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~Totally Unbelievable! Just Listen to this!~

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hey guys you are not going to believe this! OK so most of you know all about my neighbors dog who attacked me and also killed our cat not to mention the four year old girl he bit in the face! Well, anyway we were assured by animal control and by the sheriffs department that the dog was going to be humanely put to sleep. So you know it's been a couple of weeks now since the whole incident occurred so my attorney called this morning to ask how I was and to give me an update as to where he was with the lawsuit and so he says to me I guess you heard about the dog? So IM assuming he means the dog was PTS well, boy was I wrong! The dogs owners relinquished the dog to the Humane Society in another county! OH as if that were not enough I called the shelter to inquire about the dog and guess what?? The freaking dog has been adopted! I just about lost it! I explained to the HS coordinator and told her the whole story surrounding the dog about how he bit a 4 year old little girl in the face requiring her to have 13 stitches and how he killed a neighbors Pomeranian who was being walked on her leash! I explained that I am currently suing the previous owners of the dog because the dog came onto my property on several occasions one instance where he mauled our cat to death in front of my children and then a few weeks later came onto our property and attacked my Pekingese and then in turn viscously attacked me when I tried to get my Pekingese away from him. So the shelter coordinator says oh how terrible! Then proceeds to tell me the dog was adopted out to a family with three small children! So I asked for their contact info and of course she would not give it to me but assured me she would contact them and warn them. GRRRRRRRRRR Can you believe this crap? Now three small children are at risk of being seriously harmed all because of an irresponsible IDIOT who just so happens to be my STUPID neighbor!
    So now IM so frustrated and worried sick over this because I know good and Damn well that dog cannot be trusted especially around small children. If the shelter supervisor does not call those people she is also at fault. IM hoping and praying she does. My attorney said he is going to try and get a court order demanding the dog be turned over to authorities where it will then be euthanized. I know it sounds cruel and heartless but this dog has done so much harm and has the potential to do even more harm.
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is terrible there has to be something someone can do. I just don'T want to believe people are that stupid! What happens if these 3 kids die or are seriously injured, then the parents find out the HS knew about it so they sue the HS, who gets put out of busniess for giving out a kiler dog (and no onger can help any other dogs!) this is ridiculous!
  3. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    What were these people doing??? They are much worse than being stupid, I should say they are UNETHICAL!!! I don't think they could be in the animal control because they obviously don't know how to differentiate what's right and wrong and who gets hurt. Now these worse-than-idiot people put human lives into danger. Hope you don't mind if I ask this. Is this incident on the news? Someone should broadcast how horrible these monsters are.
  4. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    I am sure some news station would eat this story up. Hopefully your attorney can get something done fast. Is there anyway you could drive to the shelter to make sure that call is made. People find it much harder to blow someone off face to face.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    yea go to the shelter and show your scars and ask if that is proof enough not to have placed it in a home. But now they are too embarassed to ask those people for the dog back and will claim they never knew!
    I can'T believe the authoriites or whoever let them hand it over anyone. I would comlain to the authorities also
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    :shock: im speechless....
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Holy COW!!!!!!

    WTF is going on!!! Are those people completely nuts! Let me guess, the HS told them how wonderful and loving the dog is???

    Oh man!!!I would get the newspaper involved if I were you, possibly even the TV crew. Not to deem the HS but to show how ignorant people are!

    Those children are at a HIGH risk. ITs a proven fact time and time again, when a dog attacks on its own free will, it will do it time and time again!

    I pray those children are ok.

    How did the neigbor get him adopted out??
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I assume the neighbor dropped him off and didn't tell the HS about the dog's history. It should have been illegal for him to do this with the dog in question - wasn't there some sort of restraining order or restrictions on what he could do with the dog while the case was pending? Your lawyer should know.

    Now that the HS has been informed, they are liable. I hope they call the family and warn them!!

    Maybe you should go there in person, as others have said. Ask them to call the family with you there listening. Or better yet, have your lawyer call the HS and sound all formal and legal - that will scare the crap out of them!

    I hope those kids are okay.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Something kind of fishy. Didn't you say this family was a so-so prominent family in the community? Sounds like your law enforcement made some special concessions for these people. Gave them a loop-hole to keep the dog from being p.t.s. Maybe even "adopted" by friends of the family. Seems unusual that a dog is adopted out so quickly.

    I know here when a dog is involved in an unprovoked attack, especially when a person is involved, a dog is p.t.s. right away.

    Maybe even your neighbors are intertaining thoughts of getting the dog back some day after you suit is settled.

    Just my suspicious nature working over time.
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Trust me my husband and I have had the same thoughts. Our attorney has contacted the HS and explained thoroughly the actions that are being taken against the owners of the dog and the separate occasions that have led up to now. So the regional HS coordinator called me back to apologize and let me know the family who adopted the dog have been contacted.
    IM not sure what my neighbors thinking was behind dumping the dog at the humane society unless they do have intentions of getting him back. The HS coordinator said the owners came in and relinquished the dog under an assumed name. She found this out when she called the owner turn in contact info. What I find funny is IM sure they thought they had a smooth plan until my attorney spoke with their attorney and he openly admitted what his clients had done. LOL so much for the whole confidentiality thing. My attorney thinks it was in some way a plea for us to drop the suit. I however think their intentions were to get the dog back. The dog is after all a prized hunting dog and that's a big deal around here. It's really ridiculous how things work in small towns everything is so corrupt at times and the sad thing is most of the time nothing can or will be done about it.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Gina your absolutely right, Same thing here. Hunting dogs and herding dogs are a HUGE thing around here, and with Houston being the only HS and 70 miles away, its a BIG problem. Law Inforcement won't even do anything but fine a person. Thats where I'm coming in.....PUPS as well. My biggest suspicions on this case is that with all the loop holes and his obvious intent on getting that dog back, he's going to try and get you back. Since you have Pitt bulls and all.... I would just be careful.

    You stay at home all day right? I would just be worried that he'll try and prevoke a situation where your dogs or your family get harmed or in trouble.
    Around here thats a big problem. revenge.....
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Gina, you do whatever you have to do to get that dog away from those children. This is such a sad thing. God, those adoptive people are going to relive what you have gone thru. They really need your help. Keep at it.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ummm. I'm beginning to think perhaps I don't want to move to a more rural place after all...
  14. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It really sucks at times. I lived in bigger cities for 9 years prior to moving here so this is a big adjustment for me. In the town I live in if you were not born and raised here you are considered an outsider so it makes it very hard to form friendships. I love actually living in the country and the solitude that normally comes with it I just hate the small town politics. Around here there is actually a group of men who are members of some warped KKK good ol boys type club. It's quite sickening considering it is 2004!
    That's not really a worry of mine because my dogs are all very well behaved and never really left outside unattended. They are left outdoors in their dog runs from time to time but they are locked. IM hoping over time our disputes will be resolved. And surely he would not be stupid enough to come onto our property to try and harm our dogs because it would be quite obvious who was at fault if he did. Not to mention my husband is a police officer. We are also going to fence in as much of our property as possible.
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ahhh thats a relief!!! I'd hate for that little cutie Punkin to be in trouble!!! Oh yeah, I remember you saying something about your hubby being a police officer....
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    Wow Gina. I'm sorry....I can imagine how frustrated you must be.
  17. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think the neighbor lawyer told yours because he thought ok the guy got rid of it? now will the crazy lady drop it? bc it is such a sweet dog. and your lawyer told you hoping not to get too involved in your case bc he has bigger things to pursue(don't know what, but just an idea) so your lawyer told you thinking ok done!
    but the other lawyer didn'T know about the fake name, and if he did then he never would have told anyone, bc that gets the person in bigger trouble, bc he is trying to hide something.
    Good Luck!
    How have you been feeling lately?
  18. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    wow, gina.. that's utterly ridiculous!!! I sure hope they do something about removing the dog.... can you just imagine being the parents that just adopted this dog as a family pet?!?!? They are going to frrrrrrrreak out when they hear this..... I sure hope it's sooner than later!!
  19. Hi Gina,

    I've had some computer problems of late, that's why I haven't been on much. But with that said...I'm so sorry to hear that you were hurt by your neighbors dog (not to mention your poor cat!) and the little girl! and, and, and,....

    I would think that the owners of this dog should be at least fined for allowing this dog to be adopted out with the kind of history he has. I don't understand this case at all! And that shelter that took him in should also be held accountable in some way, if they don't go straight over and pick that dog up.

    I also liked the idea of letting your local paper know what has happened here.

    Good luck to you! Susan

    P.S. Are you o.k.? what exactly did he do to you? (if you don't mind that is)
  20. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM doing much better thanks so much for asking.
    What happened was I was in my yard taking my Pekingese out to potty she was on a leash. So we walked around the house and when we did I realized my neighbors dog was in my yard. He had already attacked and killed my cat so I was worried about him roaming my yard while Fancy was being walked. I started walking towards my house when the dog came running at Fancy I tried to get to the house before he was able to approach us but unfortunately I did not make it in time the dog had already latched on to my little dog and was going to tear her to pieces. I kicked him away and was able to pick Fancy up and when I did the dog went after her again but attacked me instead. The dog then knocked me to the ground and continued to attack me, Luckily my oldest son came outside and heard me screaming so he ran in and woke his dad up he came running out grabbed a cattle prod from the barn and came out and shocked the crap out of that dog over and over again. I ended up with stitches in my face, hand and over 30 stitches in my right side as well two broken ribs. Plus a broken finger. I then had to get surgery done on my hand due to nerve and tissue damage.
    Thanks again for asking I really am feeling much better now.

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