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ok i have to tell my stress story

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Rene, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    let me start by saying please dont bash me just give me some advice. As you all know i bought my yourkies to breed them but after reading all the information here i decided not to then my mom got sick and moved in with me (side tracked for a sec) my brother and his wife and my nephew lived with my mom she would call me all the time crying that she couldnt pay her mortgage, phone, electric what ever so i would not pay my own bills and pay hers finally i decided i was not going to do that anymore if i was going to pay for her it should be my bills also. So she sold her house and came to live here well my nephew joined the army (in boot camp right now) and my brother was no help at all ( to get rid of him my mom had to BUY him a mobile home) her house was so freaking trashed i couldnt beleive it. NO ONE IN MY FAMILY HELPED ME i have a friend that came and helped me we moved all my mom's stuff (most of it is my grandparents who passed away a few years ago) in to my garage then we called the garbage company to get a big dumpster (that is how bad the house was) well they didnt have any so i went to her house to figure out what to do my brother had added so much more sh** i couldnt beleive it I rented a u-haul truck and took 5 loads of heavy sh** to the dump just me and my friend (who is a girl also) any way i was so busy with that i didnt take my babies in to be fixed :oops: I knew Jasmine was in heat so i put a diaper on her i came home and it was gone :?: so i put a pair of underware on her and locked her in my room when i was not home well my mom decided to let her out anyway you get the picture (i pm'ed sams and asked if a tie meant babies she said yes have them aborted) i have had so much going on i didn't do ( i dont think i could anyway) I know that Jasmine has 2 babies for sure (i had ultra sound done there was 2 heart beats i saw them so cute) she is 50 days today (the only time i saw them tie was 7/12) so last night jasmine was crying and moaning at 4am i got up let her out she still was the same she woke up everyone in the house by 5 am everyone was up i was so stressed about her today at work i left early and took her to the vet they did another ultrasound and and xray maybe i have 3 babies they were not sure i guess she just had gas or something last night.

    well i want to make sure i have everything i might need ( i have never in my life read as much about something as i have read about whelping)

    ok i have her whelping place (its a baby play pen that i used to lock them in when i first got them) it has towels, newspaper and a blanket (that they had when they were babies) i have rubber gloves, sergical sissors, unwaxed dental floss, heating pad, not sure the true name but one of those things you use to suck snot out of a babies nose lol, bitches milk and a bottle did i leave anything out?? I KNOW I'M NOT A BREEDER NOR DO I EVER INTENTED TO DO THIS AGAIN. But it happend so i might need help to make sure i'm not forgetting anything. Oh ya i also have the ER VET phone number and directions (cuz i know it's going to happen in the middle of the night and i will have to go there) also both dogs have been checked and they are in perfect health only one thing which is sebastains overbite. when i had her at the vet today she said that the bigger the litter the better for jasmine b/c if there is only one or two they can grow to big and then we have to have C-Section (which by the way thank god mom sold her house and i took that money and put it in my account to save vet said to save $2,000 just in case) back to my mom she gave all her money away (of course not to me) i invested a little bit but i'm affarid we are going to have to break into it at this rate she is handing money left and right and when i say something she gets mad at me. she didnt want to give me 100.00 to pay my cell phone bill but she gave my sister $10,000 any way thats another story sorry so long i just want you to understand why i didnt get the dogs fixed and i'm haveing babies i'm actully excited and worried at the same time. I'm sure jasmine will be fine btw i already have 6 sold (to bad i only have 3 maybe 2 for sure) oh yea i also told my job that when i have puppies i'm taking time off work like it or not with or without pay (i will get paid i have been there 9 years)

    ok anything i need to watch for or forgot please let me know and again without bashing please

  2. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Hi Rene- I truly do understand the situation- sometimes these things just happen, and obviously you understand your mistake- however, I just worry about your dog having puppies because isn't she still young herself? That is probably why Sam told you to have them aborted-- anything under 2 is pushing it, and under 1 is dangerously too young. I'm not an expert by any means, but I just worry about Jasmine making it through ok. But at this point it sounds like she is getting pretty far along, so I don't know if an abortion is even possible at this point-- maybe someone else with more expertise should chime in here.....
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Rene, I know much less than you about whelping, so I am just here to lend my support. Sometimes life interferes with our plans and things happen. Hang in there, and I hope everything goes well.

    And we WILL demand pictures of those cute little babies!! :m7:
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hey girl! Looks like your gonna be a grand mommy!!!

    Ok looks like your being very responcible in the fact that you took heed to your mistake, made a descision, and did your homework!!! Kudo's to you for doing the correct thing!

    Looks like you've got most your bases covered. Just remember to have a bowl of 99'F water. Sometimes when puppies are born and are tiny, they get cold very quickly after birth. So to help stimulate their bloodflow, airflow and bodily fuctions, you can submurge them (not the head though! don't want to drown them) under the water and it will simulate the womb. That will help in cases of prolonged whelps.
    Another thing to have handy is a syrenge or bottle of Kyro syrup. SOmetimes the babies come out and need a little sugar boost. You can tell if they need this if they won't nurse, breathing but no bodily movements or sluggish, you can put a tiny drop on their tounge. The sugar will help give them the needed boost. (Your vet can tell you other alternitives)

    Be sure to have her rabies and worming done two weeks before her due date. This will allow the blood flow to carry the vaccination and worming to the puppies! Theywill be old enough to handle it and born vacinated!

    You should also have a minimum of two people available at your disposal! When the puppies are born, momma should take care of the cleaning, rolling them around, exc.... But if she doesn't you'll need a clean warm towel (one for each puppy) and a person to handle it. Get one of those (Snot sucker thingies) and make sure all mucus is removed from the nose and mouth. Rub vigerously with the warm towel to clean and stimulate breathing. Momma will lick them and roll them around with her nose.

    Other than that, looks like you've got all your basis covered! Just don't have too many people around, That could cause her to get nervous or scared, and make sure the male is put away out of sight and sound. Mommas become very protective of their babies, and the male might agrivate her and cause her to accidentally hurt one of the pups.

    Good luck!!! When they whelp and if you need further assistance give me a call and I'll walk you through it!!! (if the vet is not available!!!) You can PM me for my #
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    hi puggleowner I was also concerned about Jasmines age she is 1 year 10 mos. When i asked my vet she said she is young but this is her 2nd heat so it should be ok. she is pretty far along and i have known the whole time I called the vet right away (after i pm'ed sams and they said they would not be able to tell untill the first week of aug. so we did ultra sound then.

    Thanks Jamiya and i will post lots of pictures i'm very excited and nervious at the same time. in my search for information i found this cute poem http://www.kuhaylans.homestead.com/file ... lping.html

  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks sams i might take you up on that :D i also forgot to add that sebastain is getting fixed right after the babies are born (i want to make sure i save enough money in case of C-Section) and now that my mom lives with me she will help with the pups if i need it and my sons job is going to be to keep sebastain out (that is going to be hard). Jasmine was snooping in my closet this morning so i think i'm going to put her play pen in there it's much more private for her.

    How long do i have to wait after the babies before i can spay her??

    thanks again guys :lol:
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Renee, ditto what everyone else has said. and wishing you all the luck in this puppy process. :D

  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Good luck Rene, hope everything goes well for you and the Jasmine.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Rene. Don't put her in your closet unless EVERYTHING is moved out off the floor and there is plenty of room for you to get in there too in case of an Emergancy. I would put the pen by your bedside though.So any noise can awaken you.
    Char had her babies right next to my bed and we later put them in the bathroom where she could have her privacy!

    Anytime you feel you need a VOICE to help you. Feel free to call. I get midnight calls all the time, "oh the cow needs help calving!!!, Help!!!! The cats having kittens!!! Oh no! Mopsy is whelping early!!!

    Don't worry. You'll do fine.
    You need to wait until at least 8 weeks after she has the puppies. This will insure they are fully weaned and she's gained her composure back. Beware though that she can come back in heat as early as 6 weeks! Like I said before its in your best intrest to keep Sebastian securly away from Jassy and the babies at all cost.

    Good luck sweetie, and though she's young, I think she'll be fine. Just keep a VERY close eye on her. She can be early to whelp at this young an age.
  10. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol thanks sams but i think my midnight would be like 3-4 am for you :shock: and i guess i should have said that my closet is huge it's big enough to call another room. I have her pen right by my bed right now but she doesnt go in there yet i put her in there and rub her belly but then she gets out. I think she is going to want to have them on my bed :shock: i wouldnt care but i think it's better for her and them to be in the play pen well only 11 days to go so i will soon find out what it is like to have puppies. I have had several kittens in the past i used to bred my blue point hemalyian (well 2 times) and it was a great experience.

    and keeping sebastain away that is one reason why i want to get him fixed right after the pupies are born and that way if she does go in heat again i wont have to worry

    My vet just called she wants to buy one of my puppies also geez i guess Yorkies are hard to come by here in California i bought mine from ads in the newspaper.
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Granvel and I have actually talked about getting a Yorkie. I told him not right now of course. He likes little dogs as well and wants to get into breeding them. I told him we've got a LONG way to go before that ever happens!!! I know all about Cattle dogs, but not about Yorkies!!!! Dashounds as well, but I've never had a yorkie before. I've read about them, played with them and babysitted, but thats the extent of it.

    Good luck. And don't worry, I won't mind. Anything I can do to help!
  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    IM sorry to hear everything seems to be going so wrong for you lately. Do not beat yourself up over this whole puppy thing. I know the thought of puppies is a very scary thought. While I am not a breeder I have had my fair share of pregnant fosters/rescues throughout the years. And luckily never any complications. With you having a smaller dog I would ask your vet first about giving a booster to your dog while pregnant. The mom will naturally produce immunities/colostrum (moms first milk) which provides a safeguard for the first 4-5 weeks. If I were you I would read all I can and keep your vets number handy for questions or concerns. Here is a recent article written by a vet that seems very useful.

    Sams I have read and been told before by my vet that giving vaccinations to a pregnant dog can be dangerous?
    I worry about giving the rabies vaccination to my dogs just because it is so potent. Do you vaccinate your dogs during pregnancy? I don't know it just seems scary to me.
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    yorkies are great i wanted one my whole life and was a little nervious when i first got sebastain because i had my rottie Nala and didnt know how she would like a little dog but they were so cute togather they played tug a war and Nala would chase him he had the advantage of course he could go under things and she couldn't lol When i first brought him home he was sniffing around and Nala sneezed and sebastain took off runing and yelping it was so funny i thought i was going to pee my pants. The only bad thing is Sebastain is a yapper he defenitly lets you know what is on his mind he barks ALOT but i love him any way :lol: they are both my little babies.
  14. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thanks gina great artical as for her shots she has them all not due again till december and she gets frontline every month and interceptor (hmm its a new month now i better check if i can still give her that stuff)
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I was told by both my vets, that its ok and safe to give the rabies (adjusted dose of course) to her two weeks before whelping date. No sooner no later. (too soon could cause harm, too late and it may not get to all the puppies) and other vaccinations.

    If she's alread up todate thats fine. THey just have to be monitored. And with Parvo as bad as it is down here, I feel safe knowing that my puppies were born with a vaccination already. They say parvo hits at 4 weeks and up, but I've had 2-3 week old pups die from it. Soooo, theres my reasoning and concern. I wouldn't have done it but both vets (who know each other, but only on a professional basis) agreed as well as my mothers vet that it was ok and a good idea!.

    As far as the frontline goes. I would ask your vet. The stuff works with the oils in the dogs skin. SO it migrates to the entire body in a short period of time. This could lead to it ending up on the mothers nipples and causing harm to the puppies. I would avoid using it until the puppies are weaned and old enought to get it themselves. Of course consult your vet about it too.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I know with humans, there is a waiting period after the surgery where you still need to use some other method of birth control. You might find out if it is the same for dogs. You wouldn't want to get him neutered and then find out he still managed to get little Jasmine pregnant again!
  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    good point jamiya thanks i would just dye if i had to go thru this again not to mention poor jasmine. It was kinda funny last time i took sebastain to the vet she flip him on his back to check things out and she said WOW YOU ARE A FERTIAL LITTLE GUY it was kinda funny. He sleeps on his back all the time and his *things* are huge for a little boy i wonder when i fix him and he lays on his back it's going to be funny cuz they are going to be FLAT lol
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My agility trainer was talking about judging the national trials and how the Basset Hounds would knock the jump bars down with their dangly man parts. :shock:
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OMG!! How funny!!!
    I always thought Smokey was kinda Gifted in that area!!

    OUr stud Ryan (yeah horse)
    He likes to show it off all the time! Gets the men in the family all rawled up!!! Guess their just jelous!!!
  20. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Rene- 1 year 10 months is not extremely young and I would think she will be able to handle pregnancy ok- I was thinking she was still under a year. Yeah I would definately have your family help you out in any way possible with these pups seeing as how you have done so much for them lately!!! I definately want to see pictures :)

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