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Pictus cat

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by GodsChld, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    So i have this bad boy.......named wild bill kemler after the first man to die in the electric chair.....dont ask why just thought it would be a conversation starter......ne way

    He is still really small......about 2 inches if that....and i have had him for about 2 months....my questions would be

    1. Anyone know the growth rate on these fish?
    2. What is there actual adult size. I believe Fish Adict told me it was 10" but i have read 5" and i have read 2 FEET!!
    3. With how slow he is growing(if he indeed does have a slow growth rate) will he be ok in the tank with my oscar?? I dont need wild bill dying on me here!!!

    Thanks all for the help

    Oh and a REALLY cool fish that i now want:

  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    i would like to know they size to because it changes from site to site
    i just look at 3 site and it say
    10 and 14

    and it it is 4 no it will not be good with your fish
  3. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    I struggled with this issue too before finally giving away my pictus. From two VERY reliable sources I was told in no uncertain terms that pictus' reach 8-10 inches. Also they are quite predatory towards smaller fish when they reach these larger sizes. They are schoolers too so you'd need a very large aquarium to properly keep them.
  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Growth rates can differ according to the size of the tank. The larger the tank the quicker the growth.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

  6. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    I also read that they are a schooling fish, but it also said that they live well on their own. I am hoping he starts to grow a little, although my oscar has been with all of these fish since day one. My tank is 125 so i think i have enough room from him to grow.....thanks all!!!
  7. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    Chelle....the information you gave was for the fish in the link, and i guess I wrote my question in a misleading fashion.....the fish i have is a pictus cat and the site you sent me to has this fish listed to grow 4.8" (see the link)


    So i guess my question is, is THIS guy safe with an oscar, cause if not my LFS has some explaining to do....they told me he would be ok, and if he wont, this would be the SECOND mistake they have made!!!

    Thanks all
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Oops, sorry about that.

    Pictus cats are a bit on the small side. But I have heard of some people being able to keep them with oscars. If you have a relatively passive oscar, they grow up together, and you have some hiding spaces then it might work, but if you have a really aggressive oscar he very likely could get eaten.

  9. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    no sorry needed, it was def my mistake.....poorly worded....

    Ne way....I guess i will have to rearrange some of my rocks so i can make some caves....right now i only have one very small one....

    as for my oscar, he seems to get along with every thing pretty well.....when i put the new bala shark in he chased it around for about 10 seconds, i guess showing him who was in charge, and now leaves them alone, at least that i see ;)

    As for the pictus cat, he seems to be ok i guess for now, i just dont want him getting eaten.....i think if walt (oscar) wanted to he could eat him now, but the cat is pretty quick and i have actually seen the cat chase the oscar, which i thoguht was kinda strange.....he is a tough lil SOB.....but if you suggest taking him out i may just turn my hospital tank into a SMALL community tank for him and maybe a few black and gold fish that i saw (not sure of the name) some are yellow and some where black.....and maybe a few black and gold snails.......GO STEELERS!!!
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, the good thing is a lot of oscars tend to ignore bottom dwellers because they don't get into the oscar's swimmin space very often. And most catfish are nocternal so they're out & about when the oscar is sleeping.


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