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WhAt BrEeD?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Kassandra, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    What breed should I get? Or would fit me perfectly, well fit my family perfectly? :?:

    My mom has allergies and hates it if dogs shed ALOT :? , my dad wants one that would walk with him every night 8) , me and my sister just want one to play with it walk it, u know take care of it :roll: . My cat actually gets along with dogs, so that isnt a problem at all. :eek:

    Any breeds in your head? :wink: (hehe)

    Good day! :D
    XoX :lol:

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello Kassandra and welcome...

    I don't have much time so just wanted to send you a HELLO and tell you to look into the poodle-mixes. Due to your mom's allergies, the poodle or poodle mix is a great suggestions. I am extremely allergic to many dogs and I have a shihpoo (shihtzu/poodle mix) and have had nooooooooo problems with my allergies with him.

  3. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Wow Thanks, but last time I touched a poodle it bit me 2 poodles actually.
    So Im kinda embarressed to say this but Im kinda afraid of them...

    Anyways thank-you!

    Good day! :D
    XoX :p

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi there!

    My first suggestion is to visit this site, as it has info on every dog!


    I have two shih-poos myself, both sisters from the same litter. I can't tell you how excellent this mix is. As far as shedding, I vaccumed the other day and got a pile of hair that was the size of a quarter, if that. It's really amazing! My girls are very active and yet still find plenty of time to be major lap dogs!

    Good luck in your search! The site I gave you should provide enough info for you to find the perfect dog for you and your family. I researched dogs for just over 2 years to find the right one for us and it was well worth every minute! :D
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    First of all, don't let your negative experience with those two Poodles turn you away. Yes, Poodles can be mean, the same being true for all breeds. However, A LOT depends on the parents of the pup, how the pup was raised, the extent of socialization, etc.

    I too would recommend a poodle mix if you are looking for a smaller dog. I have two shih-poos as well, and I absolutely adore them!!! If I had to make the decision all over again, I would go with a shih-poo, no doubt about it...they're just great!!! :y_the_best:

    There is a portion on the dogbreedinfo site PooGirl provided that specifically lists breeds that are generally good for allergy sufferers, here's the link:


    Do keep in mind though that just b/c a breed is considered good for allergy sufferers doesn't necessarily mean your mom (or any other allergy sufferer) won't have any problems, it really depends on the individual!!!

    You'll have to let us know what you decide, best wishes!!! :D
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, my two shih-poos LOOOOOVE to go on walks...that has to be one of their favorite things to do!!! :y_the_best: Weather permitting (i.e. not in winter) I take them for a short walk during the day, and a LONG walk at night! You ought to see just how excited they get when I ask them if they want to go for a walk! :mrgreen:

  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If you got your poo or poo mix as a pup, it would grow up loving you and not have reason to bite you. I've been bitten by dogs, but it has not stopped me. I think we all know of a particular pup that might be the perfect pup for you. Are you interested in a cream colored cockapoo, 4 months old? Poodles in general learn to be very loving and loyal to their owners. I have a cream mini poodle. I love her dearly. I had a black cockerpoo as a kid and loved him. Never ever would he bite us.
  8. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Omg thanks for the links! OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS! *tears drop from eyes* I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH! (lol)

    Good day! 8)

    XoX :p

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    You are quite welcome! We are here to help :D
  10. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    :eek: Thanks!

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    No problem,

    Poogirl: :shock: I see your avatar. I wish it was bigger. They are looking cute. You had them groomed right, was it before or after that picture. I know how fast that hair grows. Sasha is going to be clipped tomorrow. I got her a special hair drier.
  12. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh man, I am trying so hard to resize it to 80x80 but I can only get it to accept 79x66 for some reason... I'm still working on it but I'm glad it's showing up at least! :lol: This pic was a few weeks before they were groomed, so, they were a little shaggy in the pic! :mrgreen:
  13. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    You are so very welcome, glad we could help you out! If you have any other questions, please do let us know!!! :wink:

    Just be sure to do LOTS of research into the breed(s) in which you are considering to be certain that you AND your family are comfortable with their personality traits (and grooming needs)! :y_the_best:

  14. Coconut

    Coconut New Member

  15. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I would say Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Easy to train, shed little, small in size, loves to walk, loves everyone, great companion dog. Good or bad, this breed is too friendly, way too friendly. I would also suggest that you do a thorough research on all the possible breeds. Regardless of what we say, only you know what may fits you and your family the best. However, if you do have a few breeds in mind and tell us here, everyone on the forum will be happy to share more detail. Good luck!

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