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Male or female?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by daisyheadmaisy, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. daisyheadmaisy

    daisyheadmaisy New Member

    I am interested in getting a small dog and just started researching malte-poos, yorkies, etc. I noticed that male puppies are less expensive than female puppies. Why is this? What is the benefit of having a female puppy rather than a male?
    Thanks :)
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Well, my guess is females are more expensive because they can get pregnant! At least that's the most obvious thing that I can think of... :D

    I have two female shih-poos and they are WONDERFUL! I think both male and female make excellent pets, a lot of it is in what you prefer.

    Good luck in your research & keep us posted!!!
  3. daisyheadmaisy

    daisyheadmaisy New Member

    Thanks....that makes sense!
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: First, I would like to say, WELCOME to the Auspet!!! :eek:

    There was a recent thread about Males vs. Females, so I'm just going to post the link to that thread, hopefully it helps you out a bit:

    http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... ale+female

    Good luck with your decision on both the gender and breed (we'd love to hear what you decide upon)!!! :D
  5. daisyheadmaisy

    daisyheadmaisy New Member

    Thanks for the info :D
    We are trying to decide what type of dog to get. We live in an apartment, so we want a very small dog. We have been looking into mini pinchers, mini dauschand (sp), teacup malte-poo, and teacup yorkies. There is just so much to choose from! It's also been difficult figuring out where to get a puppy from. I know we aren't allowed to talk about specific breeders or places to buy pets from, but trying to find one if very hard!
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You're very welcome! :wink:

    As far as choosing which breed, a site that I think does an excellent job of pointing out the pros and cons of each breed is: http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/dogbreeds/index.html . They don't have mixed breeds, just purebreds, but if you're thinking of a mix, it's a good idea to look at both breeds in the mix so you are sure you are comfortable with each since your dog will be temperamentally similar.

    Another great site that covers breed info concerning both mixes and purebreds: www.dogbreedinfo.com

    This site is also another good one that covers a lot of info regarding breeds, breeders, etc.: http://www.akc.org/breeds/index.cfm

    These are just two out of many on the 'net, but those I think are specifically a great source of info (among others)! :y_the_best:

    Have a great day! :D
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I forgot to make mention of the whole "teacup" thing in my previous post, so I am going to do it now! :wink: It's important that you realize that the "teacup" labeling some breeders use is an outright scam! Never buy from a breeder who sells teacup yorkies, or teacup malti-poos, or any other "teacup" breed. Sure, their dogs may be super small (which attracts people), however, it's not healthy for the puppies or dogs being bred! In order to get such a small dog, one must breed one really small dog to another really small dog. And those really small dogs that are bred to one another usually aren't healthy b/c they are so grossly small.

    Small breed dogs are small enough as is (ESP. Yorkies), therefore it's not a wise move to breed (usually unhealthy) smaller than breed avg. dogs to others that are the same! It's best that you find a reputable, responsible, experienced, and ethical breeder who is well-educated in the area of dog breeding who puts the utmost care and concern into his/her breeding practices, and only breeds "normal" (in regards to size) healthy dogs to produce high quality, healthy, sound puppies!!!

    All in all, what I am trying to say is, don't fall for the "teacup" scam that many "breeders" (if you consider them that) will try and pull on you! Buying a "teacup" is only setting yourself up for trouble (concerning the health of the dog, as well as a waste of your money). And by buying those "teacup" breeds, people are supporting the ridiculous and ignorant breeding practices of irresponsible and unethical breeders!!!!!!!!

    I'm not flaming you for making mention of the teacups, rather toward the "breeders" who try (and usually succeed) to pull that rubbish on people!!! :x

    Thanks for letting me rant!!! :D

    Oh, and you may already know this, but NEVER buy from a pet store!
  8. daisyheadmaisy

    daisyheadmaisy New Member

    Thanks again for all of the input :)
    I have read about the "teacup" scam. It basically said there is no such thing as a teacup, it's just a small dog. I use the term teacup, just because I mean I want a small dog (but definately not an unhealthy one!!). I have also heard bad things about pet stores. I read that they get their pups from puppy mills. So sad :cry:

    Thanks again :y_the_best:
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I'm glad to hear that you are aware of the scam and the dangers involved, I just wanted to make mention of it so you didn't fall prey to it!

    Yes, unfortunately, pet stores do get their puppies from puppy mills...it enrages me to know that such despicable businesses are allowed to run and nothing is done to ban it! Truly saddening! :x and :cry:


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