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Dog Loving

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Prncess, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Prncess

    Prncess New Member

    Do dogs really know that they're being loved when you hug and kiss them?
  2. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    yes they sure do, everytime i tell my pom: I LOVE YOU, he starts licking my face. even if he is sleeping he gets up and kisses me. so go ahead and give them lots of love.
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I'm sure they do! When I give my girls kisses & say "I love you" they get all excited and kiss me like crazy! :kiss_heart:
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yes, I truly believe it. They definatley understand when you give them that I'm mad at you look to by the way they act.
  5. Prncess

    Prncess New Member

    I ask because it's so funny when I try to love on her "hug and kiss her" she's always squirming....lol. well just thought i'd ask =)
  6. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I'm pretty sure that they do know when we are showing our love and care, even if our acts are not physical or speakable. I am also pretty sure that they know when we yell at them.

    I could raise my voice to anyone but my Chobby. He barks and talked back when I verbally punish him. The thing is, he knew I was getting pissed at him regardless of the loudness of my voice. I sometimes speak very loud to humans, but Chobby never bark when that happens. That's why I started believing that dogs do know our emotion, especially our deep-in-the-heart feeling for them.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hugging is not a natural part of a dog's repertoire of behaviors (it's a primate thing). They usually tolerate it from us because I think they know we mean well and they love us. Some will tolerate it more than others, however. I have one that will pretty much sit there and wait for you to be done, and another that will only remain patient for a few seconds and then squirm to get away. No two dogs are the same!

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