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Puppy self defense?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Walt, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Puppy self defense?

    Police: Puppy Shot Man Trying To Kill Dogs

    PENSACOLA, Fla. -- A man who was trying to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs made the .38-caliber revolver discharge, deputies said.

    Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, of Pensacola, was charged with felony animal cruelty, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday.

    Bradford was being treated at an undisclosed hospital for the gunshot wound to his wrist, said sheriff's Sgt. Ted Roy.

    Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old puppies in the head because he couldn't find another home for the shepherd-mix dogs, according to the sheriff's office.

    On Monday, he was holding two puppies, one in his arms and another in his left hand, when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger, making the gun discharge, the sheriff's report said.

    The revolver and a rifle were seized from the home, deputies said.

    Deputies found three of the puppies in a shallow grave outside Bradford's home, Roy said. The other four appeared to be in good health and were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, which planned to make them available for adoption.

    "That should never have to happen," said Bruce Rova, director of the Escambia County Animal Shelter. "There are so many options people have. We'll try to find them a new home."

    Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Too bad he wasn't shot somewhere else on his body other than his wrist.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Moron. Why wouldn't he just bring them to a shelter?? I don't have any idea how someone can hold a wiggly little puppy and kill it on purpose.

    I agree, it's too bad he wasn't shot somewhere more important.
  4. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Ohhh, that's terible! How could you bring yourself to shoot puppies!?!!??!
  5. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :x This sorry excuse of an idiot lives only 50 miles away from me!!! If I knew who he is, and where he is right now, I'd go there and take it over from where the puppy left it, and shoot the moron in the right place!!!!!
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I just saw the remaining pups on the news. They were so cuuuute!!!

    The moron who was shooting them said "He couldn't bear to give them away". Besides he said he tried and nobody wanted them. :0010:

    Sounds like they're going to throw the book at him.
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Ok 3 people posted this story, walt trixiepoo and ginah and I responded to one of them "It si funny, you say you were about to post it, someone else posted it too. But at first I read it and thought hahah bad man get what you deserve. But then later I talked about it with me bf and as I was talking I thought differntly. Ok first off this guy needs to get his animals desexed. But I thought I read in one of the articles that he had tried but couldn't find homes for them. So I though he needed to kill them. Which who gets to decide who kills the puppies? if he would have taken them to the pound, they probably would have ended up dead. Or if they went to a HS, they could have lived, maybe have been adopted, maybe not and lived their lives going from home to home until someone decides oh this dog is too old to adopt out, I'll keep it.
    So then my bf told me about when he used to wokr on this farm (it is a "special" farm with endangered or hurt animals, it was part of his required military service) he said bc they took in the hurt animals (like from zoos or caught in the wild) people would bring by their dogs and cats(especially) when they were hurt or near death or if no one wanted them. So they were told to take these animals to the vet and have them treated if possible and desexed and these healthy animals could live on the farm and be taken care of until they died of natural causes. But he said sometimes if the vet said the animal was too far gone, they were instructed by their boss to kill the animal, not to put it to sleep, but to kill it, which he said someone would hold the animal down and whack its head off with an axe. I think that sounded terrible. He told me about this one cat who had a tumor a big as its head and these other disgusting sounding animals. He said they were told that was humane, because the animals didn'T feel it it was immediate (but I think what happens if you miss??). Now I am sort of torn on this subject bc I think, maybe this man did do the right thing for these dogs (he shouldn't have let his dog get knocked up in the first place) but the puppies were healthy so he had been taking care of them, he wasn'T beating them to death, but now that this happened I think the puupies are more likely to get homes, because people everywhere have seen the article and think oh poor little puppy, I need to go rescue one, and meanwhile some poor little puppy rots away in their local pound. Why don't people just spay or neuter to begin with and then this is over, no unwanted puupies!!"
    No one should ever need to kill a puppy whether or not a vet does it or the pound or some stupid redneck guy. Everyone needs to have their animals spayed or neutered. It should be a free service offered to anyone whotakes in a dog or cat. Unless you have some sort of special breeding license, maybe with less dogs and cats around people would start to value their lives more.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If he couldn't give them up, how could he shoot them?! That doesn't make sense to me.

    Puppies usually get adopted quite quickly from shelters.

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