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Raising a Dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Cricket2, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. Cricket2

    Cricket2 New Member

    You know, I've noticed that we all have different opinions on how dogs should be raised and kept, but I feel that some of the people on this board are quick to bash other people because their views are different. Some people believe that pit's are better as couch potatoes, and treat them like people. I personally feel like they should be treated like dogs. I play rough with them, and they love it. Basically, Im bored, and thier arent to many interesting post on this bored, so I decided to see if I could start a friendly little debate. Maybe everybody could just tell how they think dogs should be raised and why. And we could get a debate going.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm up for a FRIENDLY debate!

    I think dogs should be raised the way they are going to be used. Ie..if a dog is to be a working dog, don't spoil it. Work hard, and reward, respect, but don't go cuddling with it.
    If you want a lap dog, sure go for it! sleep with them and hold them and spoil them rotten!

    I think its all in prefrence as to how people should raise their puppies. Like an outside dog should stay outside, and not half in and half out to end up being left completly outside with no inside interactions. That to me would signal to the dog that he's done something wrong, or is not wanted.

    I don't know. As long as they are cared for, trained and treated good, you can't go wrong. (that is unles you get a poorly bred dog with health and mental issues)
  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Good idea. I have to say it is somewhat difference depending on the use. Although I very much disagree with Cricket. What is wrong with cuddling your working dog? It wasn't at all uncommon for those who only had 1 or 2 pit dogs to be kept has house pets and "spoiled". When you put a dog through keep it stays in the house to ensure its safety and best condition and to bond with you. You want to have a really strong bond with your dog and for him to trust you at all times. I have even heard some people saying the dogs who have been kept inside and spoiled as house dogs were some of the better dogs they have seen all the way around, at work, and also intellegence and of course having that stronger bond with you and complete trust which can do wonders on his confidence, making him better working dog. I'm tired of people treating their working dogs more like non-living aids than man's best friend.
    Now I do have to say you can't go overboard let the dog eat everything it wants, lay around all day, you can't raise it like that and one day wake up and decide you want to put him to work. He won't at all be mentally or physically prepared for it.

    Here is what I believe. You should raise a dog with responsibility, attention, care, love, respect, knowledge. You are his sole provider and must provide the dog with the essentials of life. Food, water, vet care, ect. You must pay close attention and keep him safe. Don't leave a female in heat outside, if the dog is to be chained don't change it near objects it can be entangled in or jump over like a fence to hang itself. Care for it by doing these things and making sure the dog doesn't get itself in trouble. Keep others safe from your dog. Love it, dogs are pack animals, dogs have a strong bond with humans. The more you bond the more loyal and loving your dog is to you. Respect the dog, it is a living creature and sensitive to you. Your actions, emmotions sometimes even thoughts. They can read you. Never abuse them, hit them, ect. Keep them healthy, fit excersice them, play games with them, give them the work they need. A dog relies on you for care, they can't take care of themselves, if your not up to that then I don't think owning a dog is right. Know about your dog, learned from your dog, learn the things you should know to help the dog live the best life and both of you will be much more happy.

    PS My dogs are 1/2 inside 1/2 outside dogs, no problems there. Thats what owning these dogs is like sometimes. They can't all be in at once. Some are not in at all for the most part. I also have a full time house dog and she gets very upset and jealous when its her turn to go out for a bit, go in her crate or nap in her room while another dog is inside.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Woah there....I didn't say that! I meant just like you said, you can't allow them to lay around all day getting fat off of eating what they want and spoiling them rotten. You took that totally out of context. If you've ever heard me speak of my dogs, you'd know they are inside and loved more than ANYTHING in the world.

    I don't spoil them, thats what makes them dam good herding dogs. But they do know their love and affection. But do not get away with everything, and act out of line.
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Okay, I just had this debate with my brother in law who is a hippy and lives in the mountains. He had two dogs one mutt, one chow/wofl mix. He never had his dogs fixed, let them run wild (sometimes would be gone for days on end) and though he fed them and loved them, I do not believe this is how dogs should be treated. Different people have differing opinions, his one dog got sick from something and died around christmas, his other dog, ran off, was found by animal control,neuterd, and adopted by friends of his, when they found out it was his dog, gave it back, and he has the audacity to say that animal control was wrong in neuturing HIS dog. Well, it wasn't until his dog was gone for 3 months that he finally started to act like a guardian over it.

    I personally do not think ANY dog should be an outdoor dog 100%. I know this may cause controversey, but I find it lazy and unfair to the dog. Like True_Pits pointed out, dogs are pack animals, and need companionship. Being left outside all the time, especially when no one is home can be very dangerous for the dog. My mom used to keep her lab outside, and one day I got there and his collar had been cut and was still on chain, but the dog was no where to be found. Some kids at a local school saw him and brought him to the school where they checked his tatoo and contacted us. It turns out our neighbour worked nights and didn't like the dogs on the block barking during the day, we were just th e closest house. They have since learned their lesson, and the dog stays inside.

    Working dogs, are working dogs, BUT they are also companions, becasue without that bond, you may lose trust in one another. Seeing eye dogs are trained at a very oyung age, and are always working. Most days they get 1-2 hrs. of play time when they are "off duty" to roam with family and be a dog. They need this just as much as we do. Working ALL the time YIKES! Companionship is very important to a dog and helps build their confidence, without confidence, a dog often can recoil and become aggressive or too submissive.

    I treat my dog like anything and anyone else, with respect. I respect that she is a dog, and she respects that I am her master. I also respect the need she has for me to care for her, and show my gratitude in the upmost of appreciation towards her. I let her on the couch to snuggle, but when its "my time", she gracefully gets off the couch and into her own bed. I play with my dog, she is my baby, I do not talk baby talk with her, for she is far too intellegent for that, but like all children, she needs play, joy, and love in her life to make her whole. She has "chores" she has to do around the house and needs to make sure her manners are in check before getting anything. If she seems down or tired I sit with her and tell her I feel that way sometimes too, and when its my turn for those days, she gladly returns the favor. She is not "just a dog" Harley is my companion and my best friend. Someone I can tell my secrets to in my darkest hour, and know she somehow understands, and willnever tell anyone. She will look at me and offer my hand a lick, and that's when I know that everything is going to be okay.

    That is how I treat my dog.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My husband and I have totally different opinions on our dogs to me my dogs are members of our family and they are spoiled house dogs. His hunting dogs on the other hand I or my children have little or no contact with, but that is the way he prefers it he and many people around here who also have hunting dogs like to be the only one to train or have any interaction with the dogs he trains and conditions these dogs 3-4 times a week and says if they become pets they will no longer have a strong drive to work/hunt.
    I however disagree with him I feel like the dogs should be socialized with the family.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Okay sorry I wasn't trying to. Either way its what I believe just for anyone else to know and to express my opinion. I read this from what you posted.

    I see nothing wrong with cuddling it, thats just my opinion. Maybe I just baby my dogs too much. When I was talking and said one of my dogs acts like a baby and always want to be picked up and carried I got the response of "We don't carry them around here" then I went to a show 2 times and they were carrying a female much older than my 3 month old pup, and they baby that dog but acted like I was weird for doing so. Pit Bulls love human contact, some people believe babying them will make them no good. Not true.
  8. Cricket2

    Cricket2 New Member

    Some people feel that playing tug-o-war with a dog is wrong, and that the dog is being trained to fight or be a killer or something. I have had people tell me that I am cruel because I keep my dogs chained, even though they get walked everyday, while their dog is sitting in the house all day watching T.V. Even on days that they dont get walked, I throw the ball around the yard with them for at least 1hr. They dont seem to realize that the dogs are being chained for their own good. As True_Pits stated, the dogs owner is responsible for it's well being. I explain to them that if they were allowed to roam free, they would most likely kill each other, or die trying. Then they go on about why would I train them to fight and so on. I play rough with my dogs, and they seem to like it. I give them little play slaps which might appear hard to somebody who doesnt own a tough breed, then they jump up and chase me around, play bite, and one of my older dogs even slaps back. Now some people say that I am encouraging human aggression, but my dogs have never showed any signs of human aggression, and are the friendliest dogs in the neighborhood (to people that is). I feel that if people want a soft dog, they should buy a soft breed. You should'nt keep mastiffs in the house, just as pugs shouldnt be kept outside on the chain. My dogs are very healthy and strong, and I wish my scanner worked so I could post pics. I just dont understand why some people think chaining a dog up is so evil. I think that leaving a dog in the house all day and night is much more cruel then being outside. After all they are animals, and animals are outdoor creatures.
  9. Cricket2

    Cricket2 New Member

    Some people feel that playing tug-o-war with a dog is wrong, and that the dog is being trained to fight or be a killer or something. I have had people tell me that I am cruel because I keep my dogs chained, even though they get walked everyday, while their dog is sitting in the house all day watching T.V. Even on days that they dont get walked, I throw the ball around the yard with them for at least 1hr. They dont seem to realize that the dogs are being chained for their own good. As True_Pits stated, the dogs owner is responsible for it's well being. I explain to them that if they were allowed to roam free, they would most likely kill each other, or die trying. Then they go on about why would I train them to fight and so on. I play rough with my dogs, and they seem to like it. I give them little play slaps which might appear hard to somebody who doesnt own a tough breed, then they jump up and chase me around, play bite, and one of my older dogs even slaps back. Now some people say that I am encouraging human aggression, but my dogs have never showed any signs of human aggression, and are the friendliest dogs in the neighborhood (to people that is). I feel that if people want a soft dog, they should buy a soft breed. You should'nt keep mastiffs in the house, just as pugs shouldnt be kept outside on the chain. My dogs are very healthy and strong, and I wish my scanner worked so I could post pics. I just dont understand why some people think chaining a dog up is so evil. I think that leaving a dog in the house all day and night is much more cruel then being outside. After all they are animals, and animals are outdoor creatures.
  10. Walt

    Walt New Member

    D@mn I wanted to get in on this but there ain’t much left to say LOL

    I like my boys on the ruff & tumble side personally, there both aloud in the house but only in there spot and they are not aloud on the furniture and god forbid they jump there hairy buts on our bed my wife will FREEK! LOL

    Having said that we also and when I say we I mean my wife spoils them to death with treats of every kind basically they get to sample what ever we are having for dinner (b-4 me).

    Neither one of our dogs are very affectionate an attaboy and a pat on the head is all they require. They were raised to think work is play.
    When I take out there leashes, WP harness or the tug for the spring pole they go nutz.

    I love working and training them witch means we spend a lot time together and let’s face it that’s really all they want anyway!

    I hope some this makes sense LOL
  11. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Ok I am bored too so can I join in?
    I dont have any pits but I do have a Siberian Husky and they were breed to pull sleeds. I treat her like a baby, she cuddles, plays, sleeps with the family. She only likes to stay out side alot when it snows. She does like to pull my kids around on their little sled when it does snow. My hubby thinks I am crazy b/c of how I treet the dogs. He freaks at the money I spend on dog food when you can get a bag at wal-mart for $5. To me they are like my children, I know my dogs are spoiled rotten. But they listen to me, behave around other people and most animals. Yes I could probly do more training with my husky for what they are breed to do but she is happy and we are very happy having her for a companion.
    As for my poms, to tell you the truth I am not sure what they are breed to do, beside bark. But let me tell you they have mastered laying around on their lazy butts and eating up the treats!

    I think to each his own, if you want to train your dog for some kind of work, cool. As long as the dog is not abused and loved I see nothing wrong with how other people raise their dogs. Before we put the fence up in the yard my husky was only allowed out unsupervised if she was on her chain. I dont think its cruel it was for her safety. My neighbors dogs is allowed to run loose and is constantly tearing up my yard and one day will probly be hit by a car since we live right off the road.
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i spoil my pets till i can spoil no more!
  13. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Well said Kyles!!! :eek: Short and to the point.
  14. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I see you are new here and maybe unaware this board is relatively new as we just switched over (we used to be located at Auspet.com). You can view many interesting posts to read here:

    This link will take you back to our old Dogs (Pitbulls) message board.

    Friendly debate is welcome here but I'd like to point out that your comment
    is not totally accurate.

    please post with care, personal bashing is not accepted here.

  15. Meg04

    Meg04 New Member

    My dog is an indoor dog. We have a fenced yard so she can go outside when she wants to for a while. I leave the door cracked so she can push it open when she wants to come in. However, I don't leave her outside when Im not home. Im afraid of her getting out of the fence or someone stealing her. My husband thinks I'm paranoid, but I would just die if something happened that could have been prevented. So I don't think anything is wrong with chaining your dogs up for their safety, HOWEVER I do have a problem with people leaving them on a chain 24/7. I have a sister in law that has a black lab and a huskie. The lab gets out of the fence so they leave him chained up ALL THE TIME without walking him EVER. The only time he gets off is when he breaks free. Those dogs have no attention what so ever and it breaks my heart. When I go over there I can't look out the window because it kills me. I can't imagine doing that to Zoe.
  16. Angie

    Angie New Member


    What is a soft dog? and what is a soft breed?
    Just wondering...
  17. Texas Pride

    Texas Pride New Member

    Well Ireally dont have much to say. I have 2 APBT, and A yellow lab. All are outside Dogs, by choice. I have tried to keep them inside but they want no part of. My male pit is a working dog, i condition him and in the winter time after deer season I will start him as a catch dog. right now he is only a bay dog, he does no part in the catching, i just let him watch as ,y friends dogs do the catching, to let him see how its done. my lab is a working dog, only in the winter when i duck hunt. My female pit is in no way a working dog unless chasing rabbits and catching flies is considered as a working dog,lol. But all my dogs are spoiled rotten. If I so much as look at my truck they all run and sit at the tail gate waiting for me to open it to load up. so if you say dont treat a working dog like a human, than why are all of my, and my friends dogs the biggest babies on the planet?

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