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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mdman126, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Blue eyes. :shock: I bet he's pretty. Where is his picture, I WANT TO SEE HIM. And fluffy too
  2. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    i know, i like to post their pics too but i dont have any yet, but as soon as i finish the roll of film in my camera i will post their pics. by the way how do you do that? i hope it is free like other websites. talk to you later
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree... pictures are a must! (didn't you read the "requirement" in the fine print, when you joined??)hehehe.. just kidding.

    When you are ready to post your pics, we'll walk you through it... but the first step is that you will need to find a site to upload to (there are lots of free ones)... I'm sure people can recommend some, but I heard that picturetrail.com is a good one. You will post your pictures there and then "link" them from this site -- you don't actually post them on the auspet site.

    Anyhow... holler when you're ready.
  4. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    that sounds good, i will let you know as soon as i am ready. the other thing i mentioned before is that my pom is more hyper after the surgery, he jumps real high and bites my mother so bad, i thought neutering will culm him down but i have not seen any difference yet except he is more hyper. i am gonna give it some time. talk to you soon
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    From what I understand it takes a few months to deplete the testosterone that is already in his system, something like that. If your dog was hyper already, he will be more calm hopefully but not docile. When dogs hit the age of 2 too they calm down. I noticed that with my dog.
  6. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member

    i hope so

    i am waiting for that moment, we cant even leave him at home by himself, i f we do he will chew on everything including wires, carpets, shoes ............. so i really hope that he will culm down soon.
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    patience, little flower... patience... :)

    and DITTO! as far as the chewing, I hear that goes with the "puppy phase" which can last 18-24 months.

    Have you tried the "Bitter Apple" spray?? That stuff worked miracles on Bailey... of course, it was after he chewed my VERY expensive glasses and the berber carpet!! grrrrrrr.....3
  8. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    yes i have tried bitter apple on him , it works while it lasts and that is it!!!
    just now, i was online and my mom kept calling me, because my pom was running around and kept emptying the contents of my dad's pockets and my dad was chasing him so i had to go and bring him up here in the attic, you kow i live up here with all the spiders and earwigs and silver fish.
    anyhow my pom is very smart he can even open the zippers of brief cases and look inside of them. i hope he will stop it very soon.
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm sure that goes over REALLLLLLL well with the parents!! Little spazzy dogs emptying pockets aren't always a hit with the folks....lol
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    How about setting up an ex-pen for him, while you can not watch him. It will keep your household items from being destroyed. Something like these.
    http://www.petedge.com/jump.jsp?itemTyp ... itemID=509

    This would be perfect. then you can use these as a gate or whatever afterwards. To keep them out of certain areas etc.
  11. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    you know puttin510, i already bought him one of those , but as soon as i put him in there specially at night he starts barking like crazy and then i have to take him out. but yes he does have one of those. thanks :)
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Maybe you need to like I did with my kids when they were babies and not give in to their cries. Have you thought about one of those collars the deter them from barking. Or a sprits of water in the face, maybe. Thats painless.
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree.... time to teach him who is the BOSS :)
  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Certain behaviors in which you are describing will NOT cease as a result of the surgery! You spoke of your Pom chewing, biting, etc., these are behaviors in which need consistent and persistent correction in order to be stopped, neutering will not solve the problem. I would highly recommend that you start ASAP in correcting those behaviors before things really get out of control, for they are destined to if left uncorrected, believe me, I see it happen all too often!!!

    Neutering, in most cases, will result in a calmer dog (among other things). It may take a little while before you see a change, but if your dog is normally an active/hyper dog, you may not see significant change...normally you'll notice at least a little change, though!

    As far as your pup barking/crying/whining when confined, it's best that you ignore it! Your Pom needs to learn that you will not give into his every cry, if that is allowed to happen, you are letting your Pom control you...and that's NOT good! I would use the exercise pen you have to keep him out of the mischief he gets into when you are not able to watch him. If he barks/whines/crys when you leave him in there, simply ignore him! When you are ready to let him out, only come to get him when he is quiet!

    Has your Pom been feeling better recently?

  15. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    The product must be reapplied every so often...in other words, a one-time spray will not last forever!!! :y_the_best:

    Just thought I'd let you know in case you were unaware of that! :D
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    From what it sounds your pup may just simply be testing how far he can go with you. You have to out last him. Don't let him get the upper hand or he will be one of those bad additude type of dogs that tries to bite or bark when ever he doe not get his way. They are cute, but little monsters. My poodle was that way, did not want to be touch, but only when she wanted. Did not want my boys or husband sitting near her on our couch. She would bark and scare them away. She was 4 when we got her. So had quite a while of being the way she was. She had to be retrained. We got her from the shelter. Do you think it seems to be going this direction?
  17. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey Mdman,
    Mybaby gave some great advice. I had this problem with my poms when I first got them. With patience and persisance it can be changed. By the way how much is your little boy wieghing these days? If I am reembering right he was a fairly big pup.
  18. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    my pom has been crate trained, i put him in his crate and never gave in to his cries until he got used to the crate. this is when he was 4 months old. but now at night when i put him in the ex-pen he starts barking real loud and i dont know if i told you guys or not my dad has Cancer,i take care of him too and he needs to rest at night, and i can't let my pom bark at that time. i also tried the spray his face but he kept on doing what he was doing before.
    my pom weighs 15 pound now and yes he is a big pomeranian and he is doing okay now, the incision is looking much better. i just cant wait to give him a shower, i have to wait untill the two weeks is over.
    thanks again and talk to you soon
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Did you goof and forget to bathe him the night before the neuter? Thats best to do. I hope your father is fairing well. How about a bark collar?
  20. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    no, i did give him a shower the day before the neuter, but still i would like to wash him. ya maybe i should try the antibark collar? do you have any info on them? which is a goodone? thanks for asking about my dad, he is doing okay.

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