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After Neutering -- Need help w/ behavioural problems

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Joe Cool, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Joe Cool

    Joe Cool New Member

    Hi all! I just found this message board and I could use some help w/ my new 11 month old aussie shepherd.

    His name is Max and my wife and I rescued him from the Humane Society three weeks ago. Last tuesday he went in for neutering and we've been having a bit of a rough go with him.

    Ever since the operation he's been relieving himself in the house when he never did that before. Does anyone know if the urge to go is much stronger due to pressure on the surgical area? Will this peeing in the house go away? This is my first dog so I'm at a loss here ... anyone?
  2. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    I just wanted to say Hi and Welcome. Congratulations on your new addition, and yay for adopting from the humane society!! I can't really help with the peeing issue after neutering as we have females, but have you checked with the vet to see if it's post-surgical?
  3. Joe Cool

    Joe Cool New Member

    Thanks! I've just added his pic so everyone can see this handsome boy!

    We did take him back to the vet a few days later when we noticed blood in his urine. The vet gave him some antibiotics and some pain medication. She told us that the peeing in the house might be just the need to relieve the pressure on his back end...I just wondered if anyone else had had similar experiences.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I'm not certain either. Some animals will pee in the house when there is a problem How is he doing now.
    Buy a bottle of Nature Miracle or Simple solution to soak the areas where he pee'd. It will get his smell out so's he won't want to re-use that spot at least. Get him used to a schedule of going out.
    Hopefully more help will be on the way.
    Welcome aboard and yes your dog is a beauty.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum! Your Max is beautiful. :D

    I've heard of some dogs doing this after neutering/spaying but I never knew why....it does seem to be only a temporary thing though. Your vets explanation seems to make sense.
  6. Joe Cool

    Joe Cool New Member

    Good morning all and thanks very much for your input and comments!!

    Just an update, the peeing in the house has slowed down it seems to once a night...and I'll be looking around for some of that solutions to put down due to the fact that it's always in the same spot...the bottom of the stairs from the bedroom. I'm not too too concerned about it as he knows he shouldn't be doing it. He stopped about halfway down the stairs when he came down with me this morning and seemed to know he'd done something wrong.

    His urine does seem to be clearing up as well...thank god! It looks like I may just have the old max back soon! He tore across the lawn last night to greet me after I was dropped off from work, nearly sending my wife sprawling!! He just kills me sometimes!!

    Thanks again all!
  7. AllieTheChi

    AllieTheChi New Member

  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Welcome to the forum! Max is an absolute doll I can't wait to learn all about him.
  9. smokey

    smokey New Member

    your max looks a lot like my Snickers! i think the vet's explanation makes sense, too. esp. if it is slowing down. plus maybe he's a little loopy from the anesthetic and pain medication, which will wear off, too.
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sometimes after spaying and neutering the dogs can catch UTI with anitbiotics and anti inflamatories it clears up pretty fast. Another note is when surgery is performed so close to something related to the urinary tract, they sometimes can't control the urges or the flow due to the new "plumbing" thats been effected. They should get used to it and regain control back to normal. if it persists any longer I would take him in to rule out UTI. (urinary tract infection). GOod luck and he's a very handsome boy!
  11. Joe Cool

    Joe Cool New Member


    Max is doing much better now. Thanks so much for all of your input and compliments. The peeing in the house has subsided and I've almost got a handle on him going down into the basement to do it...I installed a kitty door as the cat's litter box is down there. How's that for a $5 solution? Bought some trim and cut a square in the the door.
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Now your thinkin. Sounds great. I'm glad the pretty boy is doing better.
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad to hear that Max is doing better. :eek:

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