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Discovered Why Duke Gained Weight

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    At his physical exam a couple of weeks ago Duke weighed in 8 pounds heavier than 6 months ago. Last night I discovered the probable cause.
    I feed Duke and Freckles side by side each morning and evening. There is no food aggression between them at all. Initially Freckles would out gobble Duke but after Freckles adjusted to his new home and gained security I guess the need to eat as fast as he could slowly dissapeared. Anyway, Freckles has now fully matured and his puppy appetite has subsided so he now eats slower than Duke, sometimes wondering off for a bit then returning to finish his meal.
    Last night I was in another room a bit after setting down their food bowls so I could observe them eating. As he has done when I am present, Freckles ate a bit and wondered off to the den to look for me I guess. Without missing a mouthful Duke just shifted over to Freckles bowl and continued to eat. When Freckles returned Duke shifted back to his own bowl and Freckles finished off whatever remained in his bowl. Duke is a crafty big toot as he never does this when he knows I am watching.
    Freckles does not seem to care and his weight has remained constant so he is not being underfed. I plan to adjust his portion downward a bit until he eats everything at one time. I will also have to keep a sharp eye on the Bongo Butt so he doesn't put on any more weight.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    That sneeky little toot!
    Well guess he figures he should do freckles a favor and make sure his food doesn't spoil!
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That is toooooooooooo funny. Ssha would do that in a heart beat if rufus left his food. Sasha wolfs her food down and rufus takes his time. So Sasha stands there hoping to scare him off.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ohhh, Duke is just being the usual lab, hopfully the weight will easily come off. Labs are chow hounds. Jake has his finished in 30 seconds and stands right next to wylie waiting for her to finish, she does the same thing, eat a few bites then thinks about playing, east a few more bites, sometimes this goes on for 10 minutes and I have to stand there whileshe finishes.

  5. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I have heard of that term before, "chow hounds"- what exactly does it mean- just that the dog will eat anything they can get their paws on? What kinds of dogs are typically chow hounds? I think Cameron definately falls under this category, because she always eats all her food immediately and will eat anything and everything! I know it's not cause she's starving, though, because she is far far far from too thin :mrgreen:
  6. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    P.S- Dukesdad that is the greatest pic of Duke and Freckles- cracks me up!! It's like one of the candid shots of the celebrities when they are doing something silly with their faces. :lol:
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yep, that's what a chow hound is. Nala is one, too. :roll:
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is why I am fraid to give Jake a raw chicken, I could see him swallowing it whole :-&

    where as Wyllie would chew and taste and savor every morsel

  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Jake would have to chew at least enough for it to fit in his throat, which is all a dog needs to do.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL thats so funny Dukesdad. Natalie is a "chow hound" too and will eat all of Sebastians food before eating hers if I'm not watching. I also feed them side by side.
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Great new avatar, dukesdad!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! :) I still think that freckles has the best face around!

    I guess if Bailey was in your house, he'd starve to death... he's so lacks-a-dazy about eating. Take it or leave it... No, wait, I'll take it!... TO THE CARPET.... a few here, a few there.... guess I'll eat these... hmmm.. what's this over there.... oh look! My ball!.... hmmm...

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