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Where were you on Sept 11th

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Where were you and what were you doing on Sept 11 when you realized tragedy had struck?
    I was driving my children to school when I heard the news on the radio. I had to pull over to the side of the road to regain my self I was crying so hard.
    I turned around and took my children back home and we sat on the couch together watching the news all day long. And praying for all those who had been lost. I don't think I have ever held my children closer or felt closer to god then I did that day. I cried for weeks off and on. I also worried about my husband who was in the military at the time. Because I knew war was adamant.
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I was at home with my then 2yo, I was 8 months pregnant with my second child. I sat on my couch all day crying and holding my daughter. And waking my hubby up everytime I thought I heard a plane. He was working nights so he was sleeping. I dont think I realized how serious it was until the towers fell. I called my mom everytime they would say something new even though she was watching, I had to call collect because so many circuits were busy I wasnt able to get through with my long distance.
  3. heaven

    heaven New Member

    i was at work at the gym when all of a sudden i heard someone cry out. then women started running for the door, someone ran over and told me what had happpened. the women were running out because their husbands were fireman and were being called upon to go to the towers....we all just stood there in front of the tv in horror
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Well it was my first year in the states, i was in pe and hanging with my friends, one of my friends came running to me and said that a plane had hitten a tower and i didnt really care....i had no clue what it all ment at that time, it was when i got home it hit me the hardest when i saw what i was arrogent about. Quite sad, but what can i say i was 10.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I was just getting out of bed. My kids were off school that week because they found some sort of mold in their school building so they closed it and were spending the week moving into a new, temporary building (where they stayed the rest of the year). So I slept in. I got up and was checking my e-mail and my husband and sister had sent me multiple e-mails with each event as it happened. I turned on the TV that is next to the computer and watched the news for the rest of the day. I was glad my kids were home and with me that week, although that morning my son was at a friend's house and heard about it there.

    I remember my daughter, who was only 7 at the time, asking me how long they were going to keep showing the pictures and talking about it. She didn't understand. And then later that week, she wanted to know why everyone had flags on their houses. She understood the flags stood for patriotism and love of country, but she didn't see the connection between patriotism and the towers falling. Out of the mouths of babes.... Because she was right, of course. Why should it take a tragedy to remind people of the gifts and freedoms we take for granted every day?
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I was home watching CNN like I do every morning. The first tower had already been hit. I actually watched the plane fly into the second one and watched as both fell to the ground. Then they showed the Pentagon right after that moments after the plane hit there.

    I still can't put into words what I felt as I watched this, but I still get that same feeling every time I see it. It's just something I can't seem to wrap my mind around. An unbelievable sadness.
  7. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    We were at work...harvesting pears near an airport. The only thing we knew was the first news that was broadcast. We didn't find out all the rest until we got home. Was really weird that day... working so close to the airport...but no planes were in the air.

    My first gut reaction was anger at the people who dared do this to innocent people. I wanted something done right then. I am glad that something was done...but I am also glad they took the time to think about it clearly.

    Now everytime I see a plane over at that orchard I remember that day...and I am glad the planes are back.
  8. oso

    oso New Member

  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I was on my way to work when i heard something on the raido i could not figure out what had happend i called my mom and told her to turn on the news and tell me what was going on I just heard a little part of it and thought we were at war or something then i heard that schools were closing (didnt know where or what was going on) so i called my neice and had her check my kids schools to make sure they werent closing. When i had gotten to work i had finally figured out what the heck was going on. I work for a mortgage company i drove for 1 1/2 hours to get to work to turn around and go home. Then i watched the news all day and couldnt sleep that night so sad
  10. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I was sleeping in my dorm at college when my roommates alarm went off and they were saying something, I don't remember exactly what but I remember it made me get up and turn on the tv. It was before the second plane had hit, so I was watching it when it actually hit the second tower. It was sort of surreal. I was nervous b/c I didn't like being away from home.

    What was even weirder/scarier was that I was supposed to be in NYC that day. I had tickets to that Michael Jackson concert on the 10th and then was going to do the sightseeing thing Tuesday. I ended up not going b/c of a fight with my mom - she didn't want me to go. It is just strange thinking I could have been there at the time.
  11. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I don't know if anyone of you received a "Special Edition" of you local newspaper after the attack. The Arizona Republic delivered one late afternoon, early evening of Sept.11.

    I saved mine and I pulled it out today to look at it. The pictures are still so incredible and still makes you feel stunned.

    I'm saving the paper because 9/11 has become a huge and significant part of our American History. This will be discussed long agter all of us are gone.

    Also, I would like to show it to some of these war protesters to remind them WHY it's necessary to fight and make sacrifices. If it wasn't for our Military, we would be living days like 9/11 everyday.
  12. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I was sleeping when my mom called and woke us up. We were speechless and in shock when we saw the news. Even now, when I think about what I saw on TV, I feel the cold all the way from my bones.

    My husband and I were talking about the terrists killing 600 some kids last night, and we could never understand how on earth anyone could do such a thing to the innocent children.
  13. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I was at work. I work in downtown Rochester, in a 20 story building.. I'm on the 14th floor. I initially heard someone walk by my desk saying that her sister called to say that there had been an accident and a plane hit the WTC. So, I started listening closely to the radio and got onto the internet also...

    It wasn't long after until we realized what was happening, and many of us were scared to be in the building (14 floors up all of a sudden didn't just mean having a nice view of the city...). My company has 7 floors in the building, and we all gathered on different floors to watch on our conference room TVs. The CEO sent out an email saying that those that wanted to leave, to go home to their loved ones, could do so at noon. I did.

    Called my mom, dad, sisters, friends etc. (who all still live in Boston, MA) and for the remainder of the day I sat at home, with my hubby, glued to the TV and crying... God bless all of the people that were affected, either directly or indirectly on 9/11.

  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I was at work when I got word of the terrible tragedy...and as many people did, I went home and was glued to the TV for the rest of the day, the grief was overwhelming! May God bless all the innocent people, and their families and friends, that were lost on that tragic day!!!

  15. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I really do not think this is the forum, nor the post to bring up the war. Not everyone feels the same way as you two do. I am one of those people. I am not even going to start the argument as to why that statement is so completely false, I just think discussions such as that are meant elsewhere.
  16. smokey

    smokey New Member

    i was off work that day because i had a medical appointment. i had taken my daughter to school and came back home.
    my neighbor called me and told me and said to turn on the TV. i did and was numb. just numb.
    i also live not too far from Columbine High School.
  17. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I was in a college English class. The class was sitting in the room waiting and waiting for the teacher to come in. We were going to apply the 15 minute rule (i think 15) and leave. Finally she came in and said that we were all going to die. She really freaked us out and she was so out of it that we didnt know what she was talking about. So she told us a little and then sent us home.

    My sister was in high school. They have tvs in each class because instead of having morning announcements on the intercom, the made kind of like a news thing. They wouldn't let the students watch the news about the attack.
    Which I agree with. But my dad was mad because even though it was a huge tragedy, it was still going to be a part of history.

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