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Does your cat like his/her belly rubbed?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by wtpooh, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Just curious?

    One of four cats I have likes to have her belly rubbed. It's become a ritual now when I sit down at the computer at night....as I am doing right now so I thought I would ask the question. She goes into such a relaxation state. I can't even think about getting up right now :)
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    That's cute, just like a doggie. Nope, none of our 4 cats like their belly rubbed. It's too sensitive for them. I can get away with giving them brief belly rubs when they are half asleep though.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Tiddy loves his belly rubbed! I think he is the only one of mine that does. He loves to lay on his back with his legs stretched out for belly rubs. :D
  4. Starry

    Starry New Member

    Both Pudcat and Fudgie like having their belly rubbed and frequently lie on their backs with their legs in the air. Who can resist such an invitation. They always let me know if now is not a good time by grabbing my hand and chewing my thumb off. Then I gracefully retreat :)
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe likes her belly rubbed when she's in a relaxed mood. If she's in an even slightly playful mood though - you touch her stomach and you die. Olive loves being touched anywhere. She's such a lush.
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Yup, Gilmore LOVES to have his belly rubbed, so does Snowball. They both will sleep on their backs to get it rubbed. :roll:
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Lex is a sookie for it too! he loves it. He keeps rolling back and forth on his back in case i'm missing any areas.

    Razberry tho.. i think he's ticklish there heh
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    No fair. None of my cats want their bellies rubbed! :(
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Socks and Mittens do not like to have their bellies rubbed. If Socks is asleep lying on her back, I might get away with it a little, but I don't even try it. I'm too fond of keeping my hands.
  10. Jenn

    Jenn New Member

    My cats are fine with belly rubs except Callie, she won't stand for it long, and maybe also Pepper, she likes it for a short while, but then she will attack. LoL :lol:

    Ashley, Domino, Li Li, & Simba are ok with it.
  11. sphynxluver

    sphynxluver New Member

    All of my brat cats like to have their bellies rubbed. My Sphynx will practically beg for it!
  12. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    only my caesar luvs it..but he is like a little ragdoll..i can flip him any which way and he will stay there...and he sleeps on his bk w/ legs spread..lmao
  13. Steph'n'Del

    Steph'n'Del New Member

    I think Kacey would rip my hand to shreds if I tried! :shock: She's not exactly a 'touchy feely' kitty cat!

    Which is a shame because she looks so fluffy & cuddly! We played with her using a feather duster once (so cute!). Feather duster was rubbing her belly... feather duster did not live long after that! :p
  14. Steph'n'Del

    Steph'n'Del New Member

    Found some evidence to support my last comment! :D



    See what I mean? :D Duster went to duster-heaven...
  15. Onibubba

    Onibubba New Member

    Yes, it's Cirque de Soleil with Azzy. He loves the belly rub. If I get my face close enough he likes to "groom" my beard by kneeding with his front paws
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Steph, Kacey is just too funny. :eek: :shock: :p Pumpkin let me rub her belly in Public 2 days ago. I was in heaven! :mrgreen:
  17. footsie

    footsie New Member

    Footsie will not have any of that.

    Recently though, hes started lounging on his back in that adorable position that is just too cute for words. I think its a trap. He lies like than and seems to be just begging me to rub his belly. But the second I try it he closes up like a clam with my wrist firmly held and soon to be a chew toy.

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