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Unusual behavior X 2 days

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by BulldogMomma, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    Hi all,
    I have an 18 month old English Bulldog who decided yesterday morning not to eat her breakfast. I got up at 8am and took her outside to pee and when we came back in, husband had already put her food in bowl and she just sniffed at it then walked away. No changes in food, same ole stuff she always has. Normally, I bring her in and put food in bowl, and she scarfs it up like there is no tomorrow. Do you think since husband already had food in there confused her? I have no idea what the problem is. She did eat after I picked up the bowl and took some food out. (hub likes to give her too much) then put the bowl on floor and she ate.
    She doesnt seem lethargic lately. Although it is hard to tell sometimes with a bully...lol.
    She is pooping ok. Will play as usual. And this morning she did the same thing...sniffed and walked away. Do you think dogs just get sick of the same old food? She did eat her second meal with no problems yesterday. Maybe just watch her for another day or two? Any suggestions?
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I've noticed as of late because it's so hot that my dog's energy level has been slower so they eat less. Maybe one meal a day, usually in the evening. When it's a little cooler, they're more playful and eat more. More than likely that's what it is.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I was thinking it could be heat related too. My two eat at specific times and no hot day keeps them from eating. But I ahve heard of such a thing.

    When my hubby feeds rufus without sasha, (He sometimes takes him for long walks and sasha eats when he is gone)Rufus looks at him like he's trying to poison him or something. he has to coax him to eat. Yesterday my husband said he had to get down to his bowl and pretend he was going to eat it. Rufus got ruffled and started eating. I don't know why he does it other than he is soooo used to his routine eating with sasha that it feels wrong when he's by himself eating alone.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That is too funny!! What a mental picture. I'm glad nobody sees us when we do the things we do when it comes to our dogs.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know, the guys at work would never let him live this one down. My hubby is a goofball anyway. Very much like Rufus.
  6. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    If anyone ever saw or heard what I say and do with my dog, they would put me in the loony bin! My daughter just rolls her eyes when I talk all goo goo to our bully, Lucie. Lucie loves, it, though!
    Anyhow, I think Lucie has been pulling my leg the last few days. I really don't think its the heat where she is concerned. Even though it's been hot outside, being a bulldog, she doesn't stay out for very long. And it was quite cool this morning. I don't give her any of my food when I am eating, but my husband and daughter do. I think she was waiting for her morning toast samples from my husband first. She was hungry, too, because she was begging with intensity. So I instructed them both to not feed her any human food until she has eaten her own. It seemed to work today. I will be curious how she will act tomorrow morning. Little stinker, anyway, but ya gotta love your doggies!
    Thanks, all, for your replies and funny stories. :)
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It could be the heat, or it could be that at 18 months your dog's food intake will slow down. I would just put the food down and let him eat or not eat. Pick it up if you don't want it down all day, and then put it back at the next meal. Just ignore the whole thing otherwise, assuming he is acting normally in every other way. I wouldn't do silly things like pretending to eat from the bowl. Dogs can train us very quickly and soon you will regret having to do 100 different things to get your dog to eat.

    Is there any harm in free feeding, anyone know? Meaning, putting the food down and just letting him graze all day if he wants to? Nala used to do this as a pup, until we switched to raw.

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