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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by GodsChld, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    well i looked closely at my oscar tonight and noticed some small white dots.....ICK!??!!?

    I have 4 filters, 3 of which have carbon filters, one fluval 403, a penguin 330, and a penguin 125.........

    Now what should i pick up to treat my tank for ick(if that is the prob).....and when i treat do i need to remove all the carbon filtration? Also if i do remove the carbon from the filters, what kind of filters should i be using?? all the ones at the store seem to have carbon......thanks all!!!
  2. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Ich comes outa nowhere most of the time. Best you can do is get ich med, take out the carbon and treat to try get it out the whole tank.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What other fish are in the tank? Any new tankmates? What are the water parameters? How large is the tank?

    I've had really good luck treating ich with aquarium salt (1 tbsp/5 gallons) and raising the temperature to about 84*. The only problems with that treatment is you can't use it if you have any scaleless fish like catfish or loaches and you may need to add an airstone if you don't already have one.

    If you use a regular ich med, you will likely have to remove the carbon. But you will have to leave the rest of the media in the filters.

  4. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Im lucky i have never had ick
  5. Fishkin

    Fishkin New Member

    BAM! Matt you are now cast with ick in your tanks lol. :lol: Anyways, yeah just do what t_chelle said that should work great. It stinks for me because I had/have natives with ick and they cant have temps that high but luckily he survived it now.
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Yeah, when you have scaless fish its very hard to cure them. My Clown Loach died of ich cause of either an over dose or a under dose, its hard to get it just right.
  7. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    no new tank mates....

    jut my oscar, 3 balas, and a pictus cat in a 125 gallon

    Since i have been doing water changes of 25 gallons a week, i am guessing most of the salt i originally put in has been taken out....because i do the water change by "vacuuming" the bottom of the tank.

    I will attempt to add some salt, a little at a time and see if that clears it up.....treating a 125 will not be fun

    One quick one, how would i take the carbon out of the penguin filters?? they are the ones with the blue and the carbon is in the black plastic???

    Also two of my bala's are swimming around rubbing against each other.....are they being bad?? They are young and only about 4inches long, so i am not sure if they can be mating. I am sure my oscar would appreciate some babies, but i do NOT need more fish in this tank
  8. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    good point, it wont be fun, my quick cure i think a whole bottle did your size tank and the tablets ones are like 2 per 10 gal and it has 16. sorry not much help byt yea. If they are rubbing and have ich then thats normal they are trying to scratch them off, if they dont u better watch them it means they are getting it.

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