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I am getting a puppy!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by doggielover, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    Hello, I am new to this group, I have been reading previous posts to learn more about small dogs. I am getting a shih tzu, I am taking my deposit to the breeder next week and meeting with her dogs. She seems really nice. I am paying $800 cdn for the puppy but atleast it's from a good breeder. The pups parents are show dogs, even though I just want a dog for companionship, atleast i am getting good genes. I need advice from you guys as this is my first small dog, I don't have any other dogs.
    -how are shih tzu's with kids, I don't have any kids right now but i plan on having kids in the next 3 to 4 years.
    -are they okay to stay home for about 8 hours while i am at work, my parents are retired so they will be home with them.
    -are they okay with elderly people?
    -how often do you bathe your dog?
    -do they really eat their own feces?
    -which is better male or female?
    -and please help me pick a name for a male and female.

    what a long post, any answers will be appreciated, I have done tons of research on the breed I just want advice from dog owners. thanks! :y_the_best:
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I have never owned a shih tzu but have had multiple dogs my entire life so I can help with some of the general questions. One thing I wanted to clear up, my dogs have never eaten their own poo :shock: The only reason a puppy may do it would be curiosity maybe, but they usually grow out of it after a few weeks or months. An adult dog eating it's own feces isn't normal, the dog is usually looking for something to fill a nutrition deficiency, and he might think thats the only way he will get it. It can usually be solved with feeding them a healthy diet or adding supplements if necessary.

    Dogs in general may become jealous of new additions such as kids or other dogs if they have been the only dog. Until those 3 or 4 years you decide to have kids make sure the new puppy knows he is not in charge, and that he will *not* always be the center of attention. I know it'll be so hard to resist, but it'll be a lot harder when he suddenly feels ignored or left out. Shih Tzus are very sweet dogs though so I'm sure as long as you don't let yours take over the house he/she will be great with kids. (The kids might not always be so great with her however, they would need to be taught to treat the pet gently, no pulling on it's tail, chasing it, etc.)

    Eight hours is an awfully long time for a puppy to be home alone. A puppy should never be left more than 4 hours by itself, and as a young puppy they typically need to be taken out to go potty every hour if you want to enforce housebreaking. Will you be using pee pads and crate training or taking the dog outside? Either way do not give the puppy free roam of the house until she is fully trained, it will make it very hard to control.

    Here are a few links to helpful articles on bringing home a new puppy and any dog problem you could possibly think of:



    (I wouldn't feed my dogs Purina but their website is infact very helpful I'll have to admit)
  3. doggielover

    doggielover New Member


    thank you for the info gwen13, yes these websites are really good, i am still looking through them!
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Welcome & congrats on your new puppy! :eek:

    Well, I have 1/2 of a shih-tzu! :lol: Seriously, I have 2 Shih-Poos (shih-tzu/toy poodle mix), they are females and littermates.

    Here's a very helpful web site that I used when I was deciding on the perfect puppy for me!


    You will learn about the temperament of the shih-tzu which should answer many of your questions.

    We got Molly and Emma on May 27th and have only bathed them twice... they just don't need it! For some reason, they don't get dirty.. hee hee! I have read that once per month should be just fine. You don't want to bathe them too frequently because it could irritate their skin (although some have done this w/o any issues, I would not).

    As far as male/female. BOTH make wonderful pets (I can't speak from experience in regards to males but I know many people who have male dogs). I personally wanted two females. My girls are the best of friends, they groom each other, they are playful, smart, loving, affectionate and SUPER snuggly! They are major lap dogs!! Here's a link that talks about male/female pets: http://www.in-my-heart.com/malefemale.html

    Many dogs do tend to eat their feces, although not all. Molly has never eaten her feces but Emma has a few times. We watch her very closely to keep her from doing this and I'm hopeful that this will pass... it should, based on what I've read.

    Do you know when you will be getting your puppy? Just be sure that you really observe the parents, as that is the best indication you will have in regards to what your puppy will be like. The parents of our girls were very calm and friendly and NEVER barked once when we visited the breeder's home!! My girls are the same way and they also never bark!!

    I am a first time dog owner myself, and I couldn't possibly love my girls any more than I do! They are my babies!! You will be amazed at how much of your heart your puppy steals :mrgreen:

    Good luck and please keep us posted!
  5. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    thanks for the reply

    thanks for the info poogirl, i am getting them in Jan when their 12 weeks old, they will be born in oct sometime. I am visiting the parents in about 2 weeks.
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    You are very welcome!!! By the way, how many are you getting? You said "them", so I'm thinking you are getting more than one (which certainly isn't a bad thing!)!!
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    I'll answer each question in the order it was asked:

    - Whether a dog will be accepting of children is highly dependent upon the amount of socialization he/she received as a pup. Start socializing your pup with ALL varieties of people - Men, Women, Children, Elderly, etc. The more socialization a dog has, the more well-rounded he/she will be, and the more accepting of other people he/she will be. So, the key here is: SOCIALIZATION, SOCIALIZATION, AND MORE SOCIALIZATION...I just can't express how important it truly is (for ANY breed), and how it needs to be done EARLY on in order to be most effective!!!!!!!

    - Like the others said, 8 hrs is an awfully long time for a pup to have to stay home alone. However, you mentioned that your parents would be there, if so, that's great, then I don't see a problem as long as they take care of him/her while you are gone (i.e. feeding, letting out, etc.)! Puppies need to be let out quite frequently, especially small breed puppies, they just can't hold it for very long at all.

    - Are they okay w/ elderly people? The answer regarding shih-tzus and children applies to this question as well!

    - I bathe my dogs every 2-3 weeks, although, it has been more like every 2 weeks this summer. I take them out for walks a lot, and they are often playing outside when the weather is cool enough for their liking, so they easily get dirty with all the roughhousing on the ground and through all the paths we take during our walks. Whenever my two shih-poos have the opportunity, they LOVE getting dirty! However, it depends on your own dog. If he/she doesn't get into a lot of dirt and other such stuff outside, then you don't need to bathe too often.

    - Yes, it's not uncommon for a puppy to eat their (or the other dog's, if you have one) own feces. For some reason or another, they find it appetizing. However, through close supervision, you can greatly reduce the frequency. And, as someone mentioned, they often grow out of it! One of my dogs would eat his brother's feces when I wasn't watching close enough, but he grew out of it after a couple of months.

    - Male or Female: It depends on your preferences. Personally, I prefer males over females, but that's just my opinion based on experiences. There was a thread posted here at Auspet discussing male vs. female, here's the link:

    http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... ale+female

    - Names: hmmm, I'd have to think about that one for a while

    Well, there's my two cents on it all! :D
  8. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    sorry i forgot to mention something

    sorry but i forgot to mention i am only getting one of the shih tzu pups for now just i have never had a small dog before and would enjoy time to bond with just one pup right now, however maybe in a year or so i plan to get another one.
  9. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    I have 1/2 a Shih Tzu also....the other half is Bichon.
    My pup is 13 weeks old...loves EVERYONE!
    She has never eaten her poo. She has a great temperament, you can stick your hand right in her food dish when she's eating, and she's like..."Oh, you want some? OK!"
    She also "shares" her water with the cats.

  10. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    Forgot to mention something

    Sorry i don't know why I said "them" for now I am only getting one but by the sounds of the forum members it seems as though pups are addicted everyone's got more than one! I hope to get more someday but this will be my first small pup so I am too inexperienced to have more than one!

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