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You won't believe what I saw onmy way to work!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Get this. I'm driving down HWY 90 and right on the edge of East Bernard (a town) and right on the side of a BUSY HWY. This lady is standing in her door way drinking coffee, and a black toy poodle, a white malteese looking dog, and a small brownish black mixed breed were standing on the shoulder of the highway!!!!

    A little history of this HWY. 90 is the main rought for all the farmers, rice feild trucks, gravel trucks, and cotton wagons.....get my drift???? Atleast 10000 18 wheelers drive that rought at high speeds daily. SERIOUSLY!!!!

    SO I stopped turned around and pulled into her drive way. I called the dogs over and the Lady said "Hey!! Those are MY dogs!!!" I replied to her. "Well if you want to HAVE dogs, keep them away from the road!!!''
    She said, "OH they go there all the time. They know to watch out." I said well, some drivers don't! and the next time I see them on the road, unsupervised I will call animal control." SO she calls the dogs over, and they flat out ignore her and just keep sniffing my tires and jumping on my black business pants.

    Finally she came out of the house and picked up the poodle and left the other two to follow, Which they didn't,a nd she had to come back for the other two.

    I swear! Such IDIOTS!!!!! I wanted to smack her silly. Of course I was late to work, and luckily so was everyone else. I made a call in to the East Bernard Police station and filed a complaint on the lady. THey said that she's been warned two other times by a deputy and had calls in from anonymous people saying that there were three small dogs by the side of the road.

    What really gets me is that you can tell she doesn't care about the dogs. The poodle was matted and his toenails were horribly long and so was the little fluffy (malteese?) dog, and the brown and black mutt was all skinny.
    I think If I see them again,and she's not watching them. I'll call the Sherriff back and see if they won't issue a warrent for me to seize them.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, she needs to have them taken away. Poor babies!
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    What an idiot! Some people just don't deserve to have dogs. :x
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    sounds like another rescue for SAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!! !:)
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    One word UGGGG!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok On the way to work this morning (havent' worked since the 2nd... took a vacation day plus Labor day I was off so I had a 4 day weekend!!!

    Anyhow. The dogs were no where to be seen, (so thats a good thing). But I will be keeping an eye out for them. Its rediculous. The lady driveds a new grey catallac(how ever you spell it) and lives in a nice 2 story house. On about 3 acres.... You know darn good and well she's got enough money to feed those dogs and take them to the groomer. SO why she doesn't is beyond me. After researching options. I legally have no right to interfere personally unless I can present evidence that the dogs are mal nourished, mis treated and in grave danger.

    SOOOO what do ya think I went and did!!!! Got me a disposable camera and I'm keeping it right in my cup holder in arms reach!!!

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