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Discussion in 'All other pets' started by kem, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. kem

    kem New Member

    does anybody here have a netherland dwarf rabbit? just wondering
  2. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I have had a rabbit but it wasn't a netherland dwarf, even though they are very cute, I had a lop I don't remember wut kind of lop, probaly an english or german.
  3. kem

    kem New Member

    my cousin had a lop. they are very sweet. i love my netherland dwarf. she lives in my backyard and when you call, "bunny" she'll come up to you to get a treat! it is very cool!
  4. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    NO WAY! ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS?! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. kem

    kem New Member

    dead serious! isn't that cool. you can call her and she'll come. or, if your lucky and she is out in the yard and not in her hole, you can just shake the bag of treats and she'll come and hop up to you and get her treat! cool huh?
  6. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow. Did you have to train her or something?
  7. kem

    kem New Member

    yep! it didn't take to long though cuz she new that when you said "bunny" that she would get food. its been 4 or 5 years and she still hasn't forgotten. and if you put the treat up to your leg she will lean on your leg to get the treat! She is so cute! And we have turtles in the backyard also and if they are in her way or if she just can't stand them she will push them around. and she wants to be friends with my dog but my dog can't stand her cuz she can't eat her. she'd get in trouble. so she hates that. and my dog also hates when she and boots (my bird) are in the same room and boots is out cuz she can't eat him either! ahhhh.... me and all of my pets!
  8. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Wow ! I am amazed!
  9. kem

    kem New Member

    many people are amazed but really it isn't much. its just the same as training a dog. its just that people aren't used to hearing about rabbits being trained as they are to hearing about dogs being trained. it really isn't anything at all. anybody can do it! really, its nothing!
  10. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I used to have a big farm rabbit and he would come to his name. I would let him play in the garage for a few hours everynight and then i would go out and yell SASHA!!! and he would come running, i would give him a treat then say go kennel up (a term used on our dogs) and he would go and jump in his cage and wait for his treat there. He was sooo cute!
  11. kem

    kem New Member

    thats awesome! like i said before, training a rabbit is just like training a dog. its really cool!
  12. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Sorry, didn't see this post earlier.

    Yes, I do have a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and he's almost 2 years old This breed is not very commonly seen for some reason, but they are precious.

    Yes, my rabbit also knows when I shaked the treat bottle. I don't have a big yard. Before my puppy arrived, the rabbit used to wander in the yard and the living room for hours. He used to know what "go home" meant, but we didn't practice this command for a while. Can't really let him out too often right now because the dog could want to play by chasing him. Rabbits don't like to be chased.

    Like cats, they only eliminate on certain spot. My rabbit chewed up a hole on the screen door so that he could come in and go out as he wished. There goes my screen door.
  13. kem

    kem New Member

    My rabbit is going on 5 or 6. My dog lives in the backyard with her but she knows that if she even tries to harm the rabbit in anyway that she will be in more trouble than she could ever imagine. But the rabbit likes being around the dog the dog just can't have the temptation so she'll run away if the rabbit gets close. And when we got my bird sierra (dog) tried to bite him when he was flying through the air she tried to bite him but she got a severe yelling at. So that will never happen again. But my rabbit doens't come inside. She just stays outside. She is the cutest thing ever! I LOVE ANIMALS!
  14. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I'm still training the puppy not to play too rough with the rabbit. Puppy is playful, sometimes too playful. Just curious. Did you have both the dog and the rabbit raised together? Who's older?

    The thing is the rabbit doesn't mind the dog at all, but he doesn't like to be chased, especially in speed. If you don't mind, can you share your experience?
  15. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    i have 2 dogs and had 2 rabbits. Neither really knew eachother. My dogs are labs and i have seen them kill many little furry animals, so i never introduced them. i think they would have been fine with my 1st rabbit who was huge, though.
  16. kem

    kem New Member

    my dog is a lab 2! chocolate lab, to be exact. sierra (dog) likes to chew up fuzzy things also but she just knows when its a pet she will get in lotz of trouble for even trying to eat them! she acts like she is a human and she acts like she is 2!! but she is really 8 but gotta go!

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