfortunately, he had to be put down at 18 months old due to kidney failure. An autopsy showed that his kidneys had never grown bigger than the size of a 6 month old. The vet attributed this to the ibuprofen incident. She said thay only 1 pill can be fatal and yelled because these bottles are not marked with warning labels regarding it's effect on animals. Because of this tragic day, I also learned the importance of crating my babies when I am not home to protect them.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Winnie how aweful. So which one threw up the pills? Was it just one dog or did they all fiest on them?
  5. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Well Sydney started throwing up all morning before I went to the Vet, she couldnt hold any food or water down and Lana was lathargic. I took them right away to my Vet and while they were being examined Sydney threw up blood. Lana will be ok but need fluids and special food, however Syd is a mess and has to stay overnight. I hope Syd will be okay. She must have gotten most of it. I get to pick her up tomorow only because they dont want her to be alone and she will be at the Vets after they close tomorow, my Vet said she would rather her be home and supervised and if she gets worse to take her to a 24 hour facility where someone will be there the whole time. I miss Syd so much already, she is my snuggle buddy, my little baby. This all cost me $1,000. But money doesnt matter, just my babies do!
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know how you feel. The money issue does not even register in your head. all that you can think about is helping your poor defensless pal. Let us know how things are tomorrow.
  7. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I just picked up Syd and she is doing well! I'm so glad to have her home with me agian. Looks like she will be just fine! I'm so relieved!
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thank god (dog) I mean god. LOL. I'm so happy for you.
  9. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    i am glad they are doing much better. i had almost the same type of experience with my cat. my cat scully is a food hound. she will eat anything that is remotely edible. funny for a cat. well she decided one day to get a hold of my dogs rimadyl. the rimadyl was chewable so i guess she thought it tasted good. i couldn't get my dog to eat them but the cat ate it freely. it was 75 mg and scully is a 10 lb. cat. i took her to the vet here in town because my vet was too far to take her. she was given peroxide and rompun and still wouldn't throw up. so i left there and took her to my vet where i work and we put her on iv's. she never suffered a single side effect from ingesting that medication thank god. she must have an iron stomach !!
    besides kidney damage it can cause stomach ulcers. that is probably why your poor guy was throwing up blood. i hope he continues to do well over the weekend.
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OOOOH MY GAWD, Winnie!!

    What a nightmare! :0024: And just think... THIS turned out good, it obviously could have been much worse!! eeek. This is so helpful to me because I didn't realize how toxic those things are... granted, I don't leave it out, but now I'll be EXTRA EXTRA Careful!!

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