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I want to start a rescue group.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mix Breed lover, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I would really love to start a rescue group but I'm not sure where to begin. There is nothing in my area other than our local humane society. They put to sleep so many dogs. I would love to save some of them. Can any of you help give me some tips on what steps to take. I would really appreciate it. Thanks :qm3:
  2. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    If I were you, I would go to the local human society and talk to some volunteers there. Or, you can go volunteer at the shelter for a period of time before you put it into action. It's just like starting a business. It'd be nice if you can find supporters in the area, and perhaps a partner who has the same goal and wants to help out the poor dogs.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    You should contact HSUS. I asked them for info on starting a shelter/rescue group and they sent me a bunch of stuff in the mail. It was a long time ago though so I no longer have the stuff they sent. I was thinking of contacting them again because I would like to possibly do something like this in the future.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I would suggest going to them and see if you can help at the shelter and foster at your house, maybe that would allow more dogs to live. I think it was sams or someone who is looking into the whole busniess side of it, you have to have different permits and shelter needs I think, quite expensive stuff, although I don't know for sure. Maybe try fostering a few before you start up a whole busniess.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here are some links you can look at:


    This page (http://www.avianprotectors.homestead.com/Mentoring.html) has a bunch of links on the bottom, including stuff about becoming a non-profit organization, etc. Unfortunately, a lot of the links to the Best Friends Network animal sanctuary info are broken. I visited those pages in the past and printed some out. I wonder if they are still online somewhere but in a different location or something....

    I did find info at the Best Friends Network pages about how to volunteer locally: They also have this cool workshop, if you can go to Utah (LOL):
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I strongly suggest fostering for a while, or volunteering at another shelter before jumping into your own. Once you get the word out (or not but people find out) you'll be swamped, I promise!!!!

    Its a HUGE responcibility, takes almost all of your time, money and lots of patience. Not to meantion the stress on you.

    If you truely want to get started on one, I suggeest gathering about a $10,000.00. To start. You'll need SEVERAL and I mean at least 10 kennels. A quarentine kennel with a concrete floor. About 15-20 dog houses or igloos. About 500 lbs of dog food (always keep that a minimum in storage. (trust me it goes fast!) Ample collars, leashes, bowls, toys, beds, ect....
    You'll need a whelping room. A vet to assist you, and enough money to set aside to use for spay and neuter, health checks, ID, and vaccinations at least $150 per dog that comes in....)Just to be on the safe side incase of an EMS...

    Trust me a weeka t my life, you'll change your mind!!!

    How big is your property, house, and vehicles....what kind of work do you do, family activities...ect.. Ask yourself these questions... You'll see what I'm getting at!!!

    I'm not trying to deter you from doing this, but making sure you realize that you can't just say "oh I want to do this" and then realize how hard it is and a month later jsut quit!
  7. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    Thank you all for the advice. I would love to foster but there really are no rescue groups around here. Our Humane Society doesn't have a foster program. Maybe I can talk them into starting one! As it is right now all I would be able to do is walk the dogs, clean kennels and play with the kittens. Stuff like that. I am seriously considering volunteering but how do I deal with it when I see them put down a dog? Starting a rescue group of my own is a dream but down the road. I just thought maybe I could do some research. I know it would be well worth my time and money. I am realistic and I know it's going to take allot on my part but I'm willing to do it. Thanks again.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could try working with your local shelter to set up a foster program. Or you can start a rescue that's made up of foster homes, so you don't have to have the facilities yourself. I know many of the rescues here take dogs from owner turn-ins and also go to the shelters where they can pull dogs to be fostered. Some are breed-specific and others are not. I think the shelters love them, because they can serve more animals that way. Either way, I think talking to your shelter and seeing if they would be willing to release dogs to a rescue would be the way to start.

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