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Injured tail - HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CGBuzz, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    My 8 1/2 yr old pit, Africa, has injured her tail...she cut it about 4 weeks ago and it just won't heal...we've taken care of it, had her to the vet twice...and the last time Dr. put antibotic cream and taped it all the way up...after a week having that on (which we watched her like a 2 yr old baby, she wanted it off bad) and sedating her all week her tail is still so red and bleeding.

    We now put a lighter bandage on it in the hopes that the air might help dry it up better, if only she will keep it on and not remove it.

    However, I would love any ideas or suggestions anyone might have, or experiences that might help us. The Dr. said next step is to cut her tail a little, that's one thing I'm trying to avoid...HELP!!! :( :(

    I'm new here, so I'd like to say 'hello' to everyone. Many thanks. :)

  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hello Carla Welcome to the forum! Ugh! The problem your poor dog is having is often a common problem in Pit Bulls. They wag those darn tails so hard that sometimes they smack them into things and spilt them open and then they are all most impossible to heal. I know that you want to prevent it but it sounds to me like the only option you have left is to get it docked. it's not that bad really. I had a foster puppy last winter that got her tail smashed in the door and it broke the tip of her tail and from then on she never left it alone to the point of causing it to bleed all over the place we tried every means possible to get it healed but it was to no avail. So I took her in to the vet and had her tail docked. She came out of it perfectly fine it never bothered her what so ever. Her name was Blossom but after the tail docking she became "Blossom Bob" :lol:
    Good Luck and please keep us posted on what you decide to do.
  3. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injuried Tail

    Many thanks Gina for your support..it was really appreciate...well after 5 weeks of taking care of Africa and two trips to the vet, for which she had been fine, and we worked on getting it healed...I noticed it starting to swell a little, so told my husband to bring her right up to the vet...and naturally she was scheduled right away for surgery...and it was amputated...originally he had said about 4 inches, but had to take about 6...we took care of her like a baby lol naturally, but I think she did better than I did...well this week the stitches came out and it looks as if it healed beautifully...thank goodness.

    Thanks so much for your support, again...I needed it...think I'm just getting over it...she had such a lovely tail, and I miss it lol...but she's still my baby.

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm glad to hear she's doing better and I'm sorry for the loss of her tail! I love tails, too, but it sounds as if you tried everything possible.
  5. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injured Tail

    Thanks Jamiya was nice of you to reply.

    You're dog is adoreable...love that face!!!

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, which one?? :)
  7. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injured Tail

    .....lol lol.....BOTH!!!

    They have the cutes faces...I would love to snuggle with either on or both!

  8. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injured Tail

    How did you post the photo of the dog?.....I know where it says to do it...and it says URL...but I have the photo in my file...what's the best way to do this..or easiest ....????

  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You have to upload the photo somewhere - either your own web space or a photo site, such as photobucket. Then you will have a URL to use.
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM glad to hear from you I wondered how your baby girl was doing. Sorry to hear about the loss of her tail. :(
    I bet she's still just as pretty as before! :y_the_best:
  11. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injured Tail

    Thanks Jamiya for your help...as you can see I've posted my Africa...I had no idea of what to do...your imput was terrific!!!

  12. CGBuzz

    CGBuzz New Member

    Injured Tail

    Gina...that photo is wonderful....that's what having a dog is all about..LOVE...what a great photo!

  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Africa is a cutie!
  14. nakoma_star

    nakoma_star New Member

    I had the same problem with dog sheeva when i had her and id say just keep wrapping it put ice on it antibiotics and watch it close is it just a cut? my dog actually got the tip of her tail wacked off in the door by one of the kids on accedent and it never really healed all the way it did stop bleeding though

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