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she's okay!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kittykitty101, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. kittykitty101

    kittykitty101 New Member

    I talked with a vet that day and all he told me to do was to wash her really well with soap and keep a close eye on her for a week and if anything happened then to take her in! So ha! do you know how bad it feels when people are telling you that you should have been more responsible and that its all your fault that a kitten is going to probably die! i suggest that you give help not a lecture when you give people advice! Plus i said ........when i got home from work! does that mean that i am a child to you?? oh ya and the oil was not my fault either! the bucket of oil was outside up where i thought that she couldn't jump to! obviously i was wrong! my husband is a car mechanic and he was changing oil so he bucket of it! anyways i am so glad that she is better! she showed no signs of being unhealthy! thanks to the people who were nice about it and gave advice! to those people that were very mean and made me feel bad! i hope that you will one day realize what giving advice means!
  2. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Has this 6 week old kitten seen a vet since you've had her?
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh wow, you talked to a VET. thats what you should have done in the first place, for we are NOT vets. :roll: i dont know where in that brain of yours you thought that we were all vets and had a wealth of knowledge on what to do when a kitten half drowns in oil.

    whats a kitten that old doing outside anyway? have you got your money circumstances under control? meh, i think this ones a lost cause. theyve already showed their 'maturity' with this...
    i would not be hahaing over a kittens life.
  4. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    OK...I wasn't going to do this but the more I think about it the madder I get.

    I have re-read the original post and I don't think anyone was out of line with their replies. Some people just need to vent in situations like this because it's just so frustrating to read. You're talking about a tiny kitten who fell into a bucket of oil for goodness sake!

    I'm not even gonna say what I think of that statement.

    Tell me again how this wasn't your fault?

    This kitten is going outside??? Has she had all her shots???

    And NOW your waiting to see IF anything happens before you take her to the vet. I don't know what kind of vet would tell someone, who's 6 week old kitten fell into a bucket of oil and was curled up in a corner barely conscious, to wait to see if something happens. BS

    You are looking for advise and everyone here told you to TAKE THIS KITTEN TO A VET!!! Did you do that??? NO!!

    OHHHH....you've gotten me sooo mad...it takes alot to get Pooh this mad!
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    *gives everyone a hug*

    i know tensions are high and ppl are upset... But kittykitty just did what she felt was right.

    It may not be what our version of right is.. so let's try to respect that and remember she is a person too who loves her kitty in her own way.

    i'm not taking sides-i have my own oppinions, but am abiding by the wise words of Thumper rabbit-- but we gotta try not to point fingers or blame.

    Not all of us have the same training, schooling, teaching or resources as others here...

    The main point is the kitten is gonna be ok..... right?...
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hmmm....i would just like to clarify my post...in response to your first couple posts on this subject. :|

    you stated you had no money to take the kitten to the vet.
    "because of money circumstances" is what you said. there is no excuse for that. you may love your kitten but you should not have an animal if you cannot afford to take them to the vet. that is what YOU said. you received alot of advice to take the kitten immediately. but what happens if the kitten died? cats cannot eat certain things. if they eat a poisonous plant...even a little, they can die. :( their tongues swell up and their vital organs shut down. if the plant belongs to another family member, and the cat gets into it...am i going to blame that person??? it is my cat. it is my responsibility to remove whatever is potentially dangerous. if the kitten goes outside...and gets into this kind of thing, REGARDLESS of who put it there...it is the owners responsibility. kittens get into all kinds of stuff... :shock:

    i have taken max numerous times to the vet...xrays...from eating a string that cost me 400.00 that day, poison control that cost me 75.00 because he got into a plant. (i have no plants now). i kitten proofed my home and he still got into things....none of us are perfect...but i stand by the idea that if you have no money you should not have an animal. there are emergencies, shots...vet bills.

    and :m19: ...in some states...you only have to be fifteen to get a job. i apologize for assuming you were a child. it didnt occur to me that you were an adult...because most responsible adults would have automatically taken the animal to the emergency vet. but...your response in this post is not exactly mature. the way you blame your husband because it was HIS oil...concerns me. and it concerns me that you have chosen to feel that this is some kind of "us against you". that is not it at all. people are very strong minded on this forum when a kitten or cat is in trouble, and the person chooses to not take them to the emergency right away. if it were my animal...i would have been at the emergency immediately...just to make sure. even if it means budgeting my finances in other areas. :0011:

    think about it this way...if you had a baby that found the same oil (and it was motor oil)...and you dont know how long that baby was playing in the oil and eating it...would you just look at the baby and worry if its gonna be okay...or would you take your baby to the e.r. to be checked??? thats all im sayin....
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    im not trying to be rude in any sort of way... but most vets woudl tell u to bring the cati n anyways regardless of how long its been since that happened and if u have washed the cat 100 times usually it dont matter oil can burn an animals skin very quick and very bad...sooo even if u have washed this oil off ur cat it still had gotten on her skin and could have burnt her... is the cat acting normally now???... on second thought i have had cats dogs etc.. all my life my dad and brother and the special someone in my life now r also mechanics and there r such things as oil pans that can be used instead of an open bucket that a kid/or animal cant get into....and try looking into pet insurance... i dont have alot of $$ either but most vets where i live will not let u make payments on the bill unless uhave pet insurance and its really cheap per month and covers alot and did i mention saves a ton of $$$ when an emergency situation comes along....
  8. kittykitty101

    kittykitty101 New Member


    sry trhat i was so out of line with that post! i was just so mad that ppl were telling me all this stuff and blaming me instead of just tryinhg to help me! sry for i said!! i live in prince edward island pei and besides it is a little province and we dont have much so maybe the vet just was not a good one! sry!
  9. karen_80

    karen_80 New Member

    If you're not impressed with the vet, the Atlantic Veterinary College is on the Island and I'm sure they would be happy to help you out in an emergency - they've always been helpful with me when I had a situation I didn't know how to handle.
    Glad the kitty's okay, but you gotta understand that anyone's first reaction to any sort of situation like that would be to tell you to go to a vet. There are no vets on here so any information you are given is only from experience or something, and I don't think anyone would tell you to "just wait and see what happens" and have your cat die the next day....
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the advice given to you on your previous post was the only good advice - and that was VET. Now what if someone here had given you advice other than that and your kitten had died as a result of that advice....actually you coming back here and telling us what the vet adviced you to do over the phone has taught us something - immediately wash a kitten and hope it lives :roll:

    The important thing here is we have all learned something - and you have too...no one here is a vet and you need to watch a kitten like you would a child cause they can do things you'd never expect. Never blame others for things that they cannot control - but most importantly your kitten is still alive to see another day. And that's the important thing - not who told you what, when or how...as they all mentioned there is absolutely no substitute for vet care in an emergency.

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