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I need people's help, please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Lunchbox, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    Tonight my house cought on fire. It was an electrical fire in the attic. We basically lost everything to smoke/water damage. We were renting & we dont have renters insurance. So everything is a loss. My parents wont take us in because we have a PITBULL.

    I am able to stay there tonight but I dont know after that. My wife & kids will be there but my boy has to go. I will sleep in my truck with him before I will give him to a shelter or humane socitey. I am located around Saltlake city, Utah.

    I need to find him a place to stay. If anyone can plz post this on any boards they frequent or know of anyone that can help in my area plz contact me.

    Crystal Hays
    (801) 603-5028

    The phone may be busy alot since we have to call & try to find someplace to live. Plz help him find a Pit friendly home. Here he is

  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i am so sorry to hear about the fire i know if i was closer i would have taken him in till you got sorted i will cross post this to all the boards i use.

  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    First of all I'd like to say I'm glad you and your family made it out of the fire alright. It's too bad you lost all of your poccessions.

    I suggest calling the Red Cross in your area. That's what they do. Help people find homes after a fire and help replace some of the things you lost. And I also bet they are set up with people who foster pets in an event of fire and such. I'm sure it happens all the time. You don't want to give your dog up for good are you? That would probably traumatize your kids more if they had to give up their dog along with loosing all their belongings.

    Keep us posted on what you find out.

    p.s. Try to plead a little with your parents and tell them the dog will live in the garage, outside, whatever it takes till you're found other housing. Red Cross will help with that. S.L. City is pretty big. I'm sure there's on real close.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Phone # for the Red Cross in Salt Lake City



    465 South 400 East
    Salt Lake City, UT 84111

    Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Give them a call. That's what they do!!!!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hopefully the Redcross will be able to help in some way. As far as your dog, I am Illinois but I am willing to help. I Foster/Rescue with many rescues in different states and IM quite confident I can help you in some way. But first I do need to know as Loves_da_pits mentioned what are your plans for your dog? Do you want to relinquish him? Or are you just looking for a temporary placement for him? You can email me at Reginaha02@Aol.com.
    Best Wishes to you and your family I know this must be so heartbreaking.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lunchbox, I am ssoro sorry to hear about your fire, luckily you are all safe. As Gina said, I think she can help wiht your dog in some way, and good luck

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. Its always devistating when someone looses everything so fast. A VERY close freind of the faimly's home burned down suddenly one night. So I've gone through this before.

    I wish there was something I could do to help with the big ol guy. He looks like a sweetie. Too bad I'm in Texas.

    Gina, If you can help him. Let me know...
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm really sorry to hear about the fire. I'm glad you all made it out safe. I hope you find some help for your pit.
  9. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In to reply you needed help!

    :cry: I'm soooo sorry to hear about the fire but i'm glad you all made it out o.k I'm in califorina, I would foster him until you got settled, that's what I do I foster animals. I don't want you to loose your animal- maybe you can plead with your family and tell them to be a-little more understanding with you so you can keep your dog you've been through enough! Let me know o.k

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