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Alright Puttin, fess up...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MyBabyShihPoo, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :-# I thought I remembered you mentioning possibly getting a puppy in a thread a while back, but I wasn't quite sure if it was you who had said that or someone else! However, I just read one of your recent replies to a thread, and you mentioned maybe getting a puppy in 9 weeks, so I now I KNOW it was you who had made the comment before about possibly getting a puppy! (Honing in on my Sherlock Holmes detective skills!!! :mrgreen: )

    So, please do tell us all about this new puppy you might be getting!?!?

    Thanks for letting me be nosy! :D
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well I had to make sure first. I was going to get Shirleys smallest toy poo, but she feels she should place her closer to her. Being she is soo tiny and not developing the way she had hoped. So she is letting me have the light apricot toy poo on her poodlecross site, in the album. It was sort of touch and go about the tiny one. I was really seeing this little one living with me. Now I have to rearrange my heart and fit my new little apricot girl in. Both poos I could and would love in a New York minute. I think the apricot will turn to a cream like sasha over a few years. I can almost guarantee there will be someone who asks it she's sasha'a pup.
    So thats my secret. I just wanted to be certain before I said something. I like to be rock solid in what I say. Not flippity. Nine weeks away is what Shirely said. What do you think of Lillian Bloom. Like (Lilly in Bloom). Lilly for short. Silly but interesting all at the same time.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Well congradulations! I am glad Mybaby picked up on that, I missed it. I am sure this little one will fit in just fine and you will get her the best home. Good luck with her and enjoy the new puppy when she arrives.

    PS I like the name, its very pretty perfect for a poodle.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thanks, she is a light apricot, and will probably lighten to a cream color as she gets older. Probably just like my pretty girl sasha.
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oooooooh puttin! I'm so glad that you told the group over here.... It's been killing me that you haven't shared yet. (although, i know the reason why).... :)

    Isn't it great guys??? Puttin's going to have a house-full soon! Let's see 9 weeks... that puts it around THANKSGIVING time, huh!? AWWW!
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: HOW EXCITING, PUTTIN!!! :eek:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! Although your heart had been set on the other puppy, I think Shirley is just doing what she thinks is best. And like you said, I'm sure you'll find room in your heart for the other puppy! :y_the_best:

    Will this be your first puppy-puppy? For some reason I thought you got Rufus and Sasha when they were a little older, therefore, bypassing the whole puppy stage.

    Have you thought of any names yet?

    How do you think Rufus and Sasha will react?

    Alright, I'll stop with all the questions! :mrgreen:

  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    First off monster. I had a hard time keeping it to myself. Those first days after they were born seemed like weeks had gone by. I'm glad I can finally confess.

    Mybaby: Rufus will be in heaven. He needs a playmate. Sasha will more than likely just want her (Lillian Bloom, as in Lilly in bloom) to stay about a foot away. Sasha just likes her peace. I will watch to make sure sasha is not too hard on her. She never attacks just wants peace. She put rufus in his place when he was one and it has worked out fine. Sasha will be mad, but she'll get over it. To this day she growls at rufus to get away when she's on my lap. I tell her to hush and if the chair is big enough i put one on each side. Rufus is not much of a lap dog though. Who knows sasha could surprise me and be motherly. Rufus is going to love having a little sidekick. so Lilly will be her name.
    Oh and yes this is my first puppy as an adult, we got them as pups but I don't even remember too much of the care stuff. We always kept our back door open and they came in and out when they wanted.
    So I'm a newbie to this puppy thing. I can't wait. I know it does get hard, but heck if my brother can do it so can I.
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh, I am so jealous, Puttin!!! :)

    Sounds like Rufus is going to be in heaven with the new addition...and like you said, it'll be interesting to see how Sasha reacts, dogs can surprise us sometimes! Even though this will be your first puppy as an adult, I am confident that you will know just what to do and handle it perfectly! Don't sweat it! :wink:

    LOVE the name, BTW!!! :y_the_best:

    Can't wait to see pics and hear all about her once she arrives home with you!!! :D
  9. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Congrats that is so exciting cant wait to see pictures also

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