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Would they protect you?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hi guys...when I was coming back inside my house this morning with my girls I closed and locked the back door. I was then thinking about what my girls would do if someone were to break in. Whenever I have friends come over they great them with tails wagging.However when someone knocks on the door they all start barking. Since I live alone with my 3 girls I get scared sometimes and wonder if they would protect me. They are very friendly dogs but I seriously wonder what they would do. Do you guys think your dogs would protect you from an intruder? I would never train them to be gaurd dogs, just was thinking if they would know the differnece between an intruder and a friend. What do you guys think?
  2. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I bet they would pick up vibes off you. i have had someone knock on my door when i was home alone and my dogs didn't do anything. i wasn't terribly scared and i thought that i recognized the voice, but still. my sister's dog would i think. mine might if she picked up that i was nervous. i'm not surwe though, i don't think i would bet on it.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's an interesting question! I really have no idea what my dogs would do if someone was hurting me. Bonnie would probably hide. I don't know about Nala. I hope I never find out!
  4. asdmom

    asdmom New Member

    that is a really good question. i have a natural guardian breed. i was told i should socialize her extremely well while she is young so she could distinguish between friend and foe. sometimes i wonder if i have socialized the protectiveness out of her. she never barks at anything, a guy i had never seen before came onto our property one day while we were outside to check out the well. she didn't pay him any mind. was like he wasn't even there. he nor i ininitiated a conversation so she couldn't have picked up any clues from me that he was okay. i was thinking of having her tested with the ATTS to see just how her personality ranks with others of her breed. i am happy she is friendly with people, and just ADORES children but i often wonder if she would protect if neccessary.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Good question. Reese I would say not. Unless he knocked someone over trying to get away.

    Grace is the watchdog in the family.
    She lets us know when someone is around the house. If someone actually assaulted one of us, I'd have to say she'd run for the hills, too.

    Now, my Siamese cat Buddy is another story. He thinks he's the biggest bad azz on the planet. He might try to protect me. :lol:
  6. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    I think Serene might. She stays in guard mode until she sees us greet guests. When it's someone she absolutely doesn't know ( repair people etc.) her hackles stay up until they leave. Jersey on the other hand, is so goofy, she'd just bark and run around I'm sure!
  7. rudysjoy

    rudysjoy New Member

    Our Rudy loves people. Any and all people! If someone broke into our house, Rudy would probably be wagging his tail and say to them, "Follow me, the jewelry is in here!!!" And we sleep so sound that Rudy would probably help them to take out the TV, DVD and VCR too - and we wouldn't know a thing until morning.
  8. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I actually posted this story on another thread but I'll tell it again. One night about 3:00 in the morning. Parker woke me up. This is highly unusual for him. He usually sleeps through the night. I kept telling him to go lay down and was trying to go back to sleep but he was very persistant. Finally I got up to let him out. He rushed out growling and snareling and there was a man in my back yard. It is a fenced in yard. Well the guy tried to jump over but Parker got his ancle. He tried to pull him back but the man got away. I called the police and they found evidence that he tried to break into our garage who knows he probably was headed for the house next. My husband works third shift so I am all alone at night with my three kids. I trully believe Parker saved not only my house but me and my children too. I will forever be gratefull to my Parker. He trully is my hero.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    That's a really neat story, Mix Breed lover! I bet Parker got a lot of his favoite doggie treats for that!! :wink:
  10. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Well...oddly enough, I think Samantha would (even though she is a big baby). She barks and carries on if anyone even gets near my house. And when Indiana is by her side, she gets even more full of herself. Only thing is, she sleeps like a log. Indiana would be confused. He likes to do what Samantha does, but he sure does love new people. He would probably bark b/c he barks when Samantha tells him to. I think the two St. Bernards barking and carrying on would probably be enough to scare away most people though.
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Punkin and Fancy definitely would they are both very protective not only of me but my kids to a knock on the door sends them into hysterics. Fancy does not like for anyone besides my kids or husband to hug me. Pinky and Bluebelle IM really not sure. I think it would be more like them licking the intruder to the point of him giving up.
  12. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I think out of my 3 girls Winnie would be the one to protect me. Sydney thinks she is really tough and barks at everyone outside my house with hackles up but if it came down to it I think she would run away as fast as she could. Lana would probly lick the intruder to death and try and cuddle with them. Winnie's my best girl in the protection area I believe. She has barked at some people once and a while who have approcahed me that I didnt know.
  13. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :wink: I think all of my guys would protect me. In fact, if we're not home, nobody can come not even near our fence. But if we're home and we say it's O.K., then they just lay around quietly. They're not cuddly, or anything, but they are just kind of there, just in case...
    In fact, last spring we both went shopping and were out almost the whole day long, but I left the door to the back yard open, so the babies can come in and out and have their treats and yummies, and their beddies if they wanted to. My hubby asked me if I were nuts to leave the house open like that, but I told him if anyone can get in and is able to leave with anything they want, then they can have it. Sure enough, when we came back nothing was touched (well, except for the yummies, of course!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: )
  14. oso

    oso New Member

  15. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Sadie has proven herself already in regards to my son \:D/
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie is very friendly with everyone but I am positive that she would protect me if she sensed that I was in danger. Sebastian is not as friendly with strangers and is a very protective boy so I'm sure he would bite the heck out of the intruders ankles if he sensed danger. :mrgreen:

    oso: Socialization is extremely important. I would continue to socialize otherwise you will likely wind up with a fear aggressive dog. There is a huge difference between a fear aggressive dog and a guard dog. Socialization will not make your dog less protective but lack of socialization will make him fearful.
  17. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I would say for sure my dogs would, and I think most dogs will, I have read somewhere and I hope it is true that your dog can sence when you are upset or scared and hopefully that would get them going to protect. I know mine know when I am sad and there have been a few times when hubby was working nights I would hear a noise and walk around the house shaking like a leaf and my girls were right there growling and barking. I know Jas definatly would, she is very friendly but she knows the defference of when I want someone there and when I dont. I was really tense one day when my mother in law came over to have a nice argument and Jas normally just lays around when she is there, well not this time, she would have none of it and we werent being loud I think she just senced some vibes there or something. Which is good cause god love my poms but I dont think they would do much good should someone try and hurt me so I feel secure Jasmine would. Although they would probly make the intruder quite dizzy with the running around their feet!
  18. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I'm pretty sure Bender would come to my aid if I needed it. He does his little patrols around the backyard huffing and puffing at all the corners of the fences, just to make sure everythings ok and there are no intruders I think! I think it's quite cute he does this- like he is the man of the house. He does this first thing in the morning and before we all go to bed. Sometimes he'll hear noises in the backyard and he'll run around the house sooking and whining so much that I'll have to let him out for his patrol! Both my dogs love people and visitors they give everyone a wagging tail/ slobbering kiss even if they don't know them. But then if someone comes to the door or they hear noises they will bark. I think Leela is too young for protection. All in all I'm not 100% on that one, but I think with one dobe and one dobe x rottweiler you'd have to be a pretty stupid burglar to find out!!!

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