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Is my female getting ready to breed?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hey everyone, this morning my pair of budgies were making quite the rukkus (sp?) and I went to see what was going on, and I noticed my female's cere was a different color, but it was almost like she had a crust coming over it, the color was dark brown....I knew when they are ready the cere turns to a dark brown, but is that what it looks like, a sort of crust looking thing? It's hard to tell because she's so active and taking her out by hand stresses her out, I can only let her out of her cage at her own free will for play. Is this normal, is she getting ready to breed, or is this something else? She has absolutely no signs of being sick (even tho they are masters at hiding them) she's very active, she's eating, drinking, playing. There are no watery droppings in her cage, and she's never fluffed up sitting on one leg. So I'm assuming all is well for her. Just wondering about her cere. It's possible it's not a crust, that may just be how they turn color, but I'm real curious to know what's going on. So any replies would be greatly appreciated, and maybe some pointers as to what step to take next, if she is ready to breed. Thanks in advance!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi because her cere has turned to dark brown she is ready to breed the become very vocal and destructive around mating time so this is all normal..

    You will notice when she is due to start laying eggs as she will spend most of her time inside the nest box and her poop will be larger than normal.

    If your planning on breeding now is the best time to introduce a nest box and soft foods such as boiled egg mashed up with the shell, Boiled pasta and rice and wholewheat bread you can also get a special egg food designed to hand feed and wean chicks from any good petstore.

    Make sure she has plenty of cuttlefish and mineral block as egg laying takes alot out of the hen and the cuttlefish puts the calcium back in her body aswell as helps with making the shells for her eggs.

  3. zarate

    zarate New Member


    Mike, thanks so much for your quick reply. Her cere isn't completely dark brown...it seems like it's starting from the bottom and going up, the upper part is still her normal part, it's just the bottom that is dark brown. I've got some boiled eggs and boiled pasta I want to get her used to today. My husband tried to make a concave bottom in the nest box, but he didn't get it quite big enough, so I'll take it to my dad and have him sand out a small hollow in the wood. Hopefully tonight I can introduce the nestbox to them, I'd really like to attatch this on the outside, so they still have plenty of room. It's just the 2 in that cage, and it's huge, but I still like to see birds have more than enough room. Also, they are more chatty than normal and it seems they pick on each other, like if they are eating...they chase each other out of the feed cup, as normally they will both eat at it together. I really hope these guys are ready to breed. I originally wanted to wait awhile, but these 2 have bonded really well and I believe they will do great. Also, the so called Breeding season is coming up. It's almost fall here, which is the Australian spring (I think that's right) and I guess that is breeding season! Wish me luck! Thanks guys!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi yes it definatly sounds like she is coming into breeding condition.
    fighting over the food dish is normal around this time as the male usually likes to feed the female as the time gets nearer she will only eat when he feeds her and this will look like kissing.

    Its all normal behaviour you may also notice the female gets a little more agressive towards the male this is also normal...
    You may find once the nest has been introduced that her cere will change very quick and when ready to lay eggs she will stay in the nest more than usual.

    I line my nest boxes with about an inch of plain woodshavings but you will find she will throw this out but i keep putting some back in as this will help keeps eggs and chicks warm and clean.

    Good luck and i am always here if you need anymore help or advice or you can catch me online on msn messenger boro_lad1976@hotmail.com

    Feel free to chat on there

  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Budgie breeding.

    Thanks again Mike, just letting you know... I did add you to my msn messenger, it should come up as mandi1081@hotmail.com
    Here's another question...now that I've finaly got a concave bottom made in the nest box, where is the best place to put it? Hope to chat with you soon!
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi the concave should be at the other end of the nest box away from the openin as its darker at this end and the female feels alot safer and happier in raising her chicks in the dark.

    Good luck and i have you msn .

  7. zarate

    zarate New Member


    Alright, now I've got the nest box in the cage...I put it in last night, and today it seems they have not went in or been interested....they only play on top of it....is this normal, or are they not quite ready? Also where in the cage should I put the nestbox? thanks again! :D
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi its best just to put the nest in and let them get on with it they will go into it eventually when she is ready or if you can catch the female put her in the nest and allow her to come back out she will then know this is where she is to have her babies...

    For the first week or so after putting the nest in they usually just play around it till they know what it is for.
    The nest box can be put anywhere in the cage aslong as its up off the floor about 2-4inches this makes the birds feel secure in the nest as in the wild there nests would be in tree's.
    I put plain wood shavings inside the nest and i know when they have been in as they usually throw it back out of the nest...


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